<?php /** * Access SQL tests * * @package Elgg * @subpackage Test */ class ElggCoreAccessSQLTest extends \ElggCoreUnitTest { /** @var \ElggUser */ protected $user; /** * Called before each test object. */ public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->user = new \ElggUser(); $this->user->username = 'fake_user_' . rand(); $this->user->email = 'fake_email@fake.com' . rand(); $this->user->name = 'fake user ' . rand(); $this->user->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC; $this->user->setPassword(rand()); $this->user->owner_guid = 0; $this->user->container_guid = 0; $this->user->save(); } /** * Called before each test method. */ public function setUp() { // Replace current hook service with new instance for each test $this->original_hooks = _elgg_services()->hooks; _elgg_services()->hooks = new \Elgg\PluginHooksService(); } /** * Called after each test method. */ public function tearDown() { // Restore original hook service _elgg_services()->hooks = $this->original_hooks; } /** * Called after each test object. */ public function __destruct() { $this->user->delete(); // all __destruct() code should go above here parent::__destruct(); } public function testAdminAccess() { // we know an admin is logged in when running the tests $sql = _elgg_get_access_where_sql(); $ans = "((1 = 1) AND (e.enabled = 'yes'))"; $this->assertTrue($this->assertSqlEqual($ans, $sql), "$sql does not match $ans"); } public function testTurningEnabledOff() { $sql = _elgg_get_access_where_sql(array('use_enabled_clause' => false)); $ans = "((1 = 1))"; $this->assertTrue($this->assertSqlEqual($ans, $sql), "$sql does not match $ans"); } public function testNonAdminUser() { $sql = _elgg_get_access_where_sql(array('user_guid' => $this->user->guid)); $friends_clause = $this->getFriendsClause($this->user->guid, 'e'); $owner_clause = $this->getOwnerClause($this->user->guid, 'e'); $access_clause = $this->getLoggedInAccessListClause('e'); $ans = "(($friends_clause OR $owner_clause OR $access_clause) AND (e.enabled = 'yes'))"; $this->assertTrue($this->assertSqlEqual($ans, $sql), "$sql does not match $ans"); } public function testCustomTableAlias() { $sql = _elgg_get_access_where_sql(array( 'user_guid' => $this->user->guid, 'table_alias' => 'foo', )); $friends_clause = $this->getFriendsClause($this->user->guid, 'foo'); $owner_clause = $this->getOwnerClause($this->user->guid, 'foo'); $access_clause = $this->getLoggedInAccessListClause('foo'); $ans = "(($friends_clause OR $owner_clause OR $access_clause) AND (foo.enabled = 'yes'))"; $this->assertTrue($this->assertSqlEqual($ans, $sql), "$sql does not match $ans"); // test with no alias $sql = _elgg_get_access_where_sql(array( 'user_guid' => $this->user->guid, 'table_alias' => '', )); $friends_clause = $this->getFriendsClause($this->user->guid, ''); $owner_clause = $this->getOwnerClause($this->user->guid, ''); $access_clause = $this->getLoggedInAccessListClause(''); $ans = "(($friends_clause OR $owner_clause OR $access_clause) AND (enabled = 'yes'))"; $this->assertTrue($this->assertSqlEqual($ans, $sql), "$sql does not match $ans"); } public function testCustomOwnerGuidColumn() { $sql = _elgg_get_access_where_sql(array( 'user_guid' => $this->user->guid, 'owner_guid_column' => 'unit_test', )); $friends_clause = $this->getFriendsClause($this->user->guid, 'e', 'unit_test'); $owner_clause = $this->getOwnerClause($this->user->guid, 'e', 'unit_test'); $access_clause = $this->getLoggedInAccessListClause('e'); $ans = "(($friends_clause OR $owner_clause OR $access_clause) AND (e.enabled = 'yes'))"; $this->assertTrue($this->assertSqlEqual($ans, $sql), "$sql does not match $ans"); } public function testLoggedOutUser() { $originalSession = _elgg_services()->session; _elgg_services()->setValue('session', \ElggSession::getMock()); $sql = _elgg_get_access_where_sql(); $access_clause = $this->getLoggedOutAccessListClause('e'); $ans = "(($access_clause) AND (e.enabled = 'yes'))"; $this->assertTrue($this->assertSqlEqual($ans, $sql), "$sql does not match $ans"); _elgg_services()->setValue('session', $originalSession); } public function testAccessPluginHookRemoveEnabled() { elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('get_sql', 'access', array($this, 'removeEnabledCallback')); $sql = _elgg_get_access_where_sql(); $ans = "((1 = 1))"; $this->assertTrue($this->assertSqlEqual($ans, $sql), "$sql does not match $ans"); } public function removeEnabledCallback($hook, $type, $clauses, $params) { $clauses['ands'] = array(); return $clauses; } public function testAccessPluginHookRemoveOrs() { elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('get_sql', 'access', array($this, 'removeOrsCallback')); $sql = _elgg_get_access_where_sql(); $ans = "((e.enabled = 'yes'))"; $this->assertTrue($this->assertSqlEqual($ans, $sql), "$sql does not match $ans"); } public function removeOrsCallback($hook, $type, $clauses, $params) { $clauses['ors'] = array(); return $clauses; } public function testAccessPluginHookAddOr() { elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('get_sql', 'access', array($this, 'addOrCallback')); $sql = _elgg_get_access_where_sql(); $ans = "((1 = 1 OR 57 > 32) AND (e.enabled = 'yes'))"; $this->assertTrue($this->assertSqlEqual($ans, $sql), "$sql does not match $ans"); } public function addOrCallback($hook, $type, $clauses, $params) { $clauses['ors'][] = '57 > 32'; return $clauses; } public function testAccessPluginHookAddAnd() { elgg_register_plugin_hook_handler('get_sql', 'access', array($this, 'addAndCallback')); $sql = _elgg_get_access_where_sql(); $ans = "((1 = 1) AND (e.enabled = 'yes' AND 57 > 32))"; $this->assertTrue($this->assertSqlEqual($ans, $sql), "$sql does not match $ans"); } public function addAndCallback($hook, $type, $clauses, $params) { $clauses['ands'][] = '57 > 32'; return $clauses; } protected function assertSqlEqual($sql1, $sql2) { $sql1 = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $sql1); $sql2 = preg_replace('/\s+/', '', $sql2); return $sql1 === $sql2; } protected function getFriendsClause($user_guid, $table_alias, $owner_guid = 'owner_guid') { global $CONFIG; $table_alias = $table_alias ? $table_alias . '.' : ''; return "{$table_alias}access_id = " . ACCESS_FRIENDS . " AND {$table_alias}{$owner_guid} IN ( SELECT guid_one FROM {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entity_relationships WHERE relationship = 'friend' AND guid_two = $user_guid )"; } protected function getOwnerClause($user_guid, $table_alias, $owner_guid = 'owner_guid') { $table_alias = $table_alias ? $table_alias . '.' : ''; return "{$table_alias}{$owner_guid} = $user_guid"; } protected function getLoggedInAccessListClause($table_alias) { $table_alias = $table_alias ? $table_alias . '.' : ''; return "{$table_alias}access_id IN (2,1)"; } protected function getLoggedOutAccessListClause($table_alias) { $table_alias = $table_alias ? $table_alias . '.' : ''; return "{$table_alias}access_id IN (2)"; } }