Embed plugin ============ Contents -------- 1. Overview 2. Adding a Tab 3. Populating a Select Tab 4. Populating an Upload Tab 5. Other WYSIWYG Editors and Embed 1. Overview ----------- The Embed plugin is a simple way to allow users to link to or embed their personal network content or third party resources in any text area. The Embed plugin adds a menu item to the longtext menu. Clicking on this link pops up a lightbox. The lightbox supports lists of content for insertion and uploading new content. 2. Adding a Tab --------------- The Embed plugin uses the menu system to manage its tabs. Use elgg_register_menu_item() for the embed menu to add a new tab like this: ```php $item = ElggMenuItem::factory(array( 'name' => 'file', 'text' => elgg_echo('file'), 'priority' => 10, 'data' => array( 'options' => array( 'type' => 'object', 'subtype' => 'file', ), ), )); elgg_register_menu_item('embed', $item); ``` Parameters: * name: The unique name of the tab. * text: The text shown on the tab * priority: Placement of the tab. * data: An array of parameters for creating the tab and its content. When listing content using the embed list view, pass the options for the elgg_list_entities() function as 'options'. When using a custom view for listing content or for uploading new content, pass the view name as 'view'. See the file plugin for examples of registering both tab types. 3. Populating a Content Select Tab ---------------------------------- Nothing should be required other than setting the options parameter array when registering the tab. See the view embed/item to see how an entity is rendered. If creating a custom list, the `