query('UPDATE table SET value = 1 WHERE id = ?', array(1)); // get all results as array $db->all('SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ?', array(1), "array_key", bool_skip_key, "assoc"/"num"); // get one result $db->one('SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ?', array(1), "assoc"/"num"); // get a traversable object to pass to foreach, or use count(), or use direct access: [INDEX] $db->get('SELECT * FROM table WHERE id = ?', array(1), "assoc"/"num")[1]; */ namespace { class db { private function __construct() { } public function __clone() { throw new \vakata\database\Exception('Cannot clone static DB'); } public static function get($settings = null) { return new \vakata\database\DBC($settings); } public static function getc($settings = null, \vakata\cache\ICache $c = null) { if($c === null) { $c = \vakata\cache\cache::inst(); } return new \vakata\database\DBCCached($settings, $c); } } } namespace vakata\database { class Exception extends \Exception { } class Settings { public $type = null; public $username = 'root'; public $password = null; public $database = null; public $servername = 'localhost'; public $serverport = null; public $persist = false; public $timezone = null; public $charset = 'UTF8'; public function __construct($settings) { $str = parse_url($settings); if(!$str) { throw new Exception('Malformed DB settings string: ' . $settings); } if(array_key_exists('scheme',$str)) { $this->type = rawurldecode($str['scheme']); } if(array_key_exists('user',$str)) { $this->username = rawurldecode($str['user']); } if(array_key_exists('pass',$str)) { $this->password = rawurldecode($str['pass']); } if(array_key_exists('path',$str)) { $this->database = trim(rawurldecode($str['path']),'/'); } if(array_key_exists('host',$str)) { $this->servername = rawurldecode($str['host']); } if(array_key_exists('port',$str)) { $this->serverport = rawurldecode($str['port']); } if(array_key_exists('query',$str)) { parse_str($str['query'], $str); $this->persist = (array_key_exists('persist', $str) && $str['persist'] === 'TRUE'); if(array_key_exists('charset', $str)) { $this->charset = $str['charset']; } if(array_key_exists('timezone', $str)) { $this->timezone = $str['timezone']; } } } } interface IDB { public function connect(); public function query($sql, $vars); public function get($sql, $data, $key, $skip_key, $mode); public function all($sql, $data, $key, $skip_key, $mode); public function one($sql, $data, $mode); public function raw($sql); public function prepare($sql); public function execute($data); public function disconnect(); } interface IDriver { public function prepare($sql); public function execute($data); public function query($sql, $data); public function nextr($result); public function seek($result, $row); public function nf($result); public function af(); public function insert_id(); public function real_query($sql); public function get_settings(); } abstract class ADriver implements IDriver { protected $lnk = null; protected $settings = null; public function __construct(Settings $settings) { $this->settings = $settings; } public function __destruct() { if($this->is_connected()) { $this->disconnect(); } } public function get_settings() { return $this->settings; } public function connect() { } public function is_connected() { return $this->lnk !== null; } public function disconnect() { } public function query($sql, $data = array()) { return $this->execute($this->prepare($sql), $data); } public function prepare($sql) { if(!$this->is_connected()) { $this->connect(); } return $sql; } public function execute($sql, $data = array()) { if(!$this->is_connected()) { $this->connect(); } if(!is_array($data)) { $data = array(); } $binder = '?'; if(strpos($sql, $binder) !== false && is_array($data) && count($data)) { $tmp = explode($binder, $sql); if(!is_array($data)) { $data = array($data); } $data = array_values($data); if(count($data) >= count($tmp)) { $data = array_slice($data, 0, count($tmp)-1); } $sql = $tmp[0]; foreach($data as $i => $v) { $sql .= $this->escape($v) . $tmp[($i + 1)]; } } return $this->real_query($sql); } public function real_query($sql) { if(!$this->is_connected()) { $this->connect(); } } protected function escape($input) { if(is_array($input)) { foreach($input as $k => $v) { $input[$k] = $this->escape($v); } return implode(',',$input); } if(is_string($input)) { $input = addslashes($input); return "'".