== VERSION HISTORY == 2.0.1 (09/26/2015): - compatibility 1.9 through 1.12 2.0.0 (09/25/2015): - upgrade for Elgg 1.9 - protect anonymous user pages with admin_gatekeeper - remove custom settings for styling anonymous user - use core profile/settings/avatar page - remove user hover menu for anonymous entirely (as of Elgg 1.11) - removes recaptcha (use recaptcha plugin) - optional add to river setting - much code cleanup - more secure email moderation links 1.0 - - combines moderated_comments and speak_freely plugins - adds required email field that is only sent in notifications, along with the IP address of the poster. These are not permanently stored - they are to help the owner contact the poster by email if needed. - implements stopforumspam integration to prevent known spammers from adding comments - prevents saving of URLs or other rich text formatting beyond simple bold, italic, etc.