i18n.js 14 KB

  1. const { a, em, strong } = require("hyperaxe");
  2. const i18n = {
  3. en: {
  4. // navbar items
  5. extended: "Extended",
  6. extendedDescription: [
  7. "When you support someone you may download posts from the inhabitants they support, and those posts show up here, sorted by recency.",
  8. ],
  9. popular: "Highlights",
  10. popularDescription: [
  11. "Posts from inhabitants in your network, ",
  12. strong("sorted by spreads"),
  13. ". Select the period of time, to get a list.",
  14. ],
  15. day: "Day",
  16. week: "Week",
  17. month: "Month",
  18. year: "Year",
  19. latest: "Latest",
  20. latestDescription: [
  21. strong("Posts"),
  22. " from yourself and inhabitants you support, sorted by recency.",
  23. ],
  24. topics: "Themes",
  25. topicsDescription: [
  26. strong("Themes"),
  27. " from yourself and inhabitants you support, sorted by recency. Select the timestamp of any post to see the rest of the thread.",
  28. ],
  29. summaries: "Summaries",
  30. summariesDescription: [
  31. strong("Themes and some comments"),
  32. " from yourself and inhabitants you support, sorted by recency. Select the timestamp of any post to see the rest of the thread.",
  33. ],
  34. threads: "Threads",
  35. threadsDescription: [
  36. strong("Posts that have comments"),
  37. " from inhabitants you support and your extended network, sorted by recency. Select the timestamp of any post to see the rest of the thread.",
  38. ],
  39. profile: "Avatar",
  40. inhabitants: "Inhabitants",
  41. manualMode: "Manual Mode",
  42. mentions: "Mentions",
  43. mentionsDescription: [
  44. strong("Posts that @mention you"),
  45. ", sorted by recency.",
  46. ],
  47. private: "Inbox",
  48. peers: "Peers",
  49. privateDescription: [
  50. "The latest comment from ",
  51. strong("private threads that include you"),
  52. ", sorted by recency. Private posts are encrypted for your public key, and have a maximum of 7 recipients. Recipients cannot be added after the thread has started. Select the timestamp to view the full thread.",
  53. ],
  54. search: "Search",
  55. imageSearch: "Image Search",
  56. settings: "Settings",
  57. // post actions
  58. comment: "Comment",
  59. subtopic: "Subtopic",
  60. json: "JSON",
  61. // relationships
  62. unfollow: "Unsupport",
  63. follow: "Support",
  64. block: "Block",
  65. unblock: "Unblock",
  66. newerPosts: "Newer posts",
  67. olderPosts: "Older posts",
  68. feedRangeEmpty: "The given range is empty for this feed. Try viewing the ",
  69. seeFullFeed: "full feed",
  70. feedEmpty: "The local client has never seen posts from this account.",
  71. beginningOfFeed: "This is the beginning of the feed",
  72. noNewerPosts: "No newer posts have been received yet.",
  73. relationshipNotFollowing: "",
  74. relationshipTheyFollow: "",
  75. relationshipMutuals: "",
  76. relationshipFollowing: "You are supporting",
  77. relationshipYou: "You",
  78. relationshipBlocking: "You are blocking",
  79. relationshipNone: "",
  80. relationshipConflict: "",
  81. relationshipBlockingPost: "Blocked post",
  82. // spreads view
  83. viewLikes: "View spreads",
  84. spreadedDescription: "List of posts spread by the inhabitant.",
  85. likedBy: " -> Spreads",
  86. // composer
  87. attachFiles: "Attach files",
  88. mentionsMatching: "Matching mentions",
  89. preview: "Preview",
  90. publish: "Publish",
  91. contentWarningPlaceholder: "Add a subject to the post (optional)",
  92. publishWarningPlaceholder: "...",
  93. publishCustomDescription: [
  94. "REMEMBER: Due to blockchain technology, once a post is published it cannot be edited or deleted.",
  95. ],
  96. commentWarning: [
  97. "REMEMBER: Due to blockchain technology, once a post is published it cannot be edited or deleted.",
  98. ],
  99. commentPublic: "public",
