en.php 4.0 KB

  1. <?php
  2. $english = array(
  3. 'au_subgroups' => "Sub-Groups",
  4. 'au_subgroups:subgroup' => "Sub-Group",
  5. 'au_subgroups:subgroups' => "Sub-Groups",
  6. 'au_subgroups:parent' => "Parent Group",
  7. 'au_subgroups:add:subgroup' => 'Create a Sub-Group',
  8. 'au_subgroups:nogroups' => 'No Sub-Groups have been created',
  9. 'au_subgroups:needjoinparent' => 'This is a sub-group, you need to join the parent group inorder to join this group',
  10. 'au_subgroups:error:notparentmember' => "Users cannot join a sub-group if they are not a member of the parent group",
  11. 'au_subtypes:error:create:disabled' => "Subgroup creation has been disabled for this group",
  12. 'au_subgroups:noedit' => "Cannot edit this group",
  13. 'au_subgroups:subgroups:delete' => "Delete Group",
  14. 'au_subgroups:delete:label' => "What should happen to the content of this group? Any option selected will also apply to any subgroups that will be deleted.",
  15. 'au_subgroups:deleteoption:delete' => 'Delete all content within this group',
  16. 'au_subgroups:deleteoption:owner' => 'Transfer all content to the original creators',
  17. 'au_subgroups:deleteoption:parent' => 'Transfer all content to the parent group',
  18. 'au_subgroups:subgroup:of' => "Sub-Group of %s",
  19. 'au_subgroups:setting:display_alphabetically' => "Display personal group listings alphabetically?",
  20. 'au_subgroups:setting:display_subgroups' => 'Show subgroups in standard group listings?',
  21. 'au_subgroups:setting:display_featured' => 'Show featured groups sidebar on personal group listings?',
  22. 'au_subgroups:error:invite' => "Action has been cancelled - the following users are not members of the parent group and cannot be invited/added.",
  23. 'au_subgroups:option:parent:members' => "Members of the parent group",
  24. 'au_subgroups:subgroups:more' => "View all Sub-Groups",
  25. 'group:setmanager' => "Set as manager",
  26. 'group:removemanager' => "Unset manager",
  27. // group options
  28. 'au_subgroups:group:enable' => "Subgroups: Enable Sub-Groups for this group?",
  29. 'au_subgroups:group:memberspermissions' => "Subgroups: Enable any member to create subgroups? (if no, only group admins will be able to create subgroups)",
  30. /*
  31. * Widget
  32. */
  33. 'au_subgroups:widget:order' => 'Order results by',
  34. 'au_subgroups:option:default' => 'Time Created',
  35. 'au_subgroups:option:alpha' => 'Alphabetical',
  36. 'au_subgroups:widget:numdisplay' => 'Number of subgroups to display',
  37. 'au_subgroups:widget:description' => 'List subgroups for this group',
  38. /*
  39. * Move group
  40. */
  41. 'au_subgroups:move:edit:title' => "Make this group a subgroup of another group",
  42. 'au_subgroups:transfer:help' => "You can set this group as a subgroup of any other group you have permissions to edit. If users are not a member of the new parent group, they will be removed from this group and sent a new invitation that will enroll them in the new parent group and all subgroups leading to this one. <b>This will also transfer any subgroups of this group</b>",
  43. 'au_subgroups:search:text' => "Search Groups",
  44. 'au_subgroups:search:noresults' => "No groups found",
  45. 'au_subgroups:error:timeout' => "Search timed out",
  46. 'au_subgroups:error:generic' => "An error has occurred with the search",
  47. 'au_subgroups:move:confirm' => "Are you sure you want to make this a subgroup of another group?",
  48. 'au_subgroups:error:permissions' => "You must have edit permissions for the subgroup and each parent up to the top. Additionally, a group cannot move to a subgroup of itself.",
  49. 'au_subgroups:move:success' => "Group has been moved successfully",
  50. 'au_subgroups:noparent' => 'Set to no parent',
  51. 'au_subgroups:error:invalid:group' => "Invalid group identifier",
  52. 'au_subgroups:invite:body' => "Hi %s,
  53. The group %s has been moved to a subgroup of the group %s.
  54. As you are not currently a member of the new parent group you have been removed from
  55. the subgroup. You have been re-invited into the group, accepting the invitation will
  56. automatically join you as a member of all parent groups.
  57. Click below to view your invitations:
  58. %s",
  59. );
  60. add_translation("en",$english);