#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """ pyTREMOR - Python /Seismoacoustics/ Squeezer - 2023-2024 - by Kräken.LABS (https://krakenslab.com) ---------- Seismoacoustics — the combined study of vibrations in the Earth and sound waves in the atmosphere to characterize non-earthquake geohazards, such as avalanches, landslides, and volcanic eruptions. https://code.03c8.net/krakenslab/pytremor ---------- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyTREMOR; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ VERSION = str(0.5) import datetime from datetime import timedelta import os, sys import shutil from os import environ environ['PYGAME_HIDE_SUPPORT_PROMPT'] = '1' import pygame import subprocess from obspy import UTCDateTime import warnings def custom_filter(message, category, filename, lineno, *args, **kwargs): return not ('Font family' in str(message) and 'cursive' in str(message)) warnings.simplefilter('ignore', custom_filter) def banner(): print(r''' __ _______ __ __ _ _\ \ / /_ _| __ ___| \/ | ___ _ __ | '_ \ V / | || '__/ _ \ |\/| |/ _ \| '__| | |_) | | | || | | __/ | | | (_) | | | .__/|_| |_||_| \___|_| |_|\___/|_| |_| pyTREMOR (v'''+VERSION+''') by Kräken.LABS | (2023/2024) ''') import os import shutil import datetime from obspy import UTCDateTime def sonify(network_conf, station_conf, channel_conf, starttime_conf, endtime_conf, freqmax_conf, freqmin_conf, speed_up_factor_conf, fps_conf, spec_win_dur_conf, db_lim_conf): db_lim_conf = db_lim_conf.replace("\n", "") db_lim_conf_1 = int(db_lim_conf.split(",")[0]) db_lim_conf_2 = int(db_lim_conf.split(",")[1]) from sonify.sonify.sonify import sonify try: print(f"\nSonifying data for: {station_conf}...") result = sonify( network=network_conf.replace("\n", ""), station=station_conf.replace("\n", ""), channel=channel_conf.replace("\n", ""), starttime=UTCDateTime(starttime_conf), endtime=UTCDateTime(endtime_conf), freqmax=int(freqmax_conf.replace("\n", "")), freqmin=int(freqmin_conf.replace("\n", "")), speed_up_factor=int(speed_up_factor_conf.replace("\n", "")), fps=int(fps_conf.replace("\n", "")), spec_win_dur=int(spec_win_dur_conf.replace("\n", "")), db_lim=(db_lim_conf_1, db_lim_conf_2), ) print("Sonification completed successfully.") now = datetime.datetime.now() filename = now.strftime("%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M-") + station_conf.replace("\n", "") + ".mp4" dataset_folder = "dataset" if not os.path.exists(dataset_folder): os.makedirs(dataset_folder) new_filepath = os.path.join(dataset_folder, filename) mp4_files = [file for file in os.listdir(".") if file.endswith(".mp4")] if mp4_files: mp4_file = mp4_files[0] shutil.move(mp4_file, new_filepath) print(f"Video moved and renamed to: {new_filepath}") menu() return True else: print("No .mp4 file found in the directory.") return False except Exception as e: print(f"An error occurred during sonification: {str(e)}") return False def menu(): main_menu = { "(h)elp ":"show this message", "(v)ersion ":"current version", "(c)lear ":"clear screen", "(q)uit ":"quit program" } sonification_menu = { "(setup) ":"setup template", "(view) ":"view template", "(run) ":"run template", "(play) ":"play sonification" } clear() while 1: cmd = input("pyTREMOR@GSN% ") if cmd == "h" or cmd == "help": print() for n in main_menu: print(" "+ n + ": " + main_menu[n]) print() for n in sonification_menu: print(" "+ n + ": " + sonification_menu[n]) print() elif cmd == "v" or cmd == "version": banner() elif cmd == "c" or cmd == "clear": clear() elif cmd == "setup": setup() elif cmd == "view": view() elif cmd == "run": run_from_config_file() elif cmd == "play": play_sonification() elif cmd == "q" or cmd == "quit" or cmd == "exit": quit() def clear(): os.system('clear') def quit(): sys.exit() def read_config(file): if file == "config": f = open("config","r") else: f = open("autoconfig","r") lines = f.readlines() f.close() return lines import subprocess def play_sonification(): dataset_folder = "dataset" if not os.path.exists(dataset_folder): print("No sonification files found.") return mp4_files = [file for file in os.listdir(dataset_folder) if file.endswith(".mp4")] wav_files = [file for file in os.listdir(dataset_folder) if file.endswith(".wav")] files = [] for mp4_file in mp4_files: base_name = os.path.splitext(mp4_file)[0] if f"{base_name}.wav" in wav_files: files.append(mp4_file) else: files.append(mp4_file) if not files: print("No sonification files found.") return print("Available sonification files:") for i, filename in enumerate(files): print(f"{i+1}. {filename}") selection = input("Choose a file to play (enter number): ") try: selection = int(selection) if selection < 1 or selection > len(files): print("Invalid