# PHP project language: php # which versions of PHP to build with php: - 5.6 # set global environment variables env: global: # make PROJECTNAME from vendor/project # this strips everything before the last / - PROJECTNAME=${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG##*/} # make sure we have the latest version of composer before_install: - composer self-update # install dependencies install: - composer install # no phpunit tests (yet) script: true # no email notifications notifications: email: false # before deployment make the zipfile to upload before_deploy: # execute release prepare script - sh ./vendor/coldtrick/releases/scripts/travis/before_deploy.sh # deployment settings deploy: provider: releases api_key: secure: ClSGW+EMzujJNE2yZw9zh1of+AlSkr02ycgugDplOXF2mrM6fSSBP+IKhsb9SQ8qXa70iW8Kdqfzpa3ejToRSmtZCPJdcFE5ChduUlI+CGrXmVUcBP1UbR0LyDxsaFxhP43Pp3ihzJ2wX7zpOrO3qh2vf2eDiK/HLzMCkvZKo+A= # name of the zip to upload file: ${PROJECTNAME}_$TRAVIS_TAG.zip skip_cleanup: true on: # only when a tag is created in GitHub tags: true all_branches: true after_deploy: # execute release after script - sh ./vendor/coldtrick/releases/scripts/travis/after_deploy.sh