en.php 4.2 KB

  1. <?php
  2. return array(
  3. 'blog_tools' => "Blog tools",
  4. 'blog_tools:toggle:feature' => "Feature",
  5. 'blog_tools:toggle:unfeature' => "Unfeature",
  6. 'blog_tools:readmore' => "read more",
  7. // menu
  8. 'blog_tools:menu:filter:featured' => "Featured",
  9. // widget
  10. 'blog_tools:widget:featured' => "Show only featured blogs?",
  11. // notifications
  12. 'blog_tools:notify:publish:subject' => "A blog has been published",
  13. 'blog_tools:notify:publish:message' => "Hi,
  14. your blog '%s' has been published.
  15. You can view your blog here:
  16. %s",
  17. 'blog_tools:notify:expire:subject' => "A blog has expired",
  18. 'blog_tools:notify:expire:message' => "Hi,
  19. your blog '%s' has expired and is no longer visible for the community.
  20. You can view your blog here:
  21. %s",
  22. // views
  23. 'blog_tools:view:related' => "Related blogs",
  24. // blog edit
  25. 'blog_tools:label:icon:exists' => "Upload icon (leave empty to keep current icon)",
  26. 'blog_tools:label:icon:new' => "Upload icon",
  27. 'blog_tools:label:icon:remove' => "Remove icon",
  28. 'blog_tools:label:show_owner' => "Show information about yourself below the blog",
  29. 'blog_tools:label:publication_options' => "Publication options",
  30. 'blog_tools:label:publication_date' => "Publication date (optional)",
  31. 'blog_tools:publication_date:description' => "When you select a date here the blog will not be published until the selected date.",
  32. 'blog_tools:label:expiration_date' => "Expiration date (optional)",
  33. 'blog_tools:expiration_date:description' => "The blog will no longer be published after the selected date.",
  34. // settings
  35. 'blog_tools:settings:image' => "Blog image settings",
  36. 'blog_tools:settings:other' => "Other settings",
  37. 'blog_tools:settings:listing:image_align' => "Blog listing image align",
  38. 'blog_tools:settings:listing:image_size' => "Blog listing image size",
  39. 'blog_tools:settings:full:image_align' => "Blog full view image align",
  40. 'blog_tools:settings:full:image_size' => "Blog full view image size",
  41. 'blog_tools:settings:full' => "Blog full view settings",
  42. 'blog_tools:settings:full:show_full_navigation' => "Show previous/next navigation",
  43. 'blog_tools:settings:full:show_full_owner' => "Show blog owner information below blog",
  44. 'blog_tools:settings:full:show_full_owner:optional' => "Optional, blog owner decides",
  45. 'blog_tools:settings:full:show_full_related' => "Show related blogs",
  46. 'blog_tools:settings:full:show_full_related:full_view' => "Below the blog",
  47. 'blog_tools:settings:full:show_full_related:sidebar' => "In the sidebar",
  48. 'blog_tools:settings:align:none' => "No image",
  49. 'blog_tools:settings:align:left' => "Left",
  50. 'blog_tools:settings:align:right' => "Right",
  51. 'blog_tools:settings:size:tiny' => "Tiny (16x16)",
  52. 'blog_tools:settings:size:small' => "Small (40x40)",
  53. 'blog_tools:settings:size:medium' => "Medium (100x100)",
  54. 'blog_tools:settings:size:large' => "Large (200x200)",
  55. 'blog_tools:settings:size:master' => "Master (550x550)",
  56. 'blog_tools:settings:listing:strapline' => "Show strapline in listing",
  57. 'blog_tools:settings:strapline:default' => "Default (owner and tags)",
  58. 'blog_tools:settings:strapline:time' => "Time only",
  59. 'blog_tools:settings:advanced_gatekeeper' => "Use advanced blog gatekeeper",
  60. 'blog_tools:settings:advanced_gatekeeper:description' => "This will help non loggedin users to find their way to a protected blog more easily",
  61. 'blog_tools:settings:advanced_publication' => "Allow advanced publication options",
  62. 'blog_tools:settings:advanced_publication:description' => "With this users can select a publication and expiration date for blogs. Requires a working daily CRON.",
  63. // actions
  64. 'blog_tools:action:toggle_metadata:error' => "An unknown error occured while editing the entity, please try agian",
  65. 'blog_tools:action:toggle_metadata:success' => "The entity was successfully edited",
  66. 'blog_tools:action:save:error:expiration_date' => "The expiration date can't be before today",
  67. // widget
  68. 'blog_tools:widgets:index_blog:description' => "Show the latest blogs on your community",
  69. 'blog_tools:widgets:index_blog:view_mode' => "How to view the blogs",
  70. 'blog_tools:widgets:index_blog:view_mode:list' => "List",
  71. 'blog_tools:widgets:index_blog:view_mode:preview' => "Preview",
  72. 'blog_tools:widgets:index_blog:view_mode:slider' => "Slider",
  73. 'blog_tools:widgets:index_blog:view_mode:simple' => "Simple",
  74. );