"Tiedostotyökalut", 'file_tools:file:actions' => 'Actions', 'file_tools:list:sort:type' => 'Tyyppi', 'file_tools:list:sort:time_created' => 'Luontiaika', 'file_tools:list:sort:asc' => 'Nouseva', 'file_tools:list:sort:desc' => 'Laskeva', 'file_tools:show_more' => 'Show more files', // object name 'item:object:folder' => "File Folder", // menu items 'file_tools:menu:mine' => "Your folders", 'file_tools:menu:user' => "%s's folders", 'file_tools:menu:group' => "Group file folders", // group tool option 'file_tools:group_tool_option:structure_management' => "Salli jäsenten hallinnoida kansioita", // views // object 'file_tools:object:files' => "%s file(s) in this folder", 'file_tools:object:no_files' => "No files in this folder", // input - folder select 'file_tools:input:folder_select:main' => "Päähakemisto", // list 'file_tools:list:title' => "List file folders", 'file_tools:list:folder:main' => "Päähakemisto", 'file_tools:list:files:none' => "Ei tiedostoja", 'file_tools:list:select_all' => 'Valitse kaikki', 'file_tools:list:deselect_all' => 'Poista valinta', 'file_tools:list:download_selected' => 'Lataa valitut', 'file_tools:list:delete_selected' => 'Poista valitut', 'file_tools:list:alert:not_all_deleted' => 'Joidenkin tiedostojen poistaminen epäonnistui', 'file_tools:list:alert:none_selected' => 'No items selected', 'file_tools:list:tree:info' => "Tiesitkö?", 'file_tools:list:tree:info:1' => "Voit siirtää tiedostoja hakemistosta toiseen raahaamalla.", 'file_tools:list:tree:info:2' => "You can double click on any folder to expand all of its subfolders!", 'file_tools:list:tree:info:3' => "You can reorder folders by dragging them to their new place in the tree!", 'file_tools:list:tree:info:4' => "You can move complete folder structures!", 'file_tools:list:tree:info:5' => "If you delete a folder, you can optionally choose to delete all files!", 'file_tools:list:tree:info:6' => "When you delete a folder, all subfolders will also be deleted!", 'file_tools:list:tree:info:7' => "This message is random!", 'file_tools:list:tree:info:8' => "When you remove a folder, but not it's files, the files will appear at the top level folder!", 'file_tools:list:tree:info:9' => "A newly added folder can be placed directly in the correct subfolder!", 'file_tools:list:tree:info:10' => "When uploading or editing a file you can choose in which folder it should appear!", 'file_tools:list:tree:info:11' => "Dragging of files is only available in the list view, not in the gallery view!", 'file_tools:list:tree:info:12' => "You can update the access level on all subfolders and even (optional) on all files when editing a folder!", 'file_tools:list:files:options:sort_title' => 'Sorting', 'file_tools:list:files:options:view_title' => 'View', 'file_tools:usersettings:time' => 'Valitse:', 'file_tools:usersettings:time:description' => 'Valitse tapa, jolla ilmaistaan tiedostojen ja hakemistojen luontiaika', 'file_tools:usersettings:time:default' => 'Default time display', 'file_tools:usersettings:time:date' => 'Päivämäärä', 'file_tools:usersettings:time:days' => 'Montako päivää sitten', // new/edit 'file_tools:new:title' => "Uusi hakemisto", 'file_tools:edit:title' => "Edit file folder", 'file_tools:forms:edit:title' => "Nimi", 'file_tools:forms:edit:description' => "Kuvaus", 'file_tools:forms:edit:parent' => "Valitse kohdehakemisto", 'file_tools:forms:edit:change_children_access' => "Päivitä lukuoikeus kaikkiin alihakemistoihin", 'file_tools:forms:edit:change_files_access' => "Päivitä lukuoikeus tiedostoihin", 'file_tools:forms:browse' => 'Browse..', 'file_tools:forms:empty_queue' => 'Empty queue', 'file_tools:folder:delete:confirm_files' => "Do you also wish to delete all files in the removed (sub)folders", // upload 'file_tools:upload:tabs:single' => "Tiedosto", 'file_tools:upload:tabs:multi' => "Useita tiedostoja", 