'market:posts' => "Ads",
'market:title' => "Market",
'market:user:title' => "%s's posts on Market",
'market:user' => "%s's Ads",
'market:user:friends' => "%s's friends Market",
'market:user:friends:title' => "%s's friends posts on Market",
'market:mine' => "My Ads",
'market:mine:title' => "My posts on Market",
'market:posttitle' => "%s's Market item: %s",
'market:friends' => "Friends Market",
'market:friends:title' => "My friends posts on Market",
'market:everyone:title' => "Everything on Market",
'market:everyone' => "All Market Posts",
'market:read' => "View post",
'market:add' => "Create New Ad",
'market:add:title' => "Create a new post on Market",
'market:edit' => "Edit Ad",
'market:imagelimitation' => "(Must be JPG, GIF or PNG)",
'market:text' => "Give a brief description about the item",
'market:uploadimages' => "Add images to your ad.",
'market:uploadimage1' => "Image 1 (cover image)",
'market:uploadimage2' => "Image 2",
'market:uploadimage3' => "Image 3",
'market:uploadimage4' => "Image 4",
'market:image' => "Ad image",
'market:delete:image' => "Delete this image",
'market:imagelater' => "",
'market:strapline' => "Created",
'item:object:market' => 'Market posts',
'market:none:found' => 'No market post found',
'market:pmbuttontext' => "Send Private Message",
'market:price' => "Price",
'market:price:help' => "(in %s)",
'market:text:help' => "(No HTML and max. 250 characters)",
'market:title:help' => "(1-3 words)",
'market:location' => "Location",
'market:location:help' => "(where is this item located)",
'market:tags' => "Tags",
'market:tags:help' => "(Separate with commas)",
'market:access:help' => "(Who can see this market post)",
'market:replies' => "Replies",
'market:created:gallery' => "Created by %s
at %s",
'market:created:listing' => "Created by %s at %s",
'market:showbig' => "Show larger picture",
'market:type' => "Type",
'market:type:choose' => 'Choose market post type',
'market:choose' => "Choose one...",
'market:charleft' => "characters left",
'market:accept:terms' => "I have read and accepted the %s",
'market:terms' => "terms",
'market:terms:title' => "Terms of use",
'market:terms' => "
Market is for buying or selling used itemts among members.
Only one Market post is allowed pr. item.
A Market post may only contain one item, unless it's part of a matching set.
Market is for used/home made items only.
Your Market post must be deleted when it's no longer relevant.
Posts will be deleted after %s month(s).
Commercial advertising is limited to those who have signed a promotional agreement with us.
We reserve the right to delete any Market posts violating our terms of use.
Terms are subject to change over time.
'market:new:post' => "New Market post",
'market:notification' =>
'%s created a new post to the Market:
%s - %s
View the post here:
// market widget
'market:widget' => "My Market",
'market:widget:description' => "Showcase your posts on Market",
'market:widget:viewall' => "View all my posts on Market",
'market:num_display' => "Number of posts to display",
'market:icon_size' => "Icon size",
'market:small' => "small",
'market:tiny' => "tiny",
// market river
'river:create:object:market' => '%s posted a new ad in Market %s',
'river:update:object:market' => '%s updated the ad %s in Market',
'river:comment:object:market' => '%s commented on Market ad %s',
// Status messages
'market:posted' => "Your Market post was successfully posted.",
'market:deleted' => "Your Market post was successfully deleted.",
'market:uploaded' => "Your image was succesfully added.",
'market:image:deleted' => "Your image was succesfully deleted.",
// Error messages
'market:save:failure' => "Your Market post could not be saved. Please try again.",
'market:error:missing:title' => "Error: Missing title!",
'market:error:missing:description' => "Error: Missing description!",
'market:error:missing:category' => "Error: Missing category!",
'market:error:missing:price' => "Error: Missing price!",
'market:error:missing:market_type' => "Error: Missing type!",
'market:tobig' => "Sorry; your file is bigger then 1MB, please upload a smaller file.",
'market:notjpg' => "Please make sure the picture inculed is a .jpg, .png or .gif file.",
'market:notuploaded' => "Sorry; your file doesn't apear to be uploaded.",
'market:notfound' => "Sorry; we could not find the specified Market post.",
'market:notdeleted' => "Sorry; we could not delete this Market post.",
'market:image:notdeleted' => "Sorry; we could not delete this image!",
'market:tomany' => "Error: Too many Market posts",
'market:tomany:text' => "You have reached the maximum number of Market posts pr. user. Please delete some first!",
'market:accept:terms:error' => "You must accept the terms of use!",
'market:error' => "Error: Cannot save market post!",
'market:error:cannot_write_to_container' => "Error: Cannot write to container!",
// Settings
'market:settings:status' => "Status",
'market:settings:desc' => "Description",
'market:max:posts' => "Max. number of market posts pr. user",
'market:unlimited' => "Unlimited",
'market:currency' => "Currency ($, €, DKK or something)",
'market:allowhtml' => "Allow HTML in market posts",
'market:numchars' => "Max. number of characters in market post (only valid without HTML)",
'market:pmbutton' => "Enable private message button",
'market:location:field' => "Enable a location field",
'market:adminonly' => "Only admin can create market posts",
'market:comments' => "Allow comments",
'market:custom' => "Custom field",
'market:settings:type' => 'Enable market post types (buy/sell/swap/free)',
'market:type:all' => "All",
'market:type:buy' => "Buying",
'market:type:sell' => "Selling",
'market:type:swap' => "Swap",
'market:type:free' => "Gift",
'market:expire' => "Auto delete market posts older than",
'market:expire:month' => "month",
'market:expire:months' => "months",
'market:expire:subject' => "Your market post has expired",
'market:expire:body' => "Hi %s
Your market post '%s' you created %s, has been deleted.
This happens automatically when market post are older than %s month(s).",
// market categories
'market:categories' => 'Market categories',
'market:categories:choose' => 'Choose category',
'market:categories:settings' => 'Market Categories:',
'market:categories:explanation' => 'Set some predefined categories for posting to the market.
Categories could be "clothes, footwear, furniture etc...", seperate each category with commas - remember not to use special characters in categories and put them in your language files as market:category:categoryname',
'market:categories:save:success' => 'Site market categories were successfully saved.',
'market:categories:settings:categories' => 'Market Categories',
'market:category:all' => "All",
'market:category' => "Category",
'market:category:title' => "Category: %s",
// Categories
'market:category:energy' => "Energy",
'market:category:housing' => "Housing",
'market:category:clothes' => "Clothes",
'market:category:hardware' => "Hardware",
'market:category:food' => "Food",
'market:category:furniture' => "Furniture",
'market:category:tools' => "Tools",
'market:category:books' => "Books",
'market:category:other' => "Others",
'market:category:gift' => "Gift",
'market:category:void' => "Void",
// Custom select
'market:custom:select' => "Item condition",
'market:custom:text' => "Condition",
'market:custom:activate' => "Enable Custom Select:",
'market:custom:settings' => "Custom Select Choices",
'market:custom:choices' => "Set some predefined choices for the custom select dropdown box.
Choices could be \"market:custom:new,market:custom:used...etc\", seperate each choice with commas - remember to put them in your language files",
// Custom choises
'market:custom:na' => "No information",
'market:custom:new' => "New",
'market:custom:unused' => "Unused",
'market:custom:used' => "Used",
'market:custom:good' => "Good",
'market:custom:fair' => "Fair",
'market:custom:poor' => "Poor",