* * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of * the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Affero General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public * License along with this program. If not, see * . */ return array( 'item:object:site_announcement' => "Notificaciones de la red", 'site_annoucements' => "Notificaciones", 'site_annoucements:archive' => "Archivo", 'site_annoucements:scheduled' => "En proceso", 'site_annoucements:editors' => "Notificado por", 'announcements:add' => "Añadir notificación", 'site_annoucements:all:title' => "Activar notificaciones", 'site_annoucements:archive:title' => "Archivo de notificaciones", 'site_annoucements:add:title' => "Añadir notificación", 'site_annoucements:edit:title' => "Editar notificación", 'site_annoucements:scheduled:title' => "Notificaciones en proceso", 'site_annoucements:editors:title' => "Notificado por", 'site_annoucements:filter:active' => "Activa", 'site_annoucements:filter:archive' => "Archivo", 'site_annoucements:filter:scheduled' => "En proceso", 'site_annoucements:filter:editors' => "Notificada por", 'site_announcements:user_hover:make_editor' => "Crear notificador", 'site_announcements:user_hover:remove_editor' => "Quitar notificador", 'site_annoucements:all:none' => "No hay notificaciones activas", 'site_annoucements:archive:none' => "No hay notificaciones archivadas", 'site_annoucements:scheduled:none' => "No hay notificaciones en proceso", 'site_annoucements:editors:none' => "No hay responsables de notificar", 'site_announcements:menu:entity:mark' => "Leído!", 'site_announcements:type' => "Tipo de notificación", 'site_announcements:type:general' => "General", 'site_announcements:type:info' => "Informativa", 'site_announcements:type:attention' => "Urgente", 'site_announcements:edit:text' => "Notificación", 'site_announcements:edit:startdate' => "Fecha de comienzo", 'site_announcements:edit:enddate' => "Fecha de fin", 'site_announcement:action:edit:error:input' => "Introduce un texto de notificación, fecha de comienzo, fecha de fin, etc..", 'site_announcement:action:edit:error:time' => "La fecha final no puede ser anterior a la fecha de comienzo!", 'site_announcement:action:edit:error:save' => "Ha ocurrido un error mientras se procesaba la notificación", 'site_announcement:action:edit:success' => "Se ha salvado la notificación", 'site_announcements:action:toggle_editor:error:is_admin' => "%s es administradora y además se encarga de notificar", 'site_announcements:action:toggle_editor:unmake' => "%s deja de encargarse de notificar", 'site_announcements:action:toggle_editor:make' => "%s pasa a encargarse de notificar", );