get('foo', function() { return 1; }); $result = $pool->get('foo', function() { return 2; }); $this->assertEquals(1, $result); } public function testGetRegeneratesValueFromCallbackOnMiss() { $pool = StashPool::createEphemeral(); $result = $pool->get('foo', function() { return 1; }); $this->assertEquals(1, $result); } public function testInvalidateForcesTheSpecifiedValueToBeRegenerated() { $pool = StashPool::createEphemeral(); $result = $pool->get('foo', function() { return 1; }); $this->assertEquals(1, $result); $pool->invalidate('foo'); $result = $pool->get('foo', function() { return 2; }); $this->assertEquals(2, $result); } public function testAcceptsStringAndIntKeys() { $pool = StashPool::createEphemeral(); foreach (array('123', 123) as $key) { $pool->put($key, 'foo'); $pool->get($key, function () { return 'foo'; }); $pool->invalidate($key); } } /** * @dataProvider invalidKeyProvider */ public function testPutComplainsAboutInvalidKeys($key) { $pool = StashPool::createEphemeral(); $this->setExpectedException('PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning', 'assert'); $pool->put($key, 'foo'); } /** * @dataProvider invalidKeyProvider */ public function testGetComplainsAboutInvalidKeys($key) { $pool = StashPool::createEphemeral(); $this->setExpectedException('PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning', 'assert'); $pool->get($key, function () { return 'foo'; }); } /** * @dataProvider invalidKeyProvider */ public function testInvalidateComplainsAboutInvalidKeys($key) { $pool = StashPool::createEphemeral(); $this->setExpectedException('PHPUnit_Framework_Error_Warning', 'assert'); $pool->invalidate($key); } public function invalidKeyProvider() { return array( array(123.1), array(true), array(array()), array(new \stdClass()), ); } /** * Stash recommends always calling $item->lock() on miss to make sure that * the caching is as performant as possible by avoiding multiple * simultaneous regenerations of the same value. * * * * 1. Create a new cache * 2. Get any entry * 3. Check that Stash\Item::lock() was called * 4. Get the same entry * 5. Check that Stash\Item::lock() was *not* called */ public function testEnablesStashStampedeProtection() { $pool = StashPool::createEphemeral(); $this->markTestIncomplete(); } }