$input."'"; } if(is_bool($input)) { return $input === false ? 0 : 1; } if(is_null($input)) { return 'NULL'; } return $input; } public function nextr($result) {} public function nf($result) {} public function af() {} public function insert_id() {} public function seek($result, $row) {} } class Result implements \Iterator, \ArrayAccess, \Countable { protected $all = null; protected $rdy = false; protected $rslt = null; protected $mode = null; protected $fake = null; protected $skip = false; protected $fake_key = 0; protected $real_key = 0; public function __construct(Query $rslt, $key = null, $skip_key = false, $mode = 'assoc') { $this->rslt = $rslt; $this->mode = $mode; $this->fake = $key; $this->skip = $skip_key; } public function count() { return $this->rdy ? count($this->all) : $this->rslt->nf(); } public function current() { if(!$this->count()) { return null; } if($this->rdy) { return current($this->all); } $tmp = $this->rslt->row(); $row = array(); switch($this->mode) { case 'num': foreach($tmp as $k => $v) { if(is_int($k)) { $row[$k] = $v; } } break; case 'both': $row = $tmp; break; case 'assoc': default: foreach($tmp as $k => $v) { if(!is_int($k)) { $row[$k] = $v; } } break; } if($this->fake) { $this->fake_key = $row[$this->fake]; } if($this->skip) { unset($row[$this->fake]); } if(is_array($row) && count($row) === 1) { $row = current($row); } return $row; } public function key() { if($this->rdy) { return key($this->all); } return $this->fake ? $this->fake_key : $this->real_key; } public function next() { if($this->rdy) { return next($this->all); } $this->rslt->nextr(); $this->real_key++; } public function rewind() { if($this->rdy) { return reset($this->all); } if($this->real_key !== null) { $this->rslt->seek(($this->real_key = 0)); } $this->rslt->nextr(); } public function valid() { if($this->rdy) { return current($this->all) !== false; } return $this->rslt->row() !== false && $this->rslt->row() !== null; } public function one() { $this->rewind(); return $this->current(); } public function get() { if(!$this->rdy) { $this->all = array(); foreach($this as $k => $v) { $this->all[$k] = $v; } $this->rdy = true; } return $this->all; } public function offsetExists($offset) { if($this->rdy) { return isset($this->all[$offset]); } if($this->fake === null) { return $this->rslt->seek(($this->real_key = $offset)); } $this->get(); return isset($this->all[$offset]); } public function offsetGet($offset) { if($this->rdy) { return $this->all[$offset]; } if($this->fake === null) { $this->rslt->seek(($this->real_key = $offset)); $this->rslt->nextr(); return $this->current(); } $this->get(); return $this->all[$offset]; } public function offsetSet ($offset, $value ) { throw new Exception('Cannot set result'); } public function offsetUnset ($offset) { throw new Exception('Cannot unset result'); } public function __sleep() { $this->get(); return array('all', 'rdy', 'mode', 'fake', 'skip'); } public function __toString() { return print_r($this->get(), true); } } class Query { protected $drv = null; protected $sql = null; protected $prp = null; protected $rsl = null; protected $row = null; protected $num = null; protected $aff = null; protected $iid = null; public function __construct(IDriver $drv, $sql) { $this->drv = $drv; $this->sql = $sql; $this->prp = $this->drv->prepare($sql); } public function execute($vars = array()) { $this->rsl = $this->drv->execute($this->prp, $vars); $this->num = (is_object($this->rsl) || is_resource($this->rsl)) && is_callable(array($this->drv, 'nf')) ? (int)@$this->drv->nf($this->rsl) : 0; $this->aff = $this->drv->af(); $this->iid = $this->drv->insert_id(); return $this; } public function result($key = null, $skip_key = false, $mode = 'assoc') { return new Result($this, $key, $skip_key, $mode); } public function row() { return $this->row; } public function f($field) { return $this->row[$field]; } public function nextr() { $this->row = $this->drv->nextr($this->rsl); return $this->row !== false && $this->row !== null; } public function seek($offset) { return @$this->drv->seek($this->rsl, $offset) ? true : false; } public function nf() { return $this->num; } public function af() { return $this->aff; } public function insert_id() { return $this->iid; } } class DBC implements IDB { protected $drv = null; protected $que = null; public function __construct($drv = null) { if(!$drv && defined('DATABASE')) { $drv = DATABASE; } if(!