CONFIG = $CONFIG; } /** * Get a specific annotation by its id. * If you want multiple annotation objects, use * {@link elgg_get_annotations()}. * * @param int $id The id of the annotation object being retrieved. * * @return \ElggAnnotation|false */ function get($id) { return _elgg_get_metastring_based_object_from_id($id, 'annotation'); } /** * Deletes an annotation using its ID. * * @param int $id The annotation ID to delete. * @return bool */ function delete($id) { $annotation = elgg_get_annotation_from_id($id); if (!$annotation) { return false; } return $annotation->delete(); } /** * Create a new annotation. * * @param int $entity_guid GUID of entity to be annotated * @param string $name Name of annotation * @param string $value Value of annotation * @param string $value_type Type of value (default is auto detection) * @param int $owner_guid Owner of annotation (default is logged in user) * @param int $access_id Access level of annotation * * @return int|bool id on success or false on failure */ function create($entity_guid, $name, $value, $value_type = '', $owner_guid = 0, $access_id = ACCESS_PRIVATE) { $result = false; $entity_guid = (int)$entity_guid; $value_type = detect_extender_valuetype($value, $value_type); $owner_guid = (int)$owner_guid; if ($owner_guid == 0) { $owner_guid = _elgg_services()->session->getLoggedInUserGuid(); } $access_id = (int)$access_id; $time = time(); $value_id = elgg_get_metastring_id($value); if (!$value_id) { return false; } $name_id = elgg_get_metastring_id($name); if (!$name_id) { return false; } // @todo we don't check that the entity is loaded which means the user may // not have access to the entity $entity = get_entity($entity_guid); if (_elgg_services()->events->trigger('annotate', $entity->type, $entity)) { $result = _elgg_services()->db->insertData("INSERT INTO {$this->CONFIG->dbprefix}annotations (entity_guid, name_id, value_id, value_type, owner_guid, time_created, access_id) VALUES ($entity_guid, $name_id, $value_id, '$value_type', $owner_guid, $time, $access_id)"); if ($result !== false) { $obj = elgg_get_annotation_from_id($result); if (_elgg_services()->events->trigger('create', 'annotation', $obj)) { return $result; } else { // plugin returned false to reject annotation elgg_delete_annotation_by_id($result); return false; } } } return $result; } /** * Update an annotation. * * @param int $annotation_id Annotation ID * @param string $name Name of annotation * @param string $value Value of annotation * @param string $value_type Type of value * @param int $owner_guid Owner of annotation * @param int $access_id Access level of annotation * * @return bool */ function update($annotation_id, $name, $value, $value_type, $owner_guid, $access_id) { $annotation_id = (int)$annotation_id; $annotation = elgg_get_annotation_from_id($annotation_id); if (!$annotation) { return false; } if (!$annotation->canEdit()) { return false; } $name = trim($name); $value_type = detect_extender_valuetype($value, $value_type); $owner_guid = (int)$owner_guid; if ($owner_guid == 0) { $owner_guid = _elgg_services()->session->getLoggedInUserGuid(); } $access_id = (int)$access_id; $value_id = elgg_get_metastring_id($value); if (!$value_id) { return false; } $name_id = elgg_get_metastring_id($name); if (!$name_id) { return false; } $result = _elgg_services()->db->updateData("UPDATE {$this->CONFIG->dbprefix}annotations SET name_id = $name_id, value_id = $value_id, value_type = '$value_type', access_id = $access_id, owner_guid = $owner_guid WHERE id = $annotation_id"); if ($result !== false) { // @todo add plugin hook that sends old and new annotation information before db access $obj = elgg_get_annotation_from_id($annotation_id); _elgg_services()->events->trigger('update', 'annotation', $obj); } return $result; } /** * Returns annotations. Accepts all elgg_get_entities() options for entity * restraints. * * @see elgg_get_entities * * @param array $options Array in format: * * annotation_names => null|ARR Annotation names * annotation_values => null|ARR Annotation values * annotation_ids => null|ARR annotation ids * annotation_case_sensitive => BOOL Overall Case sensitive * annotation_owner_guids => null|ARR guids for annotation owners * annotation_created_time_lower => INT Lower limit for created time. * annotation_created_time_upper => INT Upper limit for created time. * annotation_calculation => STR Perform the MySQL function on the annotation values returned. * Do not confuse this "annotation_calculation" option with the * "calculation" option to elgg_get_entities_from_annotation_calculation(). * The "annotation_calculation" option causes this function to * return the result of performing a mathematical calculation on * all annotations that match the query instead of \ElggAnnotation * objects. * See