  100. commentPrivate: "private",
  101. commentLabel: ({ publicOrPrivate, markdownUrl }) => [
  102. ],
  103. publishLabel: ({ markdownUrl, linkTarget }) => [
  104. "REMEMBER: Due to blockchain technology, once a post is published it cannot be edited or deleted.",
  105. ],
  106. replyLabel: ({ markdownUrl }) => [
  107. "REMEMBER: Due to blockchain technology, once a post is published it cannot be edited or deleted.",
  108. ],
  109. publishCustomInfo: ({ href }) => [
  110. "If you have experience, you can also ",
  111. a({ href }, "publish an advanced post"),
  112. ".",
  113. ],
  114. publishBasicInfo: ({ href }) => [
  115. "If you have not experience, you should ",
  116. a({ href }, "publish a post"),
  117. ".",
  118. ],
  119. publishCustom: "Publish advanced post",
  120. subtopicLabel: ({ markdownUrl }) => [
  121. "Create a ",
  122. strong("public subtopic"),
  123. " of this post with ",
  124. a({ href: markdownUrl }, "Markdown"),
  125. ". Posts cannot be edited or deleted. To respond to an entire thread, select ",
  126. strong("comment"),
  127. " instead. Preview shows attached media.",
  128. ],
  129. // settings
  130. updateit: "Get updates",
  131. info: "Info",
  132. settingsIntro: ({ version }) => [
  133. `SNH-Oasis: [${version}]`,
  134. ],
  135. theme: "Theme",
  136. themeIntro:
  137. "Choose a theme.",
  138. setTheme: "Set theme",
  139. language: "Language",
  140. languageDescription:
  141. "If you'd like to use another language, select it here.",
  142. setLanguage: "Set language",
  143. status: "Status",
  144. peerConnections: "Peers",
  145. online: "Online",
  146. supported: "Supported",
  147. recommended: "Recommended",
  148. blocked: "Blocked",
  149. noConnections: "No peers connected.",
  150. noSupportedConnections: "No peers supported.",
  151. noBlockedConnections: "No peers blocked.",
  152. noRecommendedConnections: "No peers recommended.",
  153. connectionActionIntro:
  154. "",
  155. startNetworking: "Start networking",
  156. stopNetworking: "Stop networking",
  157. restartNetworking: "Restart networking",
  158. sync: "Sync",
  159. indexes: "Indexes",
  160. indexesDescription:
  161. "Rebuilding your indexes is safe, and may fix some types of bugs.",
  162. invites: "Invites",
  163. invitesDescription:
  164. "Use the PUB's invite codes here.",
  165. acceptInvite: "Accept invite",
  166. acceptedInvites: "Accepted",
  167. noInvites: "No invites accepted.",
  168. // search page
  169. searchLabel: "Seek inhabitants and keywords, among the posts you have downloaded.",
  170. // image search page
  171. imageSearchLabel: "Enter words to search for images labelled with them.",
  172. // posts and comments
  173. commentDescription: ({ parentUrl }) => [
  174. " commented on ",
  175. a({ href: parentUrl }, " thread"),
  176. ],
  177. commentTitle: ({ authorName }) => [`Comment on @${authorName}'s post`],
  178. subtopicDescription: ({ parentUrl }) => [
  179. " created a subtopic from ",
  180. a({ href: parentUrl }, " a post"),
  181. ],
  182. subtopicTitle: ({ authorName }) => [`Subtopic on @${authorName}'s post`],
  183. mysteryDescription: "posted a mysterious post",
  184. // misc
  185. oasisDescription: "SNH Project Network",
  186. submit: "Submit",
  187. editProfile: "Edit Avatar",
  188. editProfileDescription:
  189. "",
  190. profileName: "Avatar name (plain text)",
  191. profileImage: "Avatar image",
  192. profileDescription: "Avatar description (Markdown)",
  193. hashtagDescription:
  194. "Posts from inhabitants in your network that reference this #hashtag, sorted by recency.",
  195. rebuildName: "Rebuild database",
  196. },
  197. /* spell-checker: disable */
  198. es: {
  199. latest: "Novedades",
  200. profile: "Avatar",
  201. inhabitants: "Habitantes",
  202. search: "Buscar",