$drv) { $this->error('Could not create database (no settings)'); } if(is_string($drv)) { $drv = new \vakata\database\Settings($drv); } if($drv instanceof Settings) { $tmp = '\\vakata\\database\\' . $drv->type . '_driver'; if(!class_exists($tmp)) { $this->error('Could not create database (no driver: '.$drv->type.')'); } $drv = new $tmp($drv); } if(!($drv instanceof IDriver)) { $this->error('Could not create database - wrong driver'); } $this->drv = $drv; } public function connect() { if(!$this->drv->is_connected()) { try { $this->drv->connect(); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage(), 1); } } return true; } public function disconnect() { if($this->drv->is_connected()) { $this->drv->disconnect(); } } public function prepare($sql) { try { $this->que = new Query($this->drv, $sql); return $this->que; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage(), 2); } } public function execute($data = array()) { try { return $this->que->execute($data); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage(), 3); } } public function query($sql, $data = array()) { try { $this->que = new Query($this->drv, $sql); return $this->que->execute($data); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage(), 4); } } public function get($sql, $data = array(), $key = null, $skip_key = false, $mode = 'assoc') { return $this->query($sql, $data)->result($key, $skip_key, $mode); } public function all($sql, $data = array(), $key = null, $skip_key = false, $mode = 'assoc') { return $this->get($sql, $data, $key, $skip_key, $mode)->get(); } public function one($sql, $data = array(), $mode = 'assoc') { return $this->query($sql, $data)->result(null, false, $mode)->one(); } public function raw($sql) { return $this->drv->real_query($sql); } public function get_driver() { return $this->drv->get_settings()->type; } public function __call($method, $args) { if($this->que && is_callable(array($this->que, $method))) { try { return call_user_func_array(array($this->que, $method), $args); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->error($e->getMessage(), 5); } } } protected final function error($error = '') { $dirnm = defined('LOGROOT') ? LOGROOT : realpath(dirname(__FILE__)); @file_put_contents( $dirnm . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . '_errors_sql.log', '[' . date('d-M-Y H:i:s') . '] ' . $this->settings->type . ' > ' . preg_replace("@[\s\r\n\t]+@", ' ', $error) . "\n", FILE_APPEND ); throw new Exception($error); } } class DBCCached extends DBC { protected $cache_inst = null; protected $cache_nmsp = null; public function __construct($settings = null, \vakata\cache\ICache $c = null) { parent::__construct($settings); $this->cache_inst = $c; $this->cache_nmsp = 'DBCCached_' . md5(serialize($this->drv->get_settings())); } public function cache($expires, $sql, $data = array(), $key = null, $skip_key = false, $mode = 'assoc') { $arg = func_get_args(); array_shift($arg); $key = md5(serialize($arg)); if(!$this->cache_inst) { return call_user_func_array(array($this, 'all'), $arg); } $tmp = $this->cache_inst->get($key, $this->cache_nmsp); if(!$tmp) { $this->cache_inst->prep($key, $this->cache_nmsp); $tmp = call_user_func_array(array($this, 'all'), $arg); $this->cache_inst->set($key, $tmp, $this->cache_nmsp, $expires); } return $tmp; } public function clear() { if($this->cache_inst) { $this->cache_inst->clear($this->cache_nmsp); } } } class mysqli_driver extends ADriver { protected $iid = 0; protected $aff = 0; protected $mnd = false; public function __construct($settings) { parent::__construct($settings); if(!$this->settings->serverport) { $this->settings->serverport = 3306; } $this->mnd = function_exists('mysqli_fetch_all'); } public function connect() { $this->lnk = new \mysqli( ($this->settings->persist ? 'p:' : '') . $this->settings->servername, $this->settings->username, $this->settings->password, $this->settings->database, $this->settings->serverport ); if($this->lnk->connect_errno) { throw new Exception('Connect error: ' . $this->lnk->connect_errno); } if(!$this->lnk->set_charset($this->settings->charset)) { throw new Exception('Charset error: ' . $this->lnk->connect_errno); } if($this->settings->timezone) { @$this->lnk->query("SET time_zone = '" . addslashes($this->settings->timezone) . "'"); } return true; } public function disconnect() { if($this->is_connected()) { @$this->lnk->close(); } } public function real_query($sql) { if(!