### Installation and usage Via [bower](https://github.com/twitter/bower): ```bash bower install jquery.serialScroll ``` Via [npm](https://www.npmjs.com/package/jquery.serialscroll): ```bash npm install jquery.serialscroll ``` ### Downloading Manually If you want the latest stable version, get the latest release from the [releases page](https://github.com/flesler/jquery.serialScroll/releases). ### jQuery.scrollTo This plugin requires [jQuery.scrollTo](http://github.com/flesler/jquery.scrollTo). In order to use jQuery.scrollTo 2.0 you need to update jQuery.localScroll to 1.3.0 and above. ### Notes * The hash of settings is passed in to jQuery.scrollTo, so, in addition to jQuery.localScroll's settings, you can use any of jQuery.scrollTo's. Check that plugin's documentation for further information. * Most of this plugin's defaults, belong to jQuery.scrollTo, check it's demo for an example of each option.