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-# orb
-Orb is a massive footprinting tool.
+Orb: footprinting tool - by psy
+ Orb - is a massive footprinting tool.
+ It will use passive/active -automated- methods to provides you real information about
+ a target. You only need to set a 'concept' to start to gather information.
+ Orb uses this methods:
+ + Passive:
+ - crawlering on search engines for public information (deep web included)
+ - searching for registered domains
+ - extracting whois info (owners, dates)
+ - discovering subdomains
+ - searching for machines running services
+ - searching for DNS records (A, NS, MX, TXT)
+ - extracting CVE and CVS records (vulnerabilities)
+ + Active:
+ - scanning for open ports (tcp/udp)(1-65535)
+ - fingerprinting banners (states, vendors, OS, versions, CPE)
+ After this tasks... Orb will provide you some fancy reports.
+### License
+ Orb is free software, and may be redistributed under [GPL v3].
+### Installing Orb:
+ Orb runs on many platforms. It requires Python (2.x.y) and the following libraries:
+ python-whois - Python module for retrieving WHOIS information - Python 2
+ python-dnspython - DNS toolkit for Python
+ python-nmap - Python interface to the Nmap port scanner
+ On Debian-based systems (ex: Ubuntu), run:
+ sudo apt-get install python-whois python-dnspython python-nmap
+ Source libs:
+ * Python: https://www.python.org/downloads/
+ * Pypi-whois: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/whois
+ * Pydnspython: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/dnspython
+ * python-nmap: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/python-nmap
+### Examples
+ You can use:
+ ./orb --update
+ ./orb --check-tor
+ ./orb --gui (for Web interface)
+ Or:
+ ./orb --spell='target'
+ Ex (massive):
+ ./orb --spell='target' --ext='.com,.net,.org' --sa
+## Options and features:
+ ./orb --help
+Usage: Orb.py [options]
+ --version show program's version number and exit
+ -h, --help show this help message and exit
+ -v, --verbose active verbose on requests
+ --check-tor check to see if Tor is used properly
+ --update check for latest stable version
+ --spell=TARGET start complete footprinting on this target
+ --gui run GUI (Orb Web Interface)
+ *Methods*:
+ These options can be used to set some footprinting interaction
+ restrictions with target(s). You only can set one:
+ --passive use only -passive- methods
+ --active use only -active- methods
+ *Search Engines*:
+ These options can be used to specify which search engines use to
+ extract information:
+ --se=ENGINE set search engine (default: Yahoo)
+ --se-ext=ENGINELOC set location for search engine (ex: 'fr')
+ --sa search massively using all search engines
+ *Public*:
+ Orb will search for interesting public records. You can choose
+ multiple:
+ --no-public disable search for public records
+ --no-deep disable deep web records
+ --no-financial disable financial records
+ --no-social disable social records
+ --social-f=SOCIALF set a list of social sources from file
+ --no-news disable news records
+ --news-f=NEWSF set a list of news sources from file
+ *Domains*:
+ Orb will search on different databases for registered domains using
+ IANA supported by default. You only can set one:
+ --ext=EXT set extensions manually (ex: --ext='.com,.net,.es')
+ --ext-f=EXTFILE set a list of extensions from file
+ *Whois*:
+ Orb will search on 'Whois' records for registrant information:
+ --no-whois disable extract whois information
+ *Subdomains*:
+ Orb will try to discover info about subdomains:
+ --no-subs disable try to discover subdomains
+ *DNS*:
+ Orb will try to discover info about DNS records and machines running
+ them. You can choose multiple:
+ --no-dns disable try to discover DNS records
+ --resolver=RESOLV specify custom DNS servers (ex: ',')
+ *Port Scanning*:
+ These options can be used to specify how to perfom port scanning
+ tasks. You can choose multiple:
+ --no-scanner disable scanner
+ --no-scan-dns disable scan DNS machines
+ --no-scan-ns disable scan NS records
+ --no-scan-mx disable scan MX records
+ --scan-tcp set scanning protocol to only TCP (default TCP+UDP)
+ --scan-ports=PORTS set range of ports to scan (default 1-65535)
+ --show-filtered show 'filtered' ports on results
+ *Banner grabbing*:
+ Orb will try to extract interesting information about services running
+ on machines discovered (ex: OS, vendor, version, cpe, cvs):
+ --no-banner disable extract banners from services
+ --no-cve disable extract vulnerabilities from CVE
+ --no-cvs disable extract CVS description
+ *Reporting*:
+ These options can be used to specify exporting methods for your
+ results. You can choose multiple:
+ --no-log disable generate reports
+ --json=JSON generate json report (ex: --json='foo.json')
+#### Methods
+ - You can select a set of options organized by footprinting method.