$this->is_connected()) { $this->connect(); } $temp = $this->lnk->query($sql); if(!$temp) { throw new Exception('Could not execute query : ' . $this->lnk->error . ' <'.$sql.'>'); } $this->iid = $this->lnk->insert_id; $this->aff = $this->lnk->affected_rows; return $temp; } public function nextr($result) { if($this->mnd) { return $result->fetch_array(MYSQL_BOTH); } else { $ref = $result->result_metadata(); if(!$ref) { return false; } $tmp = mysqli_fetch_fields($ref); if(!$tmp) { return false; } $ref = array(); foreach($tmp as $col) { $ref[$col->name] = null; } $tmp = array(); foreach($ref as $k => $v) { $tmp[] =& $ref[$k]; } if(!call_user_func_array(array($result, 'bind_result'), $tmp)) { return false; } if(!$result->fetch()) { return false; } $tmp = array(); $i = 0; foreach($ref as $k => $v) { $tmp[$i++] = $v; $tmp[$k] = $v; } return $tmp; } } public function seek($result, $row) { $temp = $result->data_seek($row); return $temp; } public function nf($result) { return $result->num_rows; } public function af() { return $this->aff; } public function insert_id() { return $this->iid; } public function prepare($sql) { if(!$this->is_connected()) { $this->connect(); } $temp = $this->lnk->prepare($sql); if(!$temp) { throw new Exception('Could not prepare : ' . $this->lnk->error . ' <'.$sql.'>'); } return $temp; } public function execute($sql, $data = array()) { if(!$this->is_connected()) { $this->connect(); } if(!is_array($data)) { $data = array(); } if(is_string($sql)) { return parent::execute($sql, $data); } $data = array_values($data); if($sql->param_count) { if(count($data) < $sql->param_count) { throw new Exception('Prepared execute - not enough parameters.'); } $ref = array(''); foreach($data as $i => $v) { switch(gettype($v)) { case "boolean": case "integer": $data[$i] = (int)$v; $ref[0] .= 'i'; $ref[$i+1] =& $data[$i]; break; case "double": $ref[0] .= 'd'; $ref[$i+1] =& $data[$i]; break; case "array": $data[$i] = implode(',',$v); $ref[0] .= 's'; $ref[$i+1] =& $data[$i]; break; case "object": case "resource": $data[$i] = serialize($data[$i]); $ref[0] .= 's'; $ref[$i+1] =& $data[$i]; break; default: $ref[0] .= 's'; $ref[$i+1] =& $data[$i]; break; } } call_user_func_array(array($sql, 'bind_param'), $ref); } $rtrn = $sql->execute(); if(!$this->mnd) { $sql->store_result(); } if(!$rtrn) { throw new Exception('Prepared execute error : ' . $this->lnk->error); } $this->iid = $this->lnk->insert_id; $this->aff = $this->lnk->affected_rows; if(!$this->mnd) { return $sql->field_count ? $sql : $rtrn; } else { return $sql->field_count ? $sql->get_result() : $rtrn; } } protected function escape($input) { if(is_array($input)) { foreach($input as $k => $v) { $input[$k] = $this->escape($v); } return implode(',',$input); } if(is_string($input)) { $input = $this->lnk->real_escape_string($input); return "'".$input."'"; } if(is_bool($input)) { return $input === false ? 0 : 1; } if(is_null($input)) { return 'NULL'; } return $input; } } class mysql_driver extends ADriver { protected $iid = 0; protected $aff = 0; public function __construct($settings) { parent::__construct($settings); if(!$this->settings->serverport) { $this->settings->serverport = 3306; } } public function connect() { $this->lnk = ($this->settings->persist) ? @mysql_pconnect( $this->settings->servername.':'.$this->settings->serverport, $this->settings->username, $this->settings->password ) : @mysql_connect( $this->settings->servername.':'.$this->settings->serverport, $this->settings->username, $this->settings->password ); if($this->lnk === false || !mysql_select_db($this->settings->database, $this->lnk) || !mysql_query("SET NAMES '".$this->settings->charset."'", $this->lnk)) { throw new Exception('Connect error: ' . mysql_error()); } if($this->settings->timezone) { @mysql_query("SET time_zone = '" . addslashes($this->settings->timezone) . "'", $this->lnk); } return true; } public function disconnect() { if(is_resource($this->lnk)) { mysql_close($this->lnk); } } public function real_query($sql) { if(!$this->is_connected()) { $this->connect(); } $temp = mysql_query($sql, $this->lnk); if(!$temp) { throw new Exception('Could not execute query : ' . mysql_error($this->lnk) . ' <'.$sql.'>'); } $this->iid = mysql_insert_id($this->lnk); $this->aff = mysql_affected_rows($this->lnk); return $temp; } public function nextr($result) { return mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_BOTH); } public function seek($result, $row) { $temp = @mysql_data_seek($result, $row); if(!