  203. imageSearch: "Buscar Imágenes",
  204. settings: "Configuración",
  205. // navbar items
  206. extended: "Extendida",
  207. extendedDescription: [
  208. "Cuando apoyes a alguien, podrás descargar publicaciones de habitantes que apoye, y esas publicaciones aparecerán aquí, ordenadas por las más recientes.",
  209. ],
  210. popular: "Destacadas",
  211. day: "Día",
  212. week: "Semana",
  213. month: "Mes",
  214. year: "Año",
  215. popularDescription: [
  216. "Posts de habitantes de tu red, ",
  217. strong("ordenados por difusiones"),
  218. ". Selecciona el periodo de tiempo, para obtener una lista.",
  219. ],
  220. latestDescription: [
  221. strong("Posts"),
  222. " tuyos y de habitantes que apoyas, ordenados por los más recientes.",
  223. ],
  224. topics: "Temáticas",
  225. topicsDescription: [
  226. strong("Temáticas"),
  227. " tuyas y de habitantes que apoyas, ordenadas por las más recientes. Selecciona la hora de una publicación para leer el hilo completo.",
  228. ],
  229. summaries: "Resumen",
  230. summariesDescription: [
  231. strong("Temáticas y algunos comentarios"),
  232. " tuyos y de habitantes que apoyas, ordenado por lo más reciente. Selecciona la hora de una publicación para leer el hilo completo.",
  233. ],
  234. threads: "Hilos",
  235. threadsDescription: [
  236. strong("Posts que tienen comentarios"),
  237. " de habitantes que apoyas y de tu red extendida, ordenados por los más recientes. Selecciona la hora de una publicación para leer el hilo completo.",
  238. ],
  239. manualMode: "Modo manual",
  240. mentions: "Menciones",
  241. mentionsDescription: [
  242. strong("Posts que te @mencionan"),
  243. ", ordenados por los más recientes.",
  244. ],
  245. private: "Buzón",
  246. peers: "Enlaces",
  247. privateDescription: [
  248. "Los comentarios más recientes de ",
  249. strong("hilos privados que te incluyen"),
  250. ". Las publicaciones privadas están cifradas para ti, y contienen un máximo de 7 destinatarios. No se podrán añadir nuevos destinarios después de que empieze el hilo. Selecciona la hora de una publicación para leer el hilo completo.",
  251. ],
  252. // post actions
  253. comment: "Comentar",
  254. reply: "Responder",
  255. subtopic: "Subhilo",
  256. json: "JSON",
  257. // relationships
  258. relationshipNotFollowing: "",
  259. relationshipTheyFollow: "",
  260. relationshipMutuals: "",
  261. relationshipFollowing: "Apoyando",
  262. relationshipYou: "Tú",
  263. relationshipBlocking: "Bloqueado",
  264. relationshipNone: "",
  265. relationshipConflict: "",
  266. relationshipBlockingPost: "Post bloqueado",
  267. unfollow: "Dejar de apoyar",
  268. follow: "Apoyar",
  269. block: "Bloquear",
  270. unblock: "Desbloquear",
  271. newerPosts: "Nuevos posts",
  272. olderPosts: "Anteriores posts",
  273. feedRangeEmpty: "El rango requerido está vacío para éste hilo. Prueba a ver el ",
  274. seeFullFeed: "hilo completo",
  275. feedEmpty: "No tienes posts de ésta cuenta.",
  276. beginningOfFeed: "Éste es el comienzo del hilo",
  277. noNewerPosts: "No se han recibido nuevos posts aún.",
  278. // spreads view
  279. viewLikes: "Ver difusiones",
  280. spreadedDescription: "Listado de posts difundidos del habitante.",
  281. likedBy: " -> Difusiones",
  282. // composer
  283. attachFiles: "Agregar archivos",
  284. mentionsMatching: "Menciones coincidentes",
  285. preview: "Vista previa",
  286. publish: "Publicar",
  287. contentWarningPlaceholder: "Añade un asunto al post (opcional)",
  288. publishWarningPlaceholder: "...",
  289. publishCustomDescription: [
  290. "RECUERDA: Debido a la tecnología blockchain, una vez publicado un post, no podrá ser editado o borrado.",
  291. ],
  292. commentWarning: [
  293. " RECUERDA: Debido a la tecnología blockchain, una vez publicado un post, no podrá ser editado o borrado.",
