"Keep the network strong", 'donation' => "Donations", 'donation:title' => 'Help %s', 'donation:title:everyone' => 'Those who already have contributed to %s', 'donation:show:everyone' => 'Show all', 'donation:desc' => "Help us keep %s running.", 'donation:paypal' => "Via Paypal:", 'donation:bitcoin' => "Via Bitcoin:", 'donation:banktransfer' => "Via banktransfer:", 'donation:latest' => "Latest Donators:", 'donation:donator' => 'Contributer to %s', 'donation:add' => 'Set as donator', 'donation:remove' => 'Remove as donator', 'donation:added' => 'The selected user is now a donator', 'donation:removed' => 'The selected user is removed from the donator list', 'donation:none' => 'No donators to display', // Plugin settings 'donation:paypal_code' => "Optional: Insert Paypal code here:", 'donation:bitcoin_code' => "Optional: Insert Bitcoin code here (bitcoin: and ?label codes will be added for links by this plugin.):", 'donation:bitcoin_label' => "Optional: Insert Bitcoin label here:", 'donation:bank_account' => "Optional: A bank account number for bank transfers:", 'donation:bank_account:text' => "Transfer to account:
please state your username on the transfer.", 'donation:num_display' => 'Number of donators to display:', 'donation:sidebar_donation' => 'Show donation in sidebar:', 'donation:profile_show' => 'Show donators as:', 'donation:text' => 'Show names', 'donation:small' => 'Small icons', 'donation:tiny' => 'Tiny ikons', 'donation:useriver' => 'Announce donations to River:', 'donation:profile_donation' => 'Show donation status on profile:', 'donation:expires' => 'Months donations are valid:', // Error messages 'donation:add:error' => 'Error: Could not make user a donator!', // River 'river:donation:user:default' => '%s have donated to this website. Thank you...', ); add_translation("en",$english); ?>