selection.") return selected_file = files[selection - 1] mp4_file = os.path.join(dataset_folder, selected_file) wav_file = os.path.splitext(selected_file)[0] + ".wav" wav_path = os.path.join(dataset_folder, wav_file) if not os.path.exists(wav_path): subprocess.run(["ffmpeg", "-i", mp4_file, wav_path]) pygame.init() pygame.mixer.init() pygame.mixer.music.load(wav_path) pygame.mixer.music.play() while pygame.mixer.music.get_busy(): pygame.time.Clock().tick(10) pygame.mixer.quit() except ValueError: print("Invalid input. Please enter a number.") def setup(): network = input("\n set network (str) (ex: AV): ") station = input(" set station (str) (ex: ILSW): ") channel = input(" set channel (str) (ex: BHZ): ") starttime = input(" set starttime (ex: 2019, 6, 20, 23, 10): ") endtime = input(" set endtime (ex: 2019, 6, 21, 0, 30): ") freqmin = input(" set freqmin (int or float) (ex: 1): ") freqmax = input(" set freqmax (int or float) (ex: 23): ") speed_up_factor = input(" set speed_up_factor (int) (ex: 200): ") fps = input(" fps (int) (ex: 1): ") spec_win_dur = input(" set spec_win_dur (int or float) (ex: 8): ") db_lim = input(" set db_lim (tuple or str) (ex: -180,-130): ") with open("config", mode='w') as config: config.write("network="+network+"\n") config.write("station="+station+"\n") config.write("channel="+channel+"\n") config.write("starttime="+starttime+"\n") config.write("endtime="+endtime+"\n") config.write("freqmin="+freqmin+"\n") config.write("freqmax="+freqmax+"\n") config.write("speed_up_factor="+speed_up_factor+"\n") config.write("fps="+fps+"\n") config.write("spec_win_dur="+spec_win_dur+"\n") config.write("db_lim="+db_lim) config.close() def view(): if os.path.isfile("config"): lines = read_config("config") else: with open("config", mode='w') as config: config.write("network=\n") config.write("station=\n") config.write("channel=\n") config.write("starttime=\n") config.write("endtime=\n") config.write("freqmin=\n") config.write("freqmax=\n") config.write("speed_up_factor=\n") config.write("fps=\n") config.write("spec_win_dur=\n") config.write("db_lim=") config.close() lines = read_config("config") print("\n", "sonify(") for line in lines: line = line.replace("\n","") print(" ",line) print(" )\n") def run(network_conf, station_conf, channel_conf, starttime_conf, endtime_conf, freqmax_conf, freqmin_conf, speed_up_factor_conf, fps_conf, spec_win_dur_conf, db_lim_conf): print("\n[+] Generating -sonify- setup from LOCAL config...") if os.path.isfile("config"): lines = read_config("config") else: print("\n[Error] not 'config' file generated... Exiting!\n") sys.exit(2) for line in lines: if "network" in line: network_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "station" in line: station_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "channel" in line: channel_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "starttime" in line: starttime_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "endtime" in line: endtime_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "freqmax" in line: freqmax_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "freqmin" in line: freqmin_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "speed_up_factor" in line: speed_up_factor_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "fps" in line: fps_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "spec_win_dur" in line: spec_win_dur_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "db_lim" in line: db_lim_conf = line.split("=")[1] success = sonify(network_conf, station_conf, channel_conf, starttime_conf, endtime_conf, freqmax_conf, freqmin_conf, speed_up_factor_conf, fps_conf, spec_win_dur_conf, db_lim_conf) if not success: return False return True def run_from_config_file(): lines = read_config("config") network_conf = "" station_conf = "" channel_conf = "" starttime_conf = "" endtime_conf = "" freqmax_conf = "" freqmin_conf = "" speed_up_factor_conf = "" fps_conf = "" spec_win_dur_conf = "" db_lim_conf = "" for line in lines: if "network" in line: network_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "station" in line: station_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "channel" in line: channel_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "starttime" in line: starttime_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "endtime" in line: endtime_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "freqmax" in line: freqmax_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "freqmin" in line: freqmin_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "speed_up_factor" in line: speed_up_factor_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "fps" in line: fps_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "spec_win_dur" in