ECOin is a P2P crypto-currency with the goal of providing a long-term energy-efficient digital economy strategy.
1 month ago | |
ecoin | 1 month ago | |
LICENSE | 4 years ago | | | 11 months ago |
ECOin is a P2P crypto-currency with the goal of providing a long-term energy-efficient digital economy strategy.
It uses -SCRYPT algorithm- and implements 3 different mining systems.
It is the only crypto in the market that implements such a sophisticated mining system:
The estimated coinbase size will be roughly [225 million ECO].
Supported languages:
This crypto-currency is part of the project: SolarNET.HuB (SNH).
It allows the inhabitants of the kit to access a totally sustainable market ecosystem, through the mining system with solar panels.
See REWARDS for more details.
This tool runs on many platforms (GNU-Linux/Win32/MacosOSX). See INSTALL for your system.
ECOin is a free software released under the GPLv3.
- psy (
To make donations use the following hash:
- Bitcoin: 19aXfJtoYJUoXEZtjNwsah2JKN9CK5Pcjw
- Ecoin : ETsRCBzaMawx3isvb5svX7tAukLdUFHKze
Digital currency used in Mr. Robot:
Debug Console: