getUpgradeFromPath('admin/upgrades/comments'); if ($upgrade instanceof ElggUpgrade) { $upgrade->setCompleted(); } return true; } // Offset is the total amount of errors so far. We skip these // comments to prevent them from possibly repeating the same error. $offset = get_input('offset', 0); $limit = 50; $access_status = access_get_show_hidden_status(); access_show_hidden_entities(true); // don't want any event or plugin hook handlers from plugins to run $original_events = _elgg_services()->events; $original_hooks = _elgg_services()->hooks; _elgg_services()->events = new Elgg\EventsService(); _elgg_services()->hooks = new Elgg\PluginHooksService(); elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('permissions_check', 'all', 'elgg_override_permissions'); elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('container_permissions_check', 'all', 'elgg_override_permissions'); $success_count = 0; $error_count = 0; do { $annotations_to_delete = array(); $container_guids = array(); $annotations = elgg_get_annotations(array( 'annotation_names' => 'generic_comment', 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'order_by' => ' DESC', )); if (!$annotations) { // no annotations left break; } $db_prefix = elgg_get_config('dbprefix'); // Create a new object for each annotation foreach ($annotations as $annotation) { $object = new ElggComment(); $object->owner_guid = $annotation->owner_guid; $object->container_guid = $annotation->entity_guid; $object->description = $annotation->value; $object->access_id = $annotation->access_id; // make sure disabled comments stay disabled $object->enabled = $annotation->enabled; $object->time_created = $annotation->time_created; $object->save(false); $guid = $object->getGUID(); if ($guid) { /** * Update the entry in river table for this comment * * - Update the view path * - Remove annotation id * - Save comment guid to the object_guid column */ $query = " UPDATE {$db_prefix}river SET view = 'river/object/comment/create', type = 'object', subtype = 'comment', annotation_id = 0, object_guid = $guid, target_guid = $object->container_guid WHERE action_type = 'comment' AND annotation_id = $annotation->id "; if (!update_data($query)) { register_error(elgg_echo('upgrade:comments:river_update_failed', array($annotation->id))); $error_count++; continue; } // set the time_updated and last_action for this comment // to the original time_created $fix_ts_query = " UPDATE {$db_prefix}entities SET time_updated = time_created, last_action = time_created WHERE guid = $guid "; if (update_data($fix_ts_query)) { // It's now safe to delete the annotation $annotations_to_delete[] = $annotation->id; $container_guids[] = $object->container_guid; $success_count++; } else { register_error(elgg_echo('upgrade:comments:timestamp_update_fail', array($annotation->id))); $error_count++; } } else { register_error(elgg_echo('upgrade:comments:create_failed', array($annotation->id))); $error_count++; } } if ($annotations_to_delete) { $annotation_ids = implode(",", $annotations_to_delete); $delete_query = "DELETE FROM {$db_prefix}annotations WHERE id IN ($annotation_ids)"; delete_data($delete_query); } // update the last action on containers to be the max of all its comments // or its own last action $comment_subtype_id = get_subtype_id('object', 'comment'); foreach (array_unique($container_guids) as $guid) { // can't use a subquery in an update clause without hard to read tricks. $max = get_data_row("SELECT MAX(time_updated) as max_time_updated FROM {$db_prefix}entities e WHERE e.container_guid = $guid AND e.subtype = $comment_subtype_id"); $query = " UPDATE {$db_prefix}entities SET last_action = '$max->max_time_updated' WHERE guid = $guid AND last_action < '$max->max_time_updated' "; update_data($query); } } while ((microtime(true) - $START_MICROTIME) < $batch_run_time_in_secs); access_show_hidden_entities($access_status); // replace events and hooks _elgg_services()->events = $original_events; _elgg_services()->hooks = $original_hooks; // remove the admin notice elgg_delete_admin_notice('comment_upgrade_needed'); // Give some feedback for the UI echo json_encode(array( 'numSuccess' => $success_count, 'numErrors' => $error_count, ));