/* UFONet - Denial of Service Toolkit - 2013/2018 - by psy (epsylon@riseup.net) You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with UFONet; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ // this variable defines the delay between each ajax update (statistics and geoip information) var AJAX_DELAY = 1234 // interface control definitions, managed by leaflet var UfoControlClass = L.Control.extend({ options: { position: 'bottomright' }, onAdd: function (map) { var container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'ufo_msg_div leaflet-control-layers leaflet-control-layers-expanded') L.DomEvent.on(container,'mousedown',L.DomEvent.stopPropagation) .on(container,'doubleclick',L.DomEvent.stopPropagation) .on(container,'click',L.DomEvent.stopPropagation) return container; } }); var UfoTitleClass = L.Control.extend({ options: { position: 'topleft' }, onAdd: function (map) { var container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'ufo_title_div leaflet-control-layers leaflet-control-layers-expanded') return container; } }); var UfoErrorClass = L.Control.extend({ options: { position: 'bottomleft' }, onAdd: function (map) { var container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'ufo_error_div leaflet-control-layers leaflet-control-layers-expanded') return container; } }); var UfoStatClass = L.Control.extend({ options: { position: 'bottomleft' }, onAdd: function (map) { var container = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'ufo_stat_div leaflet-control-layers leaflet-control-layers-expanded') L.DomEvent.on(container,'mousedown',L.DomEvent.stopPropagation) .on(container,'doubleclick',L.DomEvent.stopPropagation) .on(container,'click',L.DomEvent.stopPropagation) return container; } }); // leaflet cluster, regrouping zombies by country function Cluster(){ this._clusters=new Array() this.add=function(zombie,marker){ cc=zombie.country_code cg=false if(cc){ cg=this.find(cc) if(cg==false){ cg=new L.MarkerClusterGroup() this._clusters.push({"cc":cc,"z":zombie,"cg":cg}) } cg.addLayer(marker) map.addLayer(cg) } } this.find=function(cc){ for(c in this._clusters){ if(this._clusters[c].cc==cc){ return this._clusters[c].cg } } return false } } // Target object function Doll(name){ this.name = name this.data=false this.latlong = false this.city = false this.country = false this.country_code = false this.asn = false this.ip = false this.hostname = false this.drawnLayers = new Array() this.show=function(){ target_icon=L.icon({iconUrl:"/js/leaflet/images/marker-icon.png", iconSize: [25, 41], iconAnchor: [13, 42], popupAnchor: [-3, -76], shadowUrl: '/js/leaflet/images/marker-shadow.png', shadowSize: [68, 95], shadowAnchor: [22, 94] }) var marker = L.marker(this.latlong,{icon: target_icon}) var popup = L.Popup({ maxHeight: 50}) var popupcontent = ""+this.name+"" +"
" +"Localisation: "+this.city+"/"+this.country +"
" +"IP: "+this.ip+"
" +"Hostname: "+this.hostname+"
" +"ASN: "+this.asn+"
" marker.bindPopup(popupcontent) this.drawnLayers.push(marker) map.addLayer(marker) } this.setData = function(data){ this.data=data this.latlong = data[0] this.city = data[1] this.country = data[2] this.country_code = data[3] this.asn = data[4] this.ip = data[5] this.hostname = data[6] } } // object for each zombie function zombieEntry(name,data){ this.data=data this.name = name this.latlong = data[0] this.city = data[1] this.country = data[2] this.country_code = data[3] this.asn = data[4] this.ip = data[5] this.hostname = data[6] this.drawnLayers = new Array() this.index=0 this.state='awakening' this.speed= 1000 // animation speed in ms this.cluster = false this.show=function(){ if(this.state==='awakening'){ this.state='awake' this.stop_anim=false this.drawMarker() } } this.drawMarker=function(){ if(!zombie_icon) zombie_icon=L.icon({iconUrl:"/js/leaflet/images/ufonet-zombie.png", iconSize: [16, 15], iconAnchor: [8, 8], popupAnchor: [-3, -76] }) var marker = L.marker(this.latlong,{icon:zombie_icon}) //,{icon: this.makeCustomMarker()}) var popup = L.Popup({ maxHeight: 50}) var popupcontent = ""+this.name+"" +"
" +"Localisation: "+this.city+"/"+this.country+"
" +"IP: "+this.ip+"
" +"Hostname: "+this.hostname+"
" +"ASN: "+this.asn+"
" marker.bindPopup(popupcontent) cluster.add(this,marker) this.drawnLayers.push(marker) this.fire() } this.fire = function(){ if(doll){ var src = this.latlong var dest = doll.latlong var b = new R.BezierAnim([src, dest]) map.addLayer(b) this.drawnLayers.push(b) } } this.makeCustomMarker= function(){ if (this.index < this.counter_max){ var customIcon = new L.icon({ iconUrl: 'images/markers/marker-icon-'+this.index+'.png', iconSize: [30, 30], // size of the icon iconAnchor: [15, 15], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location popupAnchor: [-150, 50] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor }); } if (this.index == this.counter_max){ var customIcon = new L.icon({ iconUrl: 'images/markers/marker-icon-last.png', iconSize: [30, 30], // size of the icon iconAnchor: [15, 15], // point of the icon which will correspond to marker's location popupAnchor: [-150, 0] // point from which the popup should open relative to the iconAnchor }); } return customIcon } this.makeClusterGroups=function(country_code_list){ for (var i = 0; i < this.unique_country_code_list.length; i++){ if (this.unique_country_code_list[i] == this.country_code_list[this.index]){ if (this.clusterGroups[this.unique_country_code_list[i]]){ //checks if a cluster for the country already exists return } else //if not make it. this.clusterGroups[this.unique_country_code_list[i]] = new L.MarkerClusterGroup(); } } } this.AddMarkerCluster= function(marker){ this.clusterGroups[this.country_code_list[this.index]].addLayer(marker) map.addLayer(this.clusterGroups[this.country_code_list[this.index]]) this.drawnLayers.push(this.clusterGroups[this.country_code_list[this.index]]) } this.AddMarker=function(src){ var marker = L.marker([src[0], src[1]],{icon: this.makeCustomMarker()}) this.drawnLayers.push(marker) } this.hide=function() { $('.header').hide() this.index =0 this.state='awakening' this.stop_anim=true for (i in this.drawnLayers){ if(map.hasLayer(this.drawnLayers[i])) map.removeLayer(this.drawnLayers[i]) } this.drawnLayers=new Array() } } // List of zombies function Herd(){ this.zombieEntries = new Array this.find=function (name){ for (z in this.zombieEntries){ if (this.zombieEntries[z].name === name){ return this.zombieEntries[z] } } return false; } this.load=function(name){ e=this.find(name) if(e){ e.show() return } return false } this.hideAll = function(){ for (ufoe in this.zombieEntries) this.zombieEntries[ufoe].hide() this.render() } this.hide = function(name){ var ufoe=this.find(name) if(!ufoe) return ufoe.hide() this.render() } this.remove = function(name){ for (z in this.zombieEntries){ if(this.zombieEntries[z].name === name){ this.zombieEntries[z].hide() this.zombieEntries.splice(z,1) this.render() return } } } this.add = function(name,data){ var ufoe=this.find(name) if(!ufoe){ ufoe=new zombieEntry(name,data) this.zombieEntries.push(ufoe) } ufoe.show() return ufoe } this.stop=function() { for(i=0;i\n") $('#ufomsg_last').html(msg) } } function show_error(){ $(".ufo_error_div").toggle() } function zombie_detail(data=''){ t='' if (data!=''){ t+="