$temp) { //throw new Exception('Could not seek : ' . mysql_error($this->lnk)); } return $temp; } public function nf($result) { return mysql_num_rows($result); } public function af() { return $this->aff; } public function insert_id() { return $this->iid; } protected function escape($input) { if(is_array($input)) { foreach($input as $k => $v) { $input[$k] = $this->escape($v); } return implode(',',$input); } if(is_string($input)) { $input = mysql_real_escape_string($input, $this->lnk); return "'".$input."'"; } if(is_bool($input)) { return $input === false ? 0 : 1; } if(is_null($input)) { return 'NULL'; } return $input; } } class postgre_driver extends ADriver { protected $iid = 0; protected $aff = 0; public function __construct($settings) { parent::__construct($settings); if(!$this->settings->serverport) { $this->settings->serverport = 5432; } } public function connect() { $this->lnk = ($this->settings->persist) ? @pg_pconnect( "host=" . $this->settings->servername . " " . "port=" . $this->settings->serverport . " " . "user=" . $this->settings->username . " " . "password=" . $this->settings->password . " " . "dbname=" . $this->settings->database . " " . "options='--client_encoding=".strtoupper($this->settings->charset)."' " ) : @pg_connect( "host=" . $this->settings->servername . " " . "port=" . $this->settings->serverport . " " . "user=" . $this->settings->username . " " . "password=" . $this->settings->password . " " . "dbname=" . $this->settings->database . " " . "options='--client_encoding=".strtoupper($this->settings->charset)."' " ); if($this->lnk === false) { throw new Exception('Connect error'); } if($this->settings->timezone) { @pg_query($this->lnk, "SET TIME ZONE '".addslashes($this->settings->timezone)."'"); } return true; } public function disconnect() { if(is_resource($this->lnk)) { pg_close($this->lnk); } } public function real_query($sql) { return $this->query($sql); } public function prepare($sql) { if(!$this->is_connected()) { $this->connect(); } $binder = '?'; if(strpos($sql, $binder) !== false) { $tmp = explode($binder, $sql); $sql = $tmp[0]; foreach($tmp as $i => $v) { $sql .= '$' . ($i + 1); if(isset($tmp[($i + 1)])) { $sql .= $tmp[($i + 1)]; } } } return $sql; } public function execute($sql, $data = array()) { if(!$this->is_connected()) { $this->connect(); } if(!is_array($data)) { $data = array(); } $temp = (is_array($data) && count($data)) ? pg_query_params($this->lnk, $sql, $data) : pg_query_params($this->lnk, $sql, array()); if(!$temp) { throw new Exception('Could not execute query : ' . pg_last_error($this->lnk) . ' <'.$sql.'>'); } if(preg_match('@^\s*(INSERT|REPLACE)\s+INTO@i', $sql)) { $this->iid = pg_query($this->lnk, 'SELECT lastval()'); $this->aff = pg_affected_rows($temp); } return $temp; } public function nextr($result) { return pg_fetch_array($result, NULL, PGSQL_BOTH); } public function seek($result, $row) { $temp = @pg_result_seek($result, $row); if(!$temp) { //throw new Exception('Could not seek : ' . pg_last_error($this->lnk)); } return $temp; } public function nf($result) { return pg_num_rows($result); } public function af() { return $this->aff; } public function insert_id() { return $this->iid; } // Функция mysql_query? // - http://okbob.blogspot.com/2009/08/mysql-functions-for-postgresql.html // - http://www.xach.com/aolserver/mysql-to-postgresql.html // - REPLACE unixtimestamp / limit / curdate } class oracle_driver extends ADriver { protected $iid = 0; protected $aff = 0; public function connect() { $this->lnk = ($this->settings->persist) ? @oci_pconnect($this->settings->username, $this->settings->password, $this->settings->servername, $this->settings->charset) : @oci_connect ($this->settings->username, $this->settings->password, $this->settings->servername, $this->settings->charset); if($this->lnk === false) { throw new Exception('Connect error : ' . oci_error()); } if($this->settings->timezone) { $this->real_query("ALTER session SET time_zone = '" . addslashes($this->settings->timezone) . "'"); } return true; } public function disconnect() { if(is_resource($this->lnk)) { oci_close($this->lnk); } } public function real_query($sql) { if(!$this->is_connected()) { $this->connect(); } $temp = oci_parse($this->lnk, $sql); if(!