oasis.service 517 B

  1. [Unit]
  2. Description=Oasis - Project Network Web Interface
  3. Documentation=https://code.03c8.net/KrakensLab/snh-oasis.git
  4. After=network.target
  5. [Service]
  6. Type=simple
  7. # %s : run in the user's shell because they might have a custom PATH
  8. # -l : invoke a login shell to make sure to source .profile, .zprofile, .bash_profile, ...
  9. # -c : invoke a shell because we'd have to hardcode a path using ExecStart
  10. ExecStart=%s -l -c 'oasis --host localhost --port 4515 --no-open'
  11. Restart=on-failure
  12. [Install]
  13. WantedBy=default.target