@@ -32,17 +32,33 @@ Visit ['Settings'](https://solarnethub.com/socialnet/snh#settings_minimal) to le
-## Networking:
+## Multiverse:
-Join ['PUB: "La Plaza"'](https://solarnethub.com/socialnet/engineering#snhla_plaza) to start to be connected with other interesting projects in the Multiverse.
+Join ['PUB: "La Plaza"'](https://solarnethub.com/socialnet/snh-pub) to start to be connected with other interesting projects in the Multiverse.
+This allows you to communicate and access content from outside the ['project network'](https://solarnethub.com/socialnet/overview).
+## SNH-Hub:
+The public content of the PUB: “La Plaza” can be visited from outside the project network, through the World Wide Web (aka Clearnet).
+Just visit: https://pub.solarnethub.com/
## Roadmap:
-Review ['Roadmap'](https://solarnethub.com/socialnet/roadmap) to know about some required functionalities that can be implemented.
+Review ['Roadmap'](https://solarnethub.com/project/roadmap#the_project_network) to know about some required functionalities that can be implemented.
@@ -58,7 +74,8 @@ Check ['Call 4 Hackers'](https://solarnethub.com/community/hackers) for contribu
+ Kräkens.Lab: https://krakenslab.com
+ Research: https://solarnethub.com/docs/research
+ Code of Conduct: https://solarnethub.com/docs/code_of_conduct
- + Project Network: https://solarnethub.com/socialnet/snh#the_project_network
- + Ecosystem: https://solarnethub.com/socialnet/ecosystem
+ The KIT: https://solarnethub.com/kit/overview
+ + Ecosystem: https://solarnethub.com/socialnet/ecosystem
+ + Project Network: https://solarnethub.com/socialnet/snh#the_project_network
+ + Role-playing: https://solarnethub.com/socialnet/roleplaying
+ Warehouse: https://solarnethub.com/stock/submit_request