#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-" """ This file is part of the UFONet project, https://ufonet.03c8.net Copyright (c) 2013/2020 | psy You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with UFONet; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ import socket, re, time, string, sys, os, traceback from threading import * class Paster(Thread): def __init__(self, parent): Thread.__init__(self) self.parent = parent self.active = False self.sock = None self.clean = False def run( self ): conn = None addr = None self.sock = self.parent.try_bind(9992) if self.sock is not None: self.sock.listen(1) print('[Info] [AI] Clean on port 9992') self.clean = True else: print('[Error] [AI] No paste on port 9992') while self.clean: try: conn,addr = self.sock.accept() print('[Info] [AI] Got copy from', addr) data = conn.recv(1024).decode() print ("[Info] [AI] Stream received:", repr(data)) except socket.timeout: print("[Info] [AI] Socket listening...") pass except socket.error as e: if self.clean == False: print("[Error] [AI] Socket Error /return : "+str(e)) return else: print("[Error] [AI] Socket Error /break : "+str(e)) break else: if data: l=len(data) print("[Info] [AI] Received data...\n") if data.find('\n')==-1 and data.find('\r')==-1: if data.find("#?#")!=-1: print("[Info] [AI] Adding to grid") fc=open(self.parent.target_dir+"grid.txt","a") fc.write(data+"\n") fc.close() elif data.find("#!#")!=-1: print("[Info] [AI] Adding to board") fc=open(self.parent.target_dir+"board.txt","a") fc.write(data+"\n") fc.close() elif data.find("#-#")!=-1: print("[Info] [AI] Adding to wargames") fc=open(self.parent.target_dir+"wargames.txt","a") fc.write(data+"\n") fc.close() elif data.find("#L#")!=-1: print("[Info] [AI] Adding to links") fc=open(self.parent.target_dir+"links.txt","a") fc.write(data+"\n") fc.close() elif data.find("#S#")!=-1: print("[Info] [AI] Adding to streams") fc=open(self.parent.target_dir+"streams.txt","a") fc.write(data+"\n") fc.close() elif data.find("#$#")!=-1: print("[Info] [AI] Adding to globalnet") fc=open(self.parent.target_dir+"globalnet.txt","a") fc.write(data+"\n") fc.close() else: print("[Error] [AI] Unknown data...") conn.close() print('[Info] [AI] Done!!!') self.sock.close() class Grider ( Thread ): def __init__(self): Thread.__init__( self ) self.daemon = True self.awake = True self.tmp_dir = "/tmp/" self.target_dir = '/var/www/ufonet/' self.blackray = None self.absorber = None self.computer = None def dream(self): if not os.path.exists(self.target_dir+"grid.txt"): grid_fail = 0 try: fc = open(self.target_dir+'grid.txt', 'wb') fc.close() except: print("[Error] [AI] No 'grid.txt' file in "+self.target_dir) grid_fail = grid_fail + 1 else: grid_fail = 0 if not os.path.exists(self.target_dir+"board.txt"): board_fail = 0 try: fc = open(self.target_dir+'board.txt', 'wb') fc.close() except: print("[Error] [AI] No 'board.txt' file in "+self.target_dir) board_fail = board_fail + 1 else: board_fail = 0 if not os.path.exists(self.target_dir+"wargames.txt"): wargames_fail = 0 try: fc = open(self.target_dir+'wargames.txt', 'wb') fc.close() except: print("[Error] [AI] No 'wargames.txt' file in "+self.target_dir) wargames_fail = wargames_fail + 1 else: wargames_fail = 0 if not os.path.exists(self.target_dir+"links.txt"): links_fail = 0 try: fc = open(self.target_dir+'links.txt', 'wb') fc.close() except: print("[Error] [AI] No 'links.txt' file in "+self.target_dir) links_fail = links_fail + 1 else: links_fail = 0 if not os.path.exists(self.target_dir+"streams.txt"): streams_fail = 0 try: fc = open(self.target_dir+'streams.txt', 'wb') fc.close() except: print("[Error] [AI] No 'streams.txt' file in "+self.target_dir) streams_fail = streams_fail + 1 else: streams_fail = 0 if not os.path.exists(self.target_dir+"globalnet.txt"): globalnet_fail = 0 try: fc = open(self.target_dir+'globalnet.txt', 'wb') fc.close() except: print("[Error] [AI] No 'globalnet.txt' file in "+self.target_dir) globalnet_fail = globalnet_fail + 1 else: globalnet_fail = 0 if not os.access(self.target_dir+"grid.txt",os.W_OK): print("[Error] [AI] Write access denied for grid file in "+self.target_dir) grid_fail = grid_fail + 1 if not os.access(self.target_dir+"board.txt",os.W_OK): print("[Error] [AI] Write access denied for board file in "+self.target_dir) board_fail = board_fail + 1 if not os.access(self.target_dir+"wargames.txt",os.W_OK): print("[Error] [AI] Write access denied for wargames file in "+self.target_dir) wargames_fail = wargames_fail + 1 if not os.access(self.target_dir+"links.txt",os.W_OK): print("[Error] [AI] Write access denied for links file in "+self.target_dir) links_fail = links_fail + 1 if not os.access(self.target_dir+"streams.txt",os.W_OK): print("[Error] [AI] Write access denied for streams file in "+self.target_dir) streams_fail = streams_fail + 1 if not os.access(self.target_dir+"globalnet.txt",os.W_OK): print("[Error] [AI] Write access denied for globalnet file in "+self.target_dir) globalnet_fail = globalnet_fail + 1 if grid_fail > 0 and board_fail > 0 and wargames_fail > 0 and links_fail > 0 and streams_fail > 0 and globalnet_fail > 0: print("\n[Error] [AI] 'Grid', 'board', 'wargames', 'links', 'streams' and 'globalnet' are unuseable... -> [Aborting!]") print("\n[Info] [AI] Suspend [Grider] with: Ctrl+z") sys.exit(2) self.paster = Paster(self) self.awake = False print("[Info] [AI] [Grider] Having sweet dreams...") def try_bind(self, port): s=None try: s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) s.settimeout(30) s.bind(('', port)) except socket.error as e: if e.errno == 98: # if is in use wait a bit and retry time.sleep(3) return self.try_bind(port) print("[Error] [AI] [Grider] Socket busy, connection failed on port " + str(port)) return s def run(self): self.dream() try: self.paster.start() if self.paster.clean: print("[Info] [AI] [Grider] Advancing time in another space (waiting for server)"+os.linesep) time.sleep(1) while self.paster.clean: print("[Info] [AI] [Grider] Advancing time in another space (waiting for server)"+os.linesep) time.sleep(1) print("\n[Info] [AI] [Grider] Sheets are all up and ready...") while self.paster.clean: time.sleep(1) except: traceback.print_exc() self.cut() print("[Info] [AI] [Grider] Finished!!!") def cut(self): self.paster.clean=False self.paster.join() if __name__ == "__main__": try: print("\n[Info] [AI] Initiating copy/paste functions ...\n") print('='*22 + '\n') app = Grider() app.start() while True: time.sleep(1) except KeyboardInterrupt: print("\n[Info] [AI] Terminating copy/paste functions...\n") app.cut() except Exception as e: traceback.print_exc() print ("\n[Error] [AI] Something wrong trying to copy/paste to the 'grid'... -> [Passing!]\n")