en.php 13 KB

  1. <?php
  2. return array(
  3. /**
  4. * Menu items and titles
  5. */
  6. 'groups' => "Groups",
  7. 'groups:owned' => "Groups I own",
  8. 'groups:owned:user' => 'Groups %s owns',
  9. 'groups:yours' => "My groups",
  10. 'groups:newest' => "Newest",
  11. 'groups:popular' => "Most members",
  12. 'groups:user' => "%s's groups",
  13. 'groups:all' => "All groups",
  14. 'groups:add' => "Create a new group",
  15. 'groups:edit' => "Edit group",
  16. 'groups:delete' => 'Delete group',
  17. 'groups:membershiprequests' => 'Manage join requests',
  18. 'groups:membershiprequests:pending' => 'Manage join requests (%s)',
  19. 'groups:invitations' => 'Group invitations',
  20. 'groups:invitations:pending' => 'Group invitations (%s)',
  21. 'groups:icon' => 'Group icon (leave blank to leave unchanged)',
  22. 'groups:name' => 'Group name',
  23. 'groups:username' => 'Group short name (displayed in URLs, alphanumeric characters only)',
  24. 'groups:description' => 'Description',
  25. 'groups:briefdescription' => 'Brief description',
  26. 'groups:interests' => 'Tags',
  27. 'groups:website' => 'Website',
  28. 'groups:members' => 'Group members',
  29. 'groups:my_status' => 'My status',
  30. 'groups:my_status:group_owner' => 'You own this group',
  31. 'groups:my_status:group_member' => 'You are in this group',
  32. 'groups:subscribed' => 'Group notifications on',
  33. 'groups:unsubscribed' => 'Group notifications off',
  34. 'groups:members:title' => 'Members of %s',
  35. 'groups:members:more' => "View all members",
  36. 'groups:membership' => "Group membership permissions",
  37. 'groups:content_access_mode' => "Accessibility of group content",
  38. 'groups:content_access_mode:warning' => "Warning: Changing this setting won't change the access permission of existing group content.",
  39. 'groups:content_access_mode:unrestricted' => "Unrestricted - Access depends on content-level settings",
  40. 'groups:content_access_mode:membersonly' => "Members Only - Non-members can never access group content",
  41. 'groups:access' => "Access permissions",
  42. 'groups:owner' => "Owner",
  43. 'groups:owner:warning' => "Warning: if you change this value, you will no longer be the owner of this group.",
  44. 'groups:widget:num_display' => 'Number of groups to display',
  45. 'groups:widget:membership' => 'Group membership',
  46. 'groups:widgets:description' => 'Display the groups you are a member of on your profile',
  47. 'groups:widget:group_activity:title' => 'Group activity',
  48. 'groups:widget:group_activity:description' => 'View the activity in one of your groups',
  49. 'groups:widget:group_activity:edit:select' => 'Select a group',
  50. 'groups:widget:group_activity:content:noactivity' => 'There is no activity in this group',
  51. 'groups:widget:group_activity:content:noselect' => 'Edit this widget to select a group',
  52. 'groups:noaccess' => 'No access to group',
  53. 'groups:permissions:error' => 'You do not have the permissions for this',
  54. 'groups:ingroup' => 'in the group',
  55. 'groups:cantcreate' => 'You can not create a group. Only admins can.',
  56. 'groups:cantedit' => 'You can not edit this group',
  57. 'groups:saved' => 'Group saved',
  58. 'groups:save_error' => 'Group could not be saved',
  59. 'groups:featured' => 'Featured groups',
  60. 'groups:makeunfeatured' => 'Unfeature',
  61. 'groups:makefeatured' => 'Make featured',
  62. 'groups:featuredon' => '%s is now a featured group.',
  63. 'groups:unfeatured' => '%s has been removed from the featured groups.',
  64. 'groups:featured_error' => 'Invalid group.',
  65. 'groups:nofeatured' => 'No featured groups',
  66. 'groups:joinrequest' => 'Request membership',
  67. 'groups:join' => 'Join group',
  68. 'groups:leave' => 'Leave group',
  69. 'groups:invite' => 'Invite friends',
  70. 'groups:invite:title' => 'Invite friends to this group',
  71. 'groups:inviteto' => "Invite friends to '%s'",
  72. 'groups:nofriends' => "You have no friends left who have not been invited to this group.",
  73. 'groups:nofriendsatall' => 'You have no friends to invite!',
  74. 'groups:viagroups' => "via groups",
  75. 'groups:group' => "Group",
  76. 'groups:search:tags' => "tag",
  77. 'groups:search:title' => "Search for groups tagged with '%s'",
  78. 'groups:search:none' => "No matching groups were found",
  79. 'groups:search_in_group' => "Search in this group",
  80. 'groups:acl' => "Group: %s",
  81. 'discussion:topic:notify:summary' => 'New discussion topic called %s',
  82. 'discussion:topic:notify:subject' => 'New discussion topic: %s',
  83. 'discussion:topic:notify:body' =>