line: spec_win_dur_conf = line.split("=")[1] if "db_lim" in line: db_lim_conf = line.split("=")[1] success = run(network_conf, station_conf, channel_conf, starttime_conf, endtime_conf, freqmax_conf, freqmin_conf, speed_up_factor_conf, fps_conf, spec_win_dur_conf, db_lim_conf) if success: menu() def init(): if "--cmd" in sys.argv: try: network_conf = sys.argv[2]+"\n" station_conf = sys.argv[3]+"\n" channel_conf = sys.argv[4]+"\n" starttime_conf = sys.argv[5].replace(",",", ")+"\n" endtime_conf = sys.argv[6].replace(",",", ")+"\n" freqmax_conf = sys.argv[7]+"\n" freqmin_conf = sys.argv[8]+"\n" speed_up_factor_conf = sys.argv[9]+"\n" fps_conf = sys.argv[10]+"\n" spec_win_dur_conf = sys.argv[11]+"\n" db_lim_conf = sys.argv[12]+"\n" print("\n[+] Generating -sonify- setup from CMD config...") print("\n", "sonify(") print(" network="+network_conf.replace("\n","")) print(" station="+station_conf.replace("\n","")) print(" channel="+channel_conf.replace("\n","")) print(" starttime="+starttime_conf.replace("\n","")) print(" endtime="+endtime_conf.replace("\n","")) print(" freqmax="+freqmax_conf.replace("\n","")) print(" freqmin="+freqmin_conf.replace("\n","")) print(" speed_up_factor="+speed_up_factor_conf.replace("\n","")) print(" fps="+fps_conf.replace("\n","")) print(" spec_win_dur="+spec_win_dur_conf.replace("\n","")) print(" db_lim="+db_lim_conf) print(" )") success = sonify(network_conf, station_conf, channel_conf, starttime_conf, endtime_conf, freqmax_conf, freqmin_conf, speed_up_factor_conf, fps_conf, spec_win_dur_conf, db_lim_conf) if success: menu() except: print("\n[Error] Executing parameters are wrong... Please review your command line!") print("\n +SYNTAX:\n python3 pyTREMOR.py --cmd ") print("\n +EXAMPLE:\n python3 pyTREMOR.py --cmd AV ILSW BHZ 2019,6,20,23,10 2019,6,21,0,30 23 1 200 1 8 -180,-130\n") elif "--autorun" in sys.argv: print("\n[+] Generating -sonify- setup from LOCAL auto-config...") if os.path.isfile("autoconfig"): lines = read_config("autoconfig") else: print("\n[Error] not 'autoconfig' file found... Exiting!\n") sys.exit(2) datetime_format = "%Y, %m, %d, %H, %M" endtime_conf = datetime.datetime.now() endtime_conf_format = endtime_conf.strftime(datetime_format) print("\n"+"-"*24) for line in lines: if "LASTHOURS" in line: lasthours = line.split("=")[1] print ("[Info] LAST HOURS: ["+ str(lasthours).replace("\n","")+"]") starttime_conf = endtime_conf - timedelta(hours=int(lasthours)) starttime_conf_format = starttime_conf.strftime(datetime_format) print ("[Info] Starttime: "+str(starttime_conf_format)) print ("[Info] Endtime: "+ str(endtime_conf_format)) print("-"*24+"\n") stations_list=[] for line in lines: if "#" in line: location = line.split("{")[0] print (location) location_conf = line.split("{")[1] location_conf = location_conf.replace("{", "") location_conf = location_conf.replace("}", "") location_conf = location_conf.replace("\n", "") location_list = list(location_conf.split(",")) location_list.append("starttime="+starttime_conf_format) location_list.append("endtime="+endtime_conf_format) print(" "+ str(location_list)+"\n") stations_list.append(location_list) print("-"*24+"\n") for station in stations_list: for value in station: if "network" in value: network_conf = value.split("=")[1] if "station" in value: station_conf = value.split("=")[1] if "channel" in value: channel_conf = value.split("=")[1] if "starttime" in value: starttime_conf = value.split("=")[1] if "endtime" in value: endtime_conf = value.split("=")[1] if "freqmax" in value: freqmax_conf = value.split("=")[1] if "freqmin" in value: freqmin_conf = value.split("=")[1] if "speed_up_factor" in value: speed_up_factor_conf = value.split("=")[1] if "fps" in value: fps_conf = value.split("=")[1] if "spec_win_dur" in value: spec_win_dur_conf = value.split("=")[1] if "db_lim" in value: db_lim_conf_1 = value.split("|")[0] db_lim_conf_1 = db_lim_conf_1.split("=")[1] db_lim_conf_2 = value.split("|")[1] db_lim_conf=(db_lim_conf_1+","+db_lim_conf_2) success = sonify(network_conf, station_conf, channel_conf, starttime_conf, endtime_conf, freqmax_conf, freqmin_conf, speed_up_factor_conf, fps_conf, spec_win_dur_conf, db_lim_conf) if not success: return False if "--help" in sys.argv: print("="*50) banner() print(" Seismoacoustics — the combined study of vibrations in the Earth and sound waves in the atmosphere\n to characterize non-earthquake geohazards, such as avalanches, landslides, and volcanic eruptions.\n") print("="*50) print(" +HELP:\n python3 pyTREMOR.py --help") print("-"*50) print("\n +SHELL:\n python3 pyTREMOR.py") print("\n +AUTORUN:\n python3 pyTREMOR.py --autorun") print("\n +CMD:\n python3 pyTREMOR.py --cmd \n") else: menu() init()