en.php 3.6 KB

  1. <?php
  2. return array(
  3. 'gnusocial_api' => 'GNUSocial Services',
  4. 'gnusocial_api:requires_oauth' => 'GNUSocial Services requires the OAuth Libraries plugin to be enabled.',
  5. 'gnusocial_api:consumer_key' => 'Consumer Key',
  6. 'gnusocial_api:consumer_secret' => 'Consumer Secret',
  7. 'gnusocial_api:settings:instructions' => 'You must obtain a consumer key and secret from <a href="https://dev.gnusocial.com/apps/new" target="_blank">GNUSocial</a>. Fill out the new app application. Select "Browser" as the application type and "Read & Write" for the access type. The callback url is %sgnusocial_api/authorize',
  8. 'gnusocial_api:usersettings:description' => "Link your %s account with GNUSocial.",
  9. 'gnusocial_api:usersettings:request' => "You must first <a href=\"%s\">authorize</a> %s to access your GNUSocial account.",
  10. 'gnusocial_api:usersettings:cannot_revoke' => "You cannot unlink you account with GNUSocial because you haven't provided an email address or password. <a href=\"%s\">Provide them now</a>.",
  11. 'gnusocial_api:authorize:error' => 'Unable to authorize GNUSocial.',
  12. 'gnusocial_api:authorize:success' => 'GNUSocial access has been authorized.',
  13. 'gnusocial_api:usersettings:authorized' => "You have authorized %s to access your GNUSocial account: @%s.",
  14. 'gnusocial_api:usersettings:revoke' => 'Click <a href="%s">here</a> to revoke access.',
  15. 'gnusocial_api:usersettings:site_not_configured' => 'An administrator must first configure GNUSocial before it can be used.',
  16. 'gnusocial_api:revoke:success' => 'GNUSocial access has been revoked.',
  17. 'gnusocial_api:post_to_gnusocial' => "Send users' wire posts to GNUSocial?",
  18. 'gnusocial_api:login' => 'Allow users to sign in with GNUSocial?',
  19. 'gnusocial_api:new_users' => 'Allow new users to sign up using their GNUSocial account even if user registration is disabled?',
  20. 'gnusocial_api:login:success' => 'You have been logged in.',
  21. 'gnusocial_api:login:error' => 'Unable to login with GNUSocial.',
  22. 'gnusocial_api:login:email' => "You must enter a valid email address for your new %s account.",
  23. 'gnusocial_api:invalid_page' => 'Invalid page',
  24. 'gnusocial_api:deprecated_callback_url' => 'The callback URL has changed for GNUSocial API to %s. Please ask your administrator to change it.',
  25. 'gnusocial_api:interstitial:settings' => 'Configure your settings',
  26. 'gnusocial_api:interstitial:description' => 'You\'re almost ready to use %s! We need a few more details before you can continue. These are optional, but will allow you login if GNUSocial goes down or you decide to unlink your accounts.',
  27. 'gnusocial_api:interstitial:username' => 'This is your username. It cannot be changed. If you set a password, you can use the username or your email address to log in.',
  28. 'gnusocial_api:interstitial:name' => 'This is the name people will see when interacting with you.',
  29. 'gnusocial_api:interstitial:email' => 'Your email address. Users cannot see this by default.',
  30. 'gnusocial_api:interstitial:password' => 'A password to login if GNUSocial is down or you decide to unlink your accounts.',
  31. 'gnusocial_api:interstitial:password2' => 'The same password, again.',
  32. 'gnusocial_api:interstitial:no_thanks' => 'No thanks',
  33. 'gnusocial_api:interstitial:no_display_name' => 'You must have a display name.',
  34. 'gnusocial_api:interstitial:invalid_email' => 'You must enter a valid email address or nothing.',
  35. 'gnusocial_api:interstitial:existing_email' => 'This email address is already registered on this site.',
  36. 'gnusocial_api:interstitial:password_mismatch' => 'Your passwords do not match.',
  37. 'gnusocial_api:interstitial:cannot_save' => 'Cannot save account details.',
  38. 'gnusocial_api:interstitial:saved' => 'Account details saved!',
  39. );