Zombie: "+data.name+" X

" t+=data.hits+" hits / "+data.retries+" retries / "+data.fails+" fails
" t+=data.min_time+" min time / "+data.avg_time+" average time / "+data.max_time+" max time
" t+=data.min_size+" min size / "+data.avg_size+" average size / "+data.max_size+" max size
" } $('#zombie_detail').html(t) } // watchdog function function ufowatch(){ // if attack mode we have a doll, and do a check if herd is done and bail if so // if herd is not done, get stats if(doll && !hdone){ d = new Date() $("#ufostat").load("/js/ajax.js?stats="+d.getTime()).show() } // load doll geoip data if(doll && !doll.data) $(".ufo_error_div").load("/js/ajax.js?fetchdoll="+doll.name) // bail if all zombies are done in view mode if (zdone) return // we are not finished loading zombie geoip data, let's start... d=new Date var lw=d.getTime() error='' // basic check to prevent overload - relies on AJAX_DELAY variable if(last_watch < lw - AJAX_DELAY){ last_watch=lw // loading next zombie $(".ufo_error_div").load('/js/ajax.js?zombie='+btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(last_zombie)))) label=Zombies.count()+"/"+total_zombies if (Zombies.count()== total_zombies) label = total_zombies else if (Zombies.count() +dead_zombies.length== total_zombies){ label=total_zombies if(dead_zombies.length>0){ label=total_zombies -dead_zombies.length $('.ufo_error_div').html('
To be discarded :
') error = " + "+dead_zombies.length+" not listed..." } } $(".ufo_title_div").html('



'); } } // (leaflet) map initialization function initMap (targetdoll=false) { if(map){ return } if(targetdoll){ doll=targetdoll } index = 0 osm_sat = L.tileLayer('http://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png') map = L.map('map',{ minZoom: 2, maxZoom: 7, zoomControl:false, layers: [osm_sat] }); if (typeof latlong !== 'undefined') { map.setView(latlong[index], 1) } else{ map.setView(new L.LatLng(0,0), 1) } osm_sat.addTo(map) var baseMaps = { "Sats": osm_sat, } // initializing controls: new L.control.layers(baseMaps, null, {collapsed:false}).addTo(map) new L.Control.Zoom({position: 'topright'}).addTo(map) map.scrollWheelZoom.disable() map.addControl(new UfoControlClass()) $('.ufo_msg_div').html("

Map Console [+] [-]

[Info] [AI] [Control] Locating zombies... -> [Waiting!]

[Info] [AI] [Control] Locating zombies.... -> [Waiting!]
") map.addControl(new UfoTitleClass()) $(".ufo_title_div").html('



'); map.addControl(new UfoErrorClass()) $('.ufo_error_div').hide() map.addControl(new UfoStatClass()) $('.ufo_stat_div').html("

Last Statistics [+] [-]

").hide() $('a#showStat').hide() $('a#showStat').click(function(){ $('a#showStat').hide() $('a#hideStat').show() $('#ufostat').show() }) $('a#hideStat').click(function(){ $('a#hideStat').hide() $('a#showStat').show() $('#ufostat').hide() }) $('a#hideMsg').hide() $('#ufomsg').hide() $('a#showMsg').click(function(){ $('a#showMsg').hide() $('a#hideMsg').show() $('#ufomsg').show() $('#ufomsg_last').hide() }) $('a#hideMsg').click(function(){ $('a#hideMsg').hide() $('a#showMsg').show() $('#ufomsg').hide() $('#ufomsg_last').show() }) // starting watchdog ajax request window.setInterval("ufowatch()",AJAX_DELAY) } // global variables var Zombies = new Herd() var cluster = new Cluster() var map = false var last_zombie = 'None' var zombie_icon = false d=new Date var last_watch = d.getTime() var target_icon = false var doll = false var dead_zombies = new Array() var errdiv = false var hdone = false var zdone = false var total_zombies=false