+ For this release:
+ + Passive:
+ - Search for public records
+ - Search for financial records
+ - Search for deep web records
+ - Search for social records
+ - Search for news records
+ - Extract whois information
+ - Discover subdomains (using non intrusive methods)
+ - Not scan ports on machines
+ - Not scan DNS records
+ - Not scan NS records
+ - Not scan MX records
+ - Not banner grabbing
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell 'target' --passive
+ + Active:
+ - Opposite to 'Passive' method.
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell='target' --active
+#### Search Engines
+ - You can set different search engines to gather public records from the Internet.
+ For this release (by default: Yahoo):
+ + Supported:
+ - Yahoo (yahoo.com) [28/03/2018]
+ - Bing (bing.com) [28/03/2018]
+ - Torch! (deep web) [28/03/2018]
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell='target' --se='yahoo'
+ - Also you can set the location for search engine to retrieve more accurate information
+ about your target.
+ For example, if is located in Spain you can try to use 'yahoo.es' servers:
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell='target' --se='yahoo' --se-ext='es' (france=fr, italy=it, etc...)
+ - You can search massively using all search engines with:
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell='target' --sa
+ These options can be combined:
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell='target' --sa --se-ext='nl'
+#### Public Records
+ - Orb will search on the WWW for interesting public records.
+ But is important to set what is "interesting" for you. For that you can create a list of sources
+ organized by some non variable categories: social and news.
+ It is added to the tool an example folder for Spain to see how works:
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell='target' --social-f='core/sources/spain/social.txt' --news-f='core/sources/spain/news.txt'
+ You should try to build your own sources.
+ By default it is using most ranked Alexa.com services short by category. So you will have a nice global scope from
+ the beginning.
+#### Domains
+ - You can set which domain extensions do you want to use to perform footprinting tasks.
+ By default, Orb will use IANA supported domains. But you can set your own manually:
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell='target' --ext='.com,.net,.org'
+ Or directly set a list from a file (examples provided):
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell='target' --ext-f='core/sources/user-exts.txt'
+#### Whois
+ - Orb will search on 'Whois' records for registrant information.
+ *Output example*:
+ -----------------
+ -Domain: microsoft.com
+ -Registrant: MARKMONITOR INC.
+ -Creation date: 1991-05-02 00:00:00
+ -Expiration: 2021-05-03 00:00:00
+ -Last update: 2014-10-09 00:00:00
+ -----------------
+#### Subdomains
+ - Orb will try to discover info about subdomains.
+ For this release it is using a passive method with search engines (not bruteforcing).
+#### DNS
+ - Orb will try to discover info about DNS records and machines running them.
+ You can set which DNS resolvers (Google used by default) do you want to use for that tasks:
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell='target' --resolver=','
+#### Port Scanning
+ - Orb will use Nmap -python lib wrapper- to perform port scanning tasks.
+ You can set protocol type to only TCP (UDP+TCP by default) with:
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell='target' --scan-tcp
+ Or select which ports do you want to try with:
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell='target' --scan-ports='21-443'
+ ** Port scanner will show you only 'Open' ports on machines.
+ You can see also 'Filtered' ports with:
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell='target' --scan-ports='21-443' --show-filtered
+#### Banner Grabbing
+ - Orb will try to extract interesting information about services running
+ on machines discovered (ex: OS, vendor, version, cpe, cve, cvs):
+ *Output example*:
+ -----------------
+ * State : up
+ - Protocol : tcp
+ + Port: 80 ( open ) - IBM WebSEAL reverse http proxy | http-proxy
+ + CVE-2014-0963 -> https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0963
+ -----
+ Last updated: 3/27/2016 2:37:25 PM
+ CVE Publication rate: 11.13
+ The Reverse Proxy feature in IBM Global Security Kit (aka GSKit) in IBM Security Access Manager (ISAM) for Web 7.0 before 7.0.0-ISS-SAM-IF0006 and 8.0 before allows remote attackers to cause a denial of service (infinite loop) via crafted SSL messages.
+ -----------------
+#### Reporting
+ - Orb will log all tasks and results organizing them by target on a folder: 'reports/'.
+ You can launch the tool without any log adding:
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell='target' --no-log
+ - For verbose output you can use:
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell='target' -v
+ - Also you can generate a JSON report only with valid data gathered with:
+ *Ex: ./orb --spell='target' --json='target.json'
+### Contribute:
+ If you want to contribute to Orb development, reporting a bug, providing a patch, commenting
+ on the code base or simply need to find help to run it, please go to:
+ irc.freenode.net / channel: #Orb
+ If nobody gets back to you, then drop an e-mail.
+ To make donations use the following hashes:
+ - Bitcoin: 1Q63KtiLGzXiYA8XkWFPnWo7nKPWFr3nrc
+### Contact
+ Please report any problems you encounter using/installing Orb to:
+ - psy (epsylon@riseup.net)