the docs for elgg_get_entities_from_annotation_calculation() * for the proper use of the "calculation" option. * * * @return \ElggAnnotation[]|mixed */ function find(array $options = array()) { // support shortcut of 'count' => true for 'annotation_calculation' => 'count' if (isset($options['count']) && $options['count']) { $options['annotation_calculation'] = 'count'; unset($options['count']); } $options['metastring_type'] = 'annotations'; return _elgg_get_metastring_based_objects($options); } /** * Deletes annotations based on $options. * * @warning Unlike elgg_get_annotations() this will not accept an empty options array! * This requires at least one constraint: annotation_owner_guid(s), * annotation_name(s), annotation_value(s), or guid(s) must be set. * * @param array $options An options array. {@link elgg_get_annotations()} * @return bool|null true on success, false on failure, null if no annotations to delete. */ function deleteAll(array $options) { if (!_elgg_is_valid_options_for_batch_operation($options, 'annotation')) { return false; } $options['metastring_type'] = 'annotations'; return _elgg_batch_metastring_based_objects($options, 'elgg_batch_delete_callback', false); } /** * Disables annotations based on $options. * * @warning Unlike elgg_get_annotations() this will not accept an empty options array! * * @param array $options An options array. {@link elgg_get_annotations()} * @return bool|null true on success, false on failure, null if no annotations disabled. */ function disableAll(array $options) { if (!_elgg_is_valid_options_for_batch_operation($options, 'annotation')) { return false; } // if we can see hidden (disabled) we need to use the offset // otherwise we risk an infinite loop if there are more than 50 $inc_offset = access_get_show_hidden_status(); $options['metastring_type'] = 'annotations'; return _elgg_batch_metastring_based_objects($options, 'elgg_batch_disable_callback', $inc_offset); } /** * Enables annotations based on $options. * * @warning Unlike elgg_get_annotations() this will not accept an empty options array! * * @warning In order to enable annotations, you must first use * {@link access_show_hidden_entities()}. * * @param array $options An options array. {@link elgg_get_annotations()} * @return bool|null true on success, false on failure, null if no metadata enabled. */ function enableAll(array $options) { if (!$options || !is_array($options)) { return false; } $options['metastring_type'] = 'annotations'; return _elgg_batch_metastring_based_objects($options, 'elgg_batch_enable_callback'); } /** * Returns entities based upon annotations. Also accepts all options available * to elgg_get_entities() and elgg_get_entities_from_metadata(). * * @see elgg_get_entities * @see elgg_get_entities_from_metadata * * @param array $options Array in format: * * annotation_names => null|ARR annotations names * * annotation_values => null|ARR annotations values * * annotation_name_value_pairs => null|ARR (name = 'name', value => 'value', * 'operator' => '=', 'case_sensitive' => true) entries. * Currently if multiple values are sent via an array (value => array('value1', 'value2') * the pair's operator will be forced to "IN". * * annotation_name_value_pairs_operator => null|STR The operator to use for combining * (name = value) OPERATOR (name = value); default AND * * annotation_case_sensitive => BOOL Overall Case sensitive * * order_by_annotation => null|ARR (array('name' => 'annotation_text1', 'direction' => ASC|DESC, * 'as' => text|integer), * * Also supports array('name' => 'annotation_text1') * * annotation_owner_guids => null|ARR guids for annotaiton owners * * @return mixed If count, int. If not count, array. false on errors. */ function getEntities(array $options = array()) { $defaults = array( 'annotation_names' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'annotation_values' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'annotation_name_value_pairs' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'annotation_name_value_pairs_operator' => 'AND', 'annotation_case_sensitive' => true, 'order_by_annotation' => array(), 'annotation_created_time_lower' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'annotation_created_time_upper' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, 'annotation_owner_guids' => ELGG_ENTITIES_ANY_VALUE, ); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $singulars = array('annotation_name', 'annotation_value', 'annotation_name_value_pair', 'annotation_owner_guid'); $options = _elgg_normalize_plural_options_array($options, $singulars); $options = _elgg_entities_get_metastrings_options('annotation', $options); if (!