'file_tools:upload:tabs:zip' => "Zip-tiedosto", 'file_tools:upload:form:choose' => 'Valitse tiedosto', 'file_tools:upload:form:info' => 'Valitse useita tiedostoja', 'file_tools:upload:form:zip:info' => "Valitse zip-paketti, joka sisältää haluamasi tiedostot. Paketti avataan, ja jokainen tiedosto tallennetaan automaattisesti erikseen. Myös paketista löytyvät hakemistot tallennetaan.", // actions // edit 'file_tools:action:edit:error:input' => "Incorrect input to create/edit a file folder", 'file_tools:action:edit:error:owner' => "Could not find the owner of the file folder", 'file_tools:action:edit:error:folder' => "No folder to create/edit", 'file_tools:action:edit:error:parent_guid' => "Invalid parent folder, the parent folder can't be the folder itself", 'file_tools:action:edit:error:save' => "Unknown error occured while saving the file folder", 'file_tools:action:edit:success' => "File folder successfully created/edited", 'file_tools:action:move:parent_error' => "Can\'t drop the folder in itself.", // delete 'file_tools:actions:delete:error:input' => "Invalid input to delete a file folder", 'file_tools:actions:delete:error:entity' => "The given GUID could not be found", 'file_tools:actions:delete:error:subtype' => "The given GUID is not a file folder", 'file_tools:actions:delete:error:delete' => "An unknown error occured while deleting the file folder", 'file_tools:actions:delete:success' => "The file folder was deleted successfully", //errors 'file_tools:error:pageowner' => 'Error retrieving page owner.', 'file_tools:error:nofilesextracted' => 'There were no allowed files found to extract.', 'file_tools:error:cantopenfile' => 'Zip file couldn\'t be opened (check if the uploaded file is a .zip file).', 'file_tools:error:nozipfilefound' => 'Uploaded file is not a .zip file.', 'file_tools:error:nofilefound' => 'Choose a file to upload.', //messages 'file_tools:error:fileuploadsuccess' => 'Tallennettiin zip-paketti sisältö.', // move 'file_tools:action:move:success:file' => "Tiedosto siirretty", 'file_tools:action:move:success:folder' => "Hakemisto siirretty", // buld delete 'file_tools:action:bulk_delete:success:files' => "Poistettiin %s tiedostoa", 'file_tools:action:bulk_delete:error:files' => "Joidenkin tiedostojen poistaminen epäonnistui", 'file_tools:action:bulk_delete:success:folders' => "Poistettiin %s tiedostoa", 'file_tools:action:bulk_delete:error:folders' => "Tiedostojen poistamisessa tapahtui virhe", // reorder 'file_tools:action:folder:reorder:success' => "Successfully reordered the folder(s)", //settings 'file_tools:settings:allowed_extensions' => 'Allowed extensions (comma seperated)', 'file_tools:settings:user_folder_structure' => 'Use folder structure', 'file_tools:settings:sort:default' => 'Hakemistojen järjestys', 'file_tools:settings:list_length' => 'How many files to show in the listing', 'file_tools:settings:list_length:unlimited' => 'Unlimited', 'file:type:application' => 'Application', 'file:type:text' => 'Text', // widgets // file tree 'widgets:file_tree:title' => "Hakemistot", 'widgets:file_tree:description' => "Listaa omat tiedostohakemistosi", 'widgets:file_tree:edit:select' => "Valitse näytettävät hakemistot", 'widgets:file_tree:edit:show_content' => "Näytä myös hakemistojen sisältö", 'widgets:file_tree:no_folders' => "Vimpaimelle ei ole määritetty asetuksia", 'widgets:file_tree:no_files' => "Tiedostoja ei ole konfiguroitu", 'widgets:file_tree:more' => "Näytä lisää hakemistoja", 'widget:file:edit:show_only_featured' => 'Show only featured files', 'widget:file_tools:show_file' => 'Feature file (widget)', 'widget:file_tools:hide_file' => 'Unfeature file', 'widgets:file_tools:more_files' => 'More files', // Group files 'widgets:group_files:description' => "Show the latest group files", // index_file 'widgets:index_file:description' => "Show the latest files on your community", );