$temp || !oci_execute($temp)) { throw new Exception('Could not execute real query : ' . oci_error($temp)); } $this->aff = oci_num_rows($temp); return $temp; } public function prepare($sql) { if(!$this->is_connected()) { $this->connect(); } $binder = '?'; if(strpos($sql, $binder) !== false && $vars !== false) { $tmp = explode($this->binder, $sql); $sql = $tmp[0]; foreach($tmp as $i => $v) { $sql .= ':f' . $i; if(isset($tmp[($i + 1)])) { $sql .= $tmp[($i + 1)]; } } } return oci_parse($this->lnk, $sql); } public function execute($sql, $data = array()) { if(!$this->is_connected()) { $this->connect(); } if(!is_array($data)) { $data = array(); } $data = array_values($data); foreach($data as $i => $v) { switch(gettype($v)) { case "boolean": case "integer": $data[$i] = (int)$v; oci_bind_by_name($sql, 'f'.$i, $data[$i], SQLT_INT); break; case "array": $data[$i] = implode(',',$v); oci_bind_by_name($sql, 'f'.$i, $data[$i]); break; case "object": case "resource": $data[$i] = serialize($data[$i]); oci_bind_by_name($sql, 'f'.$i, $data[$i]); break; default: oci_bind_by_name($sql, 'f'.$i, $data[$i]); break; } } $temp = oci_execute($sql); if(!$temp) { throw new Exception('Could not execute query : ' . oci_error($sql)); } $this->aff = oci_num_rows($sql); /* TO DO: get iid if(!$seqname) { return $this->error('INSERT_ID not supported with no sequence.'); } $stm = oci_parse($this->link, 'SELECT '.strtoupper(str_replace("'",'',$seqname)).'.CURRVAL FROM DUAL'); oci_execute($stm, $sql); $tmp = oci_fetch_array($stm); $tmp = $tmp[0]; oci_free_statement($stm); */ return $sql; } public function nextr($result) { return oci_fetch_array($result, OCI_BOTH); } public function seek($result, $row) { $cnt = 0; while($cnt < $row) { if(oci_fetch_array($result, OCI_BOTH) === false) { return false; } $cnt++; } return true; } public function nf($result) { return oci_num_rows($result); } public function af() { return $this->aff; } public function insert_id() { return $this->iid; } } class ibase_driver extends ADriver { protected $iid = 0; protected $aff = 0; public function __construct($settings) { parent::__construct($settings); if(!is_file($this->settings->database) && is_file('/'.$this->settings->database)) { $this->settings->database = '/'.$this->settings->database; } $this->settings->servername = ($this->settings->servername === 'localhost' || $this->settings->servername === '' || $this->settings->servername === '') ? '' : $this->settings->servername . ':'; } public function connect() { $this->lnk = ($this->settings->persist) ? @ibase_pconnect( $this->settings->servername . $this->settings->database, $this->settings->username, $this->settings->password, strtoupper($this->settings->charset) ) : @ibase_connect( $this->settings->servername . $this->settings->database, $this->settings->username, $this->settings->password, strtoupper($this->settings->charset) ); if($this->lnk === false) { throw new Exception('Connect error: ' . ibase_errmsg()); } return true; } public function disconnect() { if(is_resource($this->lnk)) { ibase_close($this->lnk); } } public function real_query($sql) { if(!$this->is_connected()) { $this->connect(); } $temp = ibase_query($sql, $this->lnk); if(!$temp) { throw new Exception('Could not execute query : ' . ibase_errmsg() . ' <'.$sql.'>'); } //$this->iid = mysql_insert_id($this->lnk); $this->aff = ibase_affected_rows($this->lnk); return $temp; } public function prepare($sql) { if(!$this->is_connected()) { $this->connect(); } return ibase_prepare($this->lnk, $sql); } public function execute($sql, $data = array()) { if(!$this->is_connected()) { $this->connect(); } if(!is_array($data)) { $data = array(); } $data = array_values($data); foreach($data as $i => $v) { switch(gettype($v)) { case "boolean": case "integer": $data[$i] = (int)$v; break; case "array": $data[$i] = implode(',',$v); break; case "object": case "resource": $data[$i] = serialize($data[$i]); break; } } array_unshift($data, $sql); $temp = call_user_func_array("ibase_execute", $data); if(!$temp) { throw new Exception('Could not execute query : ' . ibase_errmsg() . ' <'.$sql.'>'); } $this->aff = ibase_affected_rows($this->lnk); return $temp; } public function nextr($result) { return ibase_fetch_assoc($result, IBASE_TEXT); } public function seek($result, $row) { return false; } public function nf($result) { return false; } public function af() { return $this->aff; } public function insert_id() { return $this->iid; } } }