BrAInStocker tries to predict (using Linear Regression) the next number within a series of random numbers.
Updated 5 years ago
Propagar(es): extracción, organización y análisis semántico de noticias.
Updated 6 years ago
X11/ (XQueryKeymap) Stack corruption/Access violation [PoC+ Fuzzer].
Updated 6 years ago
This code is an updated version of Elgg 1.12.x (LTS version) with a selection of working mods, a new theme called "Hydra" and some advanced 'spanish' language translations...
Updated 6 years ago
Anontwi is a tool for OAuth2 applications (such as: GNUSocial, Twitter) that provides different layers of encryption, privacy methods and proxy features.
Updated 6 years ago
Border Check (BC) is a browser extension that illustrates the physical and political realities of the internet's infrastructure using free software tools.
Updated 6 years ago
XSS HTTP Inject0r is a proof of concept tool that shows how XSS (Cross Site Scripting) flags can be exploited easily. It is written in HTML + Javascript + PHP and released under GPLv3.
Updated 6 years ago