  84. '%s added a new discussion topic to the group %s:
  85. Title: %s
  86. %s
  87. View and reply to the discussion topic:
  88. %s
  89. ',
  90. 'discussion:reply:notify:summary' => 'New reply in topic: %s',
  91. 'discussion:reply:notify:subject' => 'New reply in topic: %s',
  92. 'discussion:reply:notify:body' =>
  93. '%s replied to the discussion topic %s in the group %s:
  94. %s
  95. View and reply to the discussion:
  96. %s
  97. ',
  98. 'groups:activity' => "Group activity",
  99. 'groups:enableactivity' => 'Enable group activity',
  100. 'groups:activity:none' => "There is no group activity yet",
  101. 'groups:notfound' => "Group not found",
  102. 'groups:notfound:details' => "The requested group either does not exist or you do not have access to it",
  103. 'groups:requests:none' => 'There are no current membership requests.',
  104. 'groups:invitations:none' => 'There are no current invitations.',
  105. 'item:object:groupforumtopic' => "Discussion topics",
  106. 'item:object:discussion_reply' => "Discussion replies",
  107. 'groupforumtopic:new' => "Add discussion post",
  108. 'groups:count' => "groups created",
  109. 'groups:open' => "open group",
  110. 'groups:closed' => "closed group",
  111. 'groups:member' => "members",
  112. 'groups:searchtag' => "Search for groups by tag",
  113. 'groups:more' => 'More groups',
  114. 'groups:none' => 'No groups',
  115. /**
  116. * Access
  117. */
  118. 'groups:access:private' => 'Closed - Users must be invited',
  119. 'groups:access:public' => 'Open - Any user may join',
  120. 'groups:access:group' => 'Group members only',
  121. 'groups:closedgroup' => "This group's membership is closed.",
  122. 'groups:closedgroup:request' => 'To ask to be added, click the "Request membership" menu link.',
  123. 'groups:closedgroup:membersonly' => "This group's membership is closed and its content is accessible only by members.",
  124. 'groups:opengroup:membersonly' => "This group's content is accessible only by members.",
  125. 'groups:opengroup:membersonly:join' => 'To be a member, click the "Join group" menu link.',
  126. 'groups:visibility' => 'Who can see this group?',
  127. /**
  128. * Group tools
  129. */
  130. 'groups:enableforum' => 'Enable group discussion',
  131. 'groups:lastupdated' => 'Last updated %s by %s',
  132. 'groups:lastcomment' => 'Last comment %s by %s',
  133. /**
  134. * Group discussion
  135. */
  136. 'discussion' => 'Discussion',
  137. 'discussion:add' => 'Add discussion topic',
  138. 'discussion:latest' => 'Latest discussion',
  139. 'discussion:group' => 'Group discussion',
  140. 'discussion:none' => 'No discussion',
  141. 'discussion:reply:title' => 'Reply by %s',
  142. 'discussion:topic:created' => 'The discussion topic was created.',
  143. 'discussion:topic:updated' => 'The discussion topic was updated.',
  144. 'discussion:topic:deleted' => 'Discussion topic has been deleted.',
  145. 'discussion:topic:notfound' => 'Discussion topic not found',
  146. 'discussion:error:notsaved' => 'Unable to save this topic',
  147. 'discussion:error:missing' => 'Both title and message are required fields',
  148. 'discussion:error:permissions' => 'You do not have permissions to perform this action',
  149. 'discussion:error:notdeleted' => 'Could not delete the discussion topic',
  150. 'discussion:reply:edit' => 'Edit reply',
  151. 'discussion:reply:deleted' => 'Discussion reply has been deleted.',
  152. 'discussion:reply:error:notfound' => 'The discussion reply was not found',
  153. 'discussion:reply:error:notfound_fallback' => "Sorry, we could not find the specified reply, but we've forwarded you to the original discussion topic.",
  154. 'discussion:reply:error:notdeleted' => 'Could not delete the discussion reply',
  155. 'discussion:search:title' => 'Reply on topic: %s',
  156. 'admin:groups' => 'Groups',
  157. 'reply:this' => 'Reply to this',
  158. 'group:replies' => 'with replies',
  159. 'groups:forum:created' => 'Created %s with %d comments',
  160. 'groups:forum:created:single' => 'Created %s with %d reply',
  161. 'groups:forum' => 'Discussion',
  162. 'groups:addtopic' => 'Add a topic',
  163. 'groups:forumlatest' => 'Latest discussion',
  164. 'groups:latestdiscussion' => 'Latest discussion',
  165. 'groupspost:success' => 'Your reply was succesfully posted',
  166. 'groupspost:failure' => 'There was problem while posting your reply',
  167. 'groups:alldiscussion' => 'Latest discussion',
  168. 'groups:edittopic' => 'Edit topic',
  169. 'groups:topicmessage' => 'Topic message',
  170. 'groups:topicstatus' => 'Topic status',
  171. 'groups:reply' => 'Post a comment',