  294. ],
  295. commentPublic: "público",
  296. commentPrivate: "privado",
  297. commentLabel: ({ publicOrPrivate, markdownUrl }) => [
  298. ],
  299. publishLabel: ({ markdownUrl, linkTarget }) => [
  300. "RECUERDA: Debido a la tecnología blockchain, una vez publicado un post, no podrá ser editado o borrado.",
  301. ],
  302. publishCustomInfo: ({ href }) => [
  303. "Si tienes experiencia, también puedes ",
  304. a({ href }, "publicar un post avanzado"),
  305. ".",
  306. ],
  307. publishBasicInfo: ({ href }) => [
  308. "Si no tienes experiencia, lo mejor es ",
  309. a({ href }, "publicar un post normal"),
  310. ".",
  311. ],
  312. publishCustom: "Publicar post avanzado",
  313. replyLabel: ({ markdownUrl }) => [
  314. "RECUERDA: Debido a la tecnología blockchain, una vez publicados los posts, no podrán ser editados o borrados.",
  315. ],
  316. // settings-es
  317. updateit: "Obtener actualizaciones",
  318. info: "Info",
  319. settingsIntro: ({ version }) => [
  320. `SNH-Oasis: [${version}]`,
  321. ],
  322. theme: "Tema",
  323. themeIntro:
  324. "Elige un tema.",
  325. setTheme: "Seleccionar tema",
  326. language: "Idioma",
  327. languageDescription:
  328. "Si quieres usar otro idioma, seleccionalo aquí.",
  329. setLanguage: "Seleccionar idioma",
  330. status: "Estado",
  331. peerConnections: "Enlaces",
  332. online: "Online",
  333. supported: "Soportados",
  334. recommended: "Recomendados",
  335. blocked: "Bloqueados",
  336. noConnections: "Sin enlaces conectados.",
  337. noSupportedConnections: "Sin enlaces soportados.",
  338. noBlockedConnections: "Sin enlaces bloqueados.",
  339. noRecommendedConnections: "Sin enlaces recomendados.",
  340. connectionActionIntro:
  341. "",
  342. startNetworking: "Iniciar red",
  343. stopNetworking: "Detener red",
  344. restartNetworking: "Reiniciar red",
  345. sync: "Sincronizar",
  346. indexes: "Índices",
  347. indexesDescription:
  348. "Reconstruir la caché de forma segura, puede solucionar algunos errores si se presentan.",
  349. invites: "Invitaciones",
  350. invitesDescription:
  351. "Utiliza los códigos de invitación de los PUBs aquí.",
  352. acceptInvite: "Aceptar invitación",
  353. acceptedInvites: "Aceptadas",
  354. noInvites: "Sin invitaciones aceptadas.",
  355. // search page
  356. searchLabel:
  357. "Busca habitantes y palabras clave, entre los posts que tienes descargados.",
  358. // posts and comments
  359. commentDescription: ({ parentUrl }) => [
  360. " comentó en el hilo ",
  361. a({ href: parentUrl }, ""),
  362. ],
  363. replyDescription: ({ parentUrl }) => [
  364. " respondido al ",
  365. a({ href: parentUrl }, "post "),
  366. ],
  367. // image search page
  368. imageSearchLabel:
  369. "Busca entre los títulos de las imágenes que tienes descargadas.",
  370. // posts and comments
  371. commentTitle: ({ authorName }) => [
  372. `Comentó en el post de @${authorName}`,
  373. ],
  374. subtopicDescription: ({ parentUrl }) => [
  375. " creó un nuevo hilo para ",
  376. a({ href: parentUrl }, "este post"),
  377. ],
  378. subtopicTitle: ({ authorName }) => [
  379. `Nuevo hilo en el post de @${authorName}`,
  380. ],
  381. mysteryDescription: "publicó un post misterioso",
  382. // misc
  383. oasisDescription:
  384. "Red de Proyectos de SNH",
  385. submit: "Aceptar",
  386. editProfile: "Editar avatar",
  387. editProfileDescription:
  388. "",
  389. profileName: "Nombre del avatar (texto)",
  390. profileImage: "Imagen del avatar",
  391. profileDescription: "Descripción del avatar (Markdown)",
  392. hashtagDescription:
  393. "Posts de habitantes en tu red que referencian a ésta #etiqueta, ordenados por los más recientes.",
  394. rebuildName: "Reconstruir base de datos",
  395. },
  396. };
  397. module.exports = i18n;