php -S localhost:8888 index.php */ if (php_sapi_name() === 'cli-server') { $urlPath = parse_url($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"], PHP_URL_PATH); if (preg_match('/^\/cache\/(.*)$/', $urlPath, $matches)) { $_GET['request'] = $matches[1]; require('engine/handlers/cache_handler.php'); exit; } else if (preg_match('/^\/export\/([A-Za-z]+)\/([0-9]+)\/?$/', $urlPath, $matches)) { $_GET['view'] = $matches[1]; $_GET['guid'] = $matches[2]; require('engine/handlers/export_handler.php'); exit; } else if (preg_match('/^\/export\/([A-Za-z]+)\/([0-9]+)\/([A-Za-z]+)\/([A-Za-z0-9\_]+)\/$/', $urlPath, $matches)) { $_GET['view'] = $matches[1]; $_GET['guid'] = $matches[2]; $_GET['type'] = $matches[3]; $_GET['idname'] = $matches[4]; require('engine/handlers/export_handler.php'); exit; } else if (preg_match("/^\/rewrite.php$/", $urlPath, $matches)) { require('install.php'); exit; } else if ($urlPath !== '/' && file_exists(__DIR__ . $urlPath)) { // serve the requested resource as-is. return false; } else { $_GET['__elgg_uri'] = $urlPath; } } // allow testing from the upgrade page before the site is upgraded. if (isset($_GET['__testing_rewrite'])) { if (isset($_GET['__elgg_uri']) && false !== strpos($_GET['__elgg_uri'], '__testing_rewrite')) { echo "success"; } exit; } require_once(dirname(__FILE__) . "/engine/start.php"); $router = _elgg_services()->router; $request = _elgg_services()->request; // TODO use formal Response object instead header("Content-Type: text/html;charset=utf-8"); if (!$router->route($request)) { forward('', '404'); }