Version history =============== 3.1 (2015-07-08): - added: composer support - added: normalize all URL's in the outgoing mail - added: option to embed images directly in the outgoing e-mail #20 - added: option to send the test page to email - changed: get emogrifier by using composer - changed: test page uses inline CSS, normalized urls and embedded images - changed: extended the embed options with a choice between base64 and attachments - changed: reduce redundancy by using only one function to handle all outgoing HTML mail #26 #27 - fixed: also pass recipient into mail body to be used in message body - fixed: invalid image urls in some cases - fixed: possibility for encoded html subjects - fixed: recipient not available in message body #32 - fixed: to and from email address for notifcations in RFC822 format - fixed: travis syntax error - fixed: usage of deprecated functions - fixed: URLs found from notification body now get converted into formatted links 3.0 (2014-09-25): - changes for Elgg 1.9 - updated the version of Emogrifier 2.6 (2014-07-01): - added: file attachment support #10 thanks to Facyla - fixed: content from a WYSIWYG-editor has a different result in the e-mail 2.5 (2013-12-24): - added: Spanish translation thanks to Gonzalo ( - changed: html_email_handler_make_rfc822_address() always return an email address, now falls back to site email 2.4 (2013-10-31): - added: French translation thanks to Facyla ( - changed: README.txt to for better readability on GitHub - changed: CSS definitions of font-size from em to px, for better detection by SpamAssasin - changed: encoding of the subject moved to a later stage for more support #7 2.3.1 (2013-04-05): - fixed: problem with pagesetupdone on some Elgg installations - fixed: mail message language now set correctly 2.3 (2012-11-06): - added: custom send date option (thanks to migrax - fixed: error in getting extra sendmail options - fixed: PHP notices - fixed: subject and to/from encoding (thanks to migrax - fixed: CC and BCC not working due to wrong placement of some headers (thanks to migrax - changed: registration of menu items - changed: some code cleanup 2.2 (2012-03-02): - added: now also handling emails send by elgg_send_email - added: option to configure sendmail options 2.1 (2011-11-28): - added: extra command option in mail, to better prevent mails being marked as spam (mainly on shared hosts) - fixed: page_handler issue with Elgg 1.8.1 - changed: moved version history to CHANGES.txt 2.0 (2011-10-12): - changed: Elgg 1.8 modifications - changed: suppresed DOMDocument warnings 1.1 (2011-04-14): - added: a link to notification settings in footer of message - changed: layout of default message - fixed: links not clickable in email clients 1.0 (2011-04-04): - initial version