# A Multi-Framework [Composer](http://getcomposer.org) Library Installer [![Build Status](http://img.shields.io/travis/composer/installers.svg)](http://travis-ci.org/composer/installers) This is for PHP package authors to require in their `composer.json`. It will install their package to the correct location based on the specified package type. The goal of `installers` is to be a simple package type to install path map. Users can also customize the install path per package and package authors can modify the package name upon installing. `installers` isn't intended on replacing all custom installers. If your package requires special installation handling then by all means, create a custom installer to handle it. **Natively Supported Frameworks**: The following frameworks natively work with Composer and will be installed to the default `vendor` directory. `composer/installers` is not needed to install packages with these frameworks: * Aura * Symfony2 * Yii * Yii2 **Current Supported Package Types**: > Stable types are marked as **bold**, this means that installation paths > for those type will not be changed. Any adjustment for those types would > require creation of brand new type that will cover required changes. | Framework | Types | --------- | ----- | Aimeos | `aimeos-extension` | Asgard | `asgard-module`
`asgard-theme` | AGL | `agl-module` | AnnotateCms | `annotatecms-module`
`annotatecms-service` | Bitrix | `bitrix-module`
`bitrix-theme` | CakePHP 2+ | **`cakephp-plugin`** | Chef | `chef-cookbook`
`chef-role` | CCFramework | `ccframework-ship`
`ccframework-theme` | CodeIgniter | `codeigniter-library`
`codeigniter-module` | concrete5 | `concrete5-block`
`concrete5-update` | Craft | `craft-plugin` | Croogo | `croogo-plugin`
`croogo-theme` | DokuWiki | `dokuwiki-plugin`
`dokuwiki-template` | Dolibarr | `dolibarr-module` | Drupal | `drupal-module`

`drupal-drush` | Elgg | `elgg-plugin` | FuelPHP v1.x | `fuel-module`
`fuel-theme` | FuelPHP v2.x | `fuelphp-component` | Grav | `grav-plugin`
`grav-theme` | Hurad | `hurad-plugin`
`hurad-theme` | Joomla | `joomla-component`
`joomla-library` | Kirby | **`kirby-plugin`** | Kohana | **`kohana-module`** | Laravel | `laravel-library` | Lithium | **`lithium-library`
`lithium-source`** | Magento | `magento-library`
`magento-theme` | Mako | `mako-package` | MODX Evo | `modxevo-snippet`
`modxevo-lib` | MediaWiki | `mediawiki-extension` | October | **`october-module`
`october-theme`** | OXID | `oxid-module`
`oxid-out` | MODULEWork | `modulework-module` | Moodle | `moodle-*` (Please [check source](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/composer/installers/master/src/Composer/Installers/MoodleInstaller.php) for all supported types) | Piwik | `piwik-plugin` | phpBB | `phpbb-extension`
`phpbb-language` | Pimcore | `pimcore-plugin` | PPI | **`ppi-module`** | Puppet | `puppet-module` | REDAXO | `redaxo-addon` | Roundcube | `roundcube-plugin` | shopware | `shopware-backend-plugin`
`shopware-theme` | SilverStripe | `silverstripe-module`
`silverstripe-theme` | SMF | `smf-module`
`smf-theme` | symfony1 | **`symfony1-plugin`** | Tusk | `tusk-task`
`tusk-asset` | TYPO3 Flow | `typo3-flow-package`
`typo3-flow-build` | TYPO3 CMS | `typo3-cms-extension` | Wolf CMS | `wolfcms-plugin` | WordPress | `wordpress-plugin`

`wordpress-muplugin` | Zend | `zend-library`
`zend-module` | Zikula | `zikula-module`
`zikula-theme` | Prestashop | `prestashop-module`
`prestashop-theme` ## Example `composer.json` File This is an example for a CakePHP plugin. The only important parts to set in your composer.json file are `"type": "cakephp-plugin"` which describes what your package is and `"require": { "composer/installers": "~1.0" }` which tells composer to load the custom installers. ```json { "name": "you/ftp", "type": "cakephp-plugin", "require": { "composer/installers": "~1.0" } } ``` This would install your package to the `Plugin/Ftp/` folder of a CakePHP app when a user runs `php composer.phar install`. So submit your packages to [packagist.org](http://packagist.org)! ## Custom Install Paths If you are consuming a package that uses the `composer/installers` you can override the install path with the following extra in your `composer.json`: ```json { "extra": { "installer-paths": { "your/custom/path/{$name}/": ["shama/ftp", "vendor/package"] } } } ``` A package type can have a custom installation path with a `type:` prefix. ``` json { "extra": { "installer-paths": { "your/custom/path/{$name}/": ["type:wordpress-plugin"] } } } ``` This would use your custom path for each of the listed packages. The available variables to use in your paths are: `{$name}`, `{$vendor}`, `{$type}`. ## Custom Install Names If you're a package author and need your package to be named differently when installed consider using the `installer-name` extra. For example you have a package named `shama/cakephp-ftp` with the type `cakephp-plugin`. Installing with `composer/installers` would install to the path `Plugin/CakephpFtp`. Due to the strict naming conventions, you as a package author actually need the package to be named and installed to `Plugin/Ftp`. Using the following config within your **package** `composer.json` will allow this: ```json { "name": "shama/cakephp-ftp", "type": "cakephp-plugin", "extra": { "installer-name": "Ftp" } } ``` Please note the name entered into `installer-name` will be the final and will not be inflected. ## Contribute! * [Fork and clone](https://help.github.com/articles/fork-a-repo). * Run the command `php composer.phar install --dev` to install the dev dependencies. See [Composer](https://github.com/composer/composer#installation--usage). * Use the command `phpunit` to run the tests. See [PHPUnit](http://phpunit.de). * Create a branch, commit, push and send us a [pull request](https://help.github.com/articles/using-pull-requests). To ensure a consistent code base, you should make sure the code follows the [Coding Standards](http://symfony.com/doc/2.0/contributing/code/standards.html) which we borrowed from Symfony. If you would like to help, please take a look at the list of [issues](https://github.com/composer/installers/issues). ### Should we allow dynamic package types or paths? No. What are they? The ability for a package author to determine where a package will be installed either through setting the path directly in their `composer.json` or through a dynamic package type: `"type": "framework-install-here"`. It has been proposed many times. Even implemented once early on and then removed. `installers` won't do this because it would allow a single package author to wipe out entire folders without the user's consent. That user would then come here to yell at us.