  172. 'groups:topic' => 'Topic',
  173. 'groups:posts' => 'Posts',
  174. 'groups:lastperson' => 'Last person',
  175. 'groups:when' => 'When',
  176. 'grouptopic:notcreated' => 'No topics have been created.',
  177. 'groups:topicclosed' => 'Closed',
  178. 'grouptopic:created' => 'Your topic was created.',
  179. 'groups:topicsticky' => 'Sticky',
  180. 'groups:topicisclosed' => 'This discussion is closed.',
  181. 'groups:topiccloseddesc' => 'This discussion is closed and is not accepting new comments.',
  182. 'grouptopic:error' => 'Your group topic could not be created. Please try again or contact a system administrator.',
  183. 'groups:forumpost:edited' => "You have successfully edited the forum post.",
  184. 'groups:forumpost:error' => "There was a problem editing the forum post.",
  185. 'groups:privategroup' => 'This group is closed. Requesting membership.',
  186. 'groups:notitle' => 'Groups must have a title',
  187. 'groups:cantjoin' => 'Can not join group',
  188. 'groups:cantleave' => 'Could not leave group',
  189. 'groups:removeuser' => 'Remove from group',
  190. 'groups:cantremove' => 'Cannot remove user from group',
  191. 'groups:removed' => 'Successfully removed %s from group',
  192. 'groups:addedtogroup' => 'Successfully added the user to the group',
  193. 'groups:joinrequestnotmade' => 'Could not request to join group',
  194. 'groups:joinrequestmade' => 'Requested to join group',
  195. 'groups:joined' => 'Successfully joined group!',
  196. 'groups:left' => 'Successfully left group',
  197. 'groups:notowner' => 'Sorry, you are not the owner of this group.',
  198. 'groups:notmember' => 'Sorry, you are not a member of this group.',
  199. 'groups:alreadymember' => 'You are already a member of this group!',
  200. 'groups:userinvited' => 'User has been invited.',
  201. 'groups:usernotinvited' => 'User could not be invited.',
  202. 'groups:useralreadyinvited' => 'User has already been invited',
  203. 'groups:invite:subject' => "%s you have been invited to join %s!",
  204. 'groups:updated' => "Last reply by %s %s",
  205. 'groups:started' => "Started by %s",
  206. 'groups:joinrequest:remove:check' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this join request?',
  207. 'groups:invite:remove:check' => 'Are you sure you want to remove this invitation?',
  208. 'groups:invite:body' => "Hi %s,
  209. %s invited you to join the '%s' group. Click below to view your invitations:
  210. %s",
  211. 'groups:welcome:subject' => "Welcome to the %s group!",
  212. 'groups:welcome:body' => "Hi %s!
  213. You are now a member of the '%s' group! Click below to begin posting!
  214. %s",
  215. 'groups:request:subject' => "%s has requested to join %s",
  216. 'groups:request:body' => "Hi %s,
  217. %s has requested to join the '%s' group. Click below to view their profile:
  218. %s
  219. or click below to view the group's join requests:
  220. %s",
  221. /**
  222. * Forum river items
  223. */
  224. 'river:create:group:default' => '%s created the group %s',
  225. 'river:join:group:default' => '%s joined the group %s',
  226. 'river:create:object:groupforumtopic' => '%s added a new discussion topic %s',
  227. 'river:reply:object:groupforumtopic' => '%s replied on the discussion topic %s',
  228. 'river:reply:view' => 'view reply',
  229. 'groups:nowidgets' => 'No widgets have been defined for this group.',
  230. 'groups:widgets:members:title' => 'Group members',
  231. 'groups:widgets:members:description' => 'List the members of a group.',
  232. 'groups:widgets:members:label:displaynum' => 'List the members of a group.',
  233. 'groups:widgets:members:label:pleaseedit' => 'Please configure this widget.',
  234. 'groups:widgets:entities:title' => "Objects in group",
  235. 'groups:widgets:entities:description' => "List the objects saved in this group",
  236. 'groups:widgets:entities:label:displaynum' => 'List the objects of a group.',
  237. 'groups:widgets:entities:label:pleaseedit' => 'Please configure this widget.',
  238. 'groups:forumtopic:edited' => 'Forum topic successfully edited.',
  239. 'groups:allowhiddengroups' => 'Do you want to allow private (invisible) groups?',
  240. 'groups:whocancreate' => 'Who can create new groups?',
  241. /**
  242. * Action messages
  243. */
  244. 'group:deleted' => 'Group and group contents deleted',
  245. 'group:notdeleted' => 'Group could not be deleted',
  246. 'group:notfound' => 'Could not find the group',
  247. 'grouppost:deleted' => 'Group posting successfully deleted',
  248. 'grouppost:notdeleted' => 'Group posting could not be deleted',
  249. 'groupstopic:deleted' => 'Topic deleted',
  250. 