* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace Stash\Test\Driver; /** * @package Stash * @author Robert Hafner */ class RedisArrayTest extends RedisTest { protected $driverClass = 'Stash\Driver\Redis'; protected $redisSecondServer = ''; protected $redisSecondPort = '6380'; protected $persistence = true; protected function setUp() { if (defined('HHVM_VERSION')) { $this->markTestSkipped('RedisArray currently not supported by HHVM.'); } parent::setUp(); if (!($sock = @fsockopen($this->redisServer, $this->redisPort, $errno, $errstr, 1))) { $this->markTestSkipped('Redis server unavailable for testing.'); } fclose($sock); if (!($sock = @fsockopen($this->redisSecondServer, $this->redisSecondPort, $errno, $errstr, 1))) { $this->markTestSkipped('Second Redis Server needed for more tests.'); } fclose($sock); } protected function getOptions() { return array( 'servers' => array( array('server' => $this->redisServer, 'port' => $this->redisPort, 'ttl' => 0.1), array('server' => $this->redisSecondServer, 'port' => $this->redisSecondPort, 'ttl' => 0.1), ), ); } /** * @test */ public function itShouldConstructARedisArray() { $driver = $this->getFreshDriver(); $class = new \ReflectionClass($driver); $redisProperty = $class->getProperty('redis'); $redisProperty->setAccessible(true); $redisArray = $redisProperty->getValue($driver); $this->assertInstanceOf('\RedisArray', $redisArray); } /** * @test */ public function itShouldPassOptionsToRedisArray() { $redisArrayOptions = array( "previous" => "something", "function" => function ($key) { return $key; }, "distributor" => function ($key) { return 0; }, "index" => "something", "autorehash" => "something", "pconnect" => "something", "retry_interval" => "something", "lazy_connect" => "something", "connect_timeout" => "something", ); $driverOptions = array_merge( $this->getOptions(), $redisArrayOptions ); if (!extension_loaded('uopz')) { $this->markTestSkipped('uopz extension is necessarry in order to stub "new".'); } uopz_backup('\RedisArray', '__construct'); $self = $this; uopz_function( '\RedisArray', '__construct', function ($serverArray, $actualRedisArrayOptions) use ($self, $redisArrayOptions) { $self->assertEquals( $redisArrayOptions, $actualRedisArrayOptions ); } ); $this->getFreshDriver($driverOptions); uopz_restore('\RedisArray', '__construct'); } }