Version History =============== 2.0 (2015-07-08): - fixed: input for getEntitiesFromRelationship to array as per deprecation message #53 2.0-rc.1 (2015-01-22): - If you come from a version < 1.1 please upgrade to version 1.2 before installing version 2.0 - fixed: WSOD when viewing a folder structure with an empty folder title - fixed: wrong function call for folder url's 1.2 (2015-01-05): - added: max number of files in the listing (plugin setting) with 'show more' button - fixed: mimetype detection in ZIP upload doesn't detect all MS Office types correctly - fixed: moving a folder doesn't always correclty refreshed the content - changed: small css fixes 1.1.2 (2013-04-05): - fixed: files lost their folder if the access of the folder was updated (thanks to Tauvic Ritter for reporting) - fixed: uploading a zip could create an empty folder - changed: layout of the upload page, now with tabs for the different option (single file, multi file, zip file) - removed: old css file - removed: tags from multi upload form 1.1.1 (2012-11-14): - fixed: critical bug in upgrade script when you first enable file_tools (thanks to Sergiy Kamolov - changed: disabled notifications of new file on zip upload - changed: README.txt to for better markup 1.1 (2012-11-06): - added: breadcrumb folderstructure on file full view - added: upgrade script to fix disappeared folders - fixed: mine tab highlighted when showing files from a friend - fixed: call to undefined function - fixed: language keys in index_file widget - fixed: layout issues and old code in filerepo widget - fixed: more link in file_tree widget - fixed: deadloop issue when deleting a folder - fixed: setting wrong parent on folders - fixed: css error in uploadify styling - fixed: missing zip upload button on some pages - changed: group_files widget redone - changed: better validation of folder listing 1.0 (2012-07-31): - added: option to show folder content in the widget - fixed: depricated notices - fixed: max file upload size now listens to PHP setting - fixed: page_handler logic - fixed: edit a file moving to main folder - fixed: dropping files on the tree works again - fixed: layout of group settings - fixed: encoding problem in zip upload - fixed: problem with zip upload not creating folders - fixed: gracefully fallback for upload form - fixed: JS error when your site is in a subfolder (thanks to SehLax - changed: only show empty queue when needed - changed: better handling of file extensions - changed: file title is download link in full view - changed: layout of start.php to be more inline with Elgg - removed: unused javascript function 1.0 beta (2012-05-23): - added: group_files widget (from widget_manager) - added: index_file widget (from widget_maanger) - changed: plugin made Elgg 1.8.3 compatible 0.3.1 (2012-01-31): - fixed: incorrect forward after zip upload in group - fixed: incorrect access for zip uploaded files - fixed: incorrect forward after multiupload 0.3 (2012-01-24): - added: default sorting options for site and group admins - added: more loading indicator moments (sorting, folder change) - changed: only postfix file when zip downloading if file already exists in zip - removed: some obsolete js and css - fixed: invalid file_tree widget title link - fixed: some untranslatable language keys - fixed: 2 functions that were not namespaced (to prevent conflicts) - fixed: preferred date time notation in folder details 0.2 (2012-01-20): - initial release