'object', 'subtype' => 'image', 'limit' => $limit, 'offset' => $offset, 'selects' => array("count( * ) AS views"), 'joins' => array("JOIN {$db_prefix}entities ce ON ce.container_guid = e.guid", "JOIN {$db_prefix}entity_subtypes cs ON ce.subtype = cs.id AND cs.subtype = 'comment'"), 'group_by' => 'e.guid', 'order_by' => "views DESC", 'full_view' => false, 'list_type' => 'gallery', 'gallery_class' => 'tidypics-gallery' ); $result = elgg_list_entities($options); $title = elgg_echo('tidypics:mostcommented'); if (elgg_is_logged_in()) { $logged_in_guid = elgg_get_logged_in_user_guid(); elgg_register_menu_item('title', array('name' => 'addphotos', 'href' => "ajax/view/photos/selectalbum/?owner_guid=" . $logged_in_guid, 'text' => elgg_echo("photos:addphotos"), 'link_class' => 'elgg-button elgg-button-action elgg-lightbox')); } // only show slideshow link if slideshow is enabled in plugin settings and there are images if (elgg_get_plugin_setting('slideshow', 'tidypics') && !empty($result)) { $url = elgg_get_site_url() . "photos/mostcommented?limit=64&offset=$offset&view=rss"; $url = elgg_format_url($url); $slideshow_link = "javascript:PicLensLite.start({maxScale:0, feedUrl:'$url'})"; elgg_register_menu_item('title', array('name' => 'slideshow', 'href' => $slideshow_link, 'text' => "\"".elgg_echo('album:slideshow')."\"", 'title' => elgg_echo('album:slideshow'), 'link_class' => 'elgg-button elgg-button-action')); } if (!empty($result)) { $area2 = $result; } else { $area2 = elgg_echo('tidypics:mostcommented:nosuccess'); } $body = elgg_view_layout('content', array( 'filter_override' => '', 'content' => $area2, 'title' => $title, 'sidebar' => elgg_view('photos/sidebar', array('page' => 'all')), )); // Draw it echo elgg_view_page(elgg_echo('tidypics:mostcommented'), $body);