/*! * jQuery.serialScroll * Copyright (c) 2007-2015 Ariel Flesler - afleslergmailcom | http://flesler.blogspot.com * Licensed under MIT. * @projectDescription Animated scrolling of series with jQuery * @author Ariel Flesler * @version 1.3.0 * https://github.com/flesler/jquery.serialScroll */ ;(function($) { var NAMESPACE = '.serialScroll'; var $serialScroll = $.serialScroll = function(settings) { return $(window).serialScroll(settings); }; // Many of these defaults, belong to jQuery.ScrollTo, check it's demo for an example of each option. // @link {http://demos.flesler.com/jquery/scrollTo/ ScrollTo's Demo} $serialScroll.defaults = {// the defaults are public and can be overriden. duration:1000, // how long to animate. axis:'x', // which of top and left should be scrolled event:'click', // on which event to react. start:0, // first element (zero-based index) step: 1, // how many elements to scroll on each action lock:true,// ignore events if already animating cycle:true, // cycle endlessly (constant velocity) constant:true // use contant speed ? /* navigation:null,// if specified, it's a selector to a collection of items to navigate the container target:window, // if specified, it's a selector to the element to be scrolled. interval:0, // it's the number of milliseconds to automatically go to the next lazy:false,// go find the elements each time (allows AJAX or JS content, or reordering) stop:false, // stop any previous animations to avoid queueing force:false,// force the scroll to the first element on start ? jump: false,// if true, when the event is triggered on an element, the pane scrolls to it items:null, // selector to the items (relative to the matched elements) prev:null, // selector to the 'prev' button next:null, // selector to the 'next' button onBefore: function() {}, // function called before scrolling, if it returns false, the event is ignored exclude:0 // exclude the last x elements, so we cannot scroll past the end */ }; $.fn.serialScroll = function(options) { return this.each(function() { var settings = $.extend({}, $serialScroll.defaults, options), // this one is just to get shorter code when compressed event = settings.event, // ditto step = settings.step, // ditto lazy = settings.lazy, // if a target is specified, then everything's relative to 'this'. context = settings.target ? this : document, // the element to be scrolled (will carry all the events) $pane = $(settings.target || this, context), // will be reused, save it into a variable pane = $pane[0], // will hold a lazy list of elements items = settings.items, // index of the currently selected item active = settings.start, // boolean, do automatic scrolling or not auto = settings.interval, // save it now to make the code shorter nav = settings.navigation, // holds the interval id timer; // Incompatible with $().animate() delete settings.step; delete settings.start; // If no match, just ignore if (!pane) return; // if not lazy, save the items now if (!lazy) { items = getItems(); } // generate an initial call if (settings.force || auto) { jump({}, active); } // Button binding, optional $(settings.prev||[], context).bind(event, -step, move); $(settings.next||[], context).bind(event, step, move); // Custom events bound to the container if (!pane._bound_) { $pane // You can trigger with just 'prev' .bind('prev'+NAMESPACE, -step, move) // f.e: $(container).trigger('next'); .bind('next'+NAMESPACE, step, move) // f.e: $(container).trigger('goto', 4); .bind('goto'+NAMESPACE, jump); } if (auto) { $pane .bind('start'+NAMESPACE, function(e) { if (!auto) { clear(); auto = true; next(); } }) .bind('stop'+NAMESPACE, function() { clear(); auto = false; }); } // Let serialScroll know that the index changed externally $pane.bind('notify'+NAMESPACE, function(e, elem) { var i = index(elem); if (i > -1) { active = i; } }); // Avoid many bindings pane._bound_ = true; // Can't use jump if using lazy items and a non-bubbling event if (settings.jump) { (lazy ? $pane : getItems()).bind(event, function(e) { jump(e, index(e.target)); }); } if (nav) { nav = $(nav, context).bind(event, function(e) { e.data = Math.round(getItems().length / nav.length) * nav.index(this); jump(e, this); }); } function move(e) { e.data += active; jump(e, this); } function jump(e, pos) { if (!$.isNumeric(pos)) { pos = e.data; } var n, // Is a real event triggering ? real = e.type, // Handle a possible exclude $items = settings.exclude ? getItems().slice(0,-settings.exclude) : getItems(), limit = $items.length - 1, elem = $items[pos], duration = settings.duration; if (real) e.preventDefault(); if (auto) { // clear any possible automatic scrolling. clear(); timer = setTimeout(next, settings.interval); } // exceeded the limits if (!elem) { n = pos < 0 ? 0 : limit; // we exceeded for the first time if (active !== n) { pos = n; // this is a bad case } else if (!settings.cycle) { return; // invert, go to the other side } else { pos = limit - n; } elem = $items[pos]; } // no animations while busy if (!elem || settings.lock && $pane.is(':animated') || real && settings.onBefore && // Allow implementors to cancel scrolling settings.onBefore(e, elem, $pane, getItems(), pos) === false) return; if (settings.stop) { // remove all running animations $pane.stop(true); } if (settings.constant) { // keep constant velocity duration = Math.abs(duration/step * (active - pos)); } $pane.scrollTo(elem, duration, settings); // in case serialScroll was called on this elemement more than once. trigger('notify', pos); } function next() { trigger('next'); } function clear() { clearTimeout(timer); } function getItems() { return $(items, pane); } // I'll use the namespace to avoid conflicts function trigger(event) { $pane.trigger( event+NAMESPACE, [].slice.call(arguments,1) ); } function index(elem) { // Already a number if ($.isNumeric(elem)) { return elem; } var $items = getItems(), i; // See if it matches or one of its ancestors while((i = $items.index(elem)) === -1 && elem !== pane) { elem = elem.parentNode; } return i; } }); }; })(jQuery);