$options) { return false; } // because of performance issues support for ordering by maxtime has been dropped // @see if (isset($options['order_by']) && preg_match('~\bmaxtime\b~i', $options['order_by'])) { // check if the user provided maxtime $deprecated = true; if (isset($options['selects'])) { $selects = $options['selects']; if (!is_array($selects)) { $selects = array($selects); } foreach ($selects as $select) { if (preg_match('~\bmaxtime\b~i', $options['order_by'])) { $deprecated = false; break; } } } // the user didn't provide maxtime if ($deprecated) { // special sorting for annotations elgg_deprecated_notice(__FUNCTION__ . ": no longer orders by annotations by default. If you order" . " by maxtime, you must provide that column via \$options['selects']. See" . "", "1.10"); $options['selects'][] = "MAX(n_table.time_created) AS maxtime"; $options['group_by'] = 'n_table.entity_guid'; } } $time_wheres = _elgg_get_entity_time_where_sql('a', $options['annotation_created_time_upper'], $options['annotation_created_time_lower']); if ($time_wheres) { $options['wheres'] = array_merge($options['wheres'], $time_wheres); } return elgg_get_entities_from_metadata($options); } /** * Get entities ordered by a mathematical calculation on annotation values * * @tip Note that this function uses { @link elgg_get_annotations() } to return a list of entities ordered by a mathematical * calculation on annotation values, and { @link elgg_get_entities_from_annotations() } to return a count of entities * if $options['count'] is set to a truthy value * * @param array $options An options array: * 'calculation' => The calculation to use. Must be a valid MySQL function. * Defaults to sum. Result selected as 'annotation_calculation'. * Don't confuse this "calculation" option with the * "annotation_calculation" option to elgg_get_annotations(). * This "calculation" option is applied to each entity's set of * annotations and is selected as annotation_calculation for that row. * See the docs for elgg_get_annotations() for proper use of the * "annotation_calculation" option. * 'order_by' => The order for the sorting. Defaults to 'annotation_calculation desc'. * 'annotation_names' => The names of annotations on the entity. * 'annotation_values' => The values of annotations on the entity. * * 'metadata_names' => The name of metadata on the entity. * 'metadata_values' => The value of metadata on the entitiy. * 'callback' => Callback function to pass each row through. * @tip This function is different from other ege* functions, * as it uses a metastring-based getter function { @link elgg_get_annotations() }, * therefore the callback function should be a derivative of { @link entity_row_to_elggstar() } * and not of { @link row_to_annotation() } * * @return \ElggEntity[]|int An array or a count of entities * @see elgg_get_annotations() * @see elgg_get_entities_from_annotations() */ function getEntitiesFromCalculation($options) { if (isset($options['count']) && $options['count']) { return elgg_get_entities_from_annotations($options); } $db_prefix = _elgg_services()->config->get('dbprefix'); $defaults = array( 'calculation' => 'sum', 'order_by' => 'annotation_calculation desc' ); $options = array_merge($defaults, $options); $function = sanitize_string(elgg_extract('calculation', $options, 'sum', false)); // you must cast this as an int or it sorts wrong. $options['selects'][] = 'e.*'; $options['selects'][] = "$function(CAST(a_msv.string AS signed)) AS annotation_calculation"; // need our own join to get the values because the lower level functions don't // add all the joins if it's a different callback. $options['joins'][] = "JOIN {$db_prefix}metastrings a_msv ON n_table.value_id ="; // don't need access control because it's taken care of by elgg_get_annotations. $options['group_by'] = 'n_table.entity_guid'; // do not default to a callback function used in elgg_get_annotation() if (!isset($options['callback'])) { $options['callback'] = 'entity_row_to_elggstar'; } return elgg_get_annotations($options); } /** * Check to see if a user has already created an annotation on an object * * @param int $entity_guid Entity guid * @param string $annotation_type Type of annotation * @param int $owner_guid Defaults to logged in user. * * @return bool */ function exists($entity_guid, $annotation_type, $owner_guid = null) { if (!$owner_guid && !($owner_guid = _elgg_services()->session->getLoggedInUserGuid())) { return false; } $entity_guid = sanitize_int($entity_guid); $owner_guid = sanitize_int($owner_guid); $annotation_type = sanitize_string($annotation_type); $sql = "SELECT FROM {$this->CONFIG->dbprefix}annotations a" . " JOIN {$this->CONFIG->dbprefix}metastrings m ON a.name_id =" . " WHERE a.owner_guid = $owner_guid AND a.entity_guid = $entity_guid" . " AND m.string = '$annotation_type'"; if (_elgg_services()->db->getDataRow($sql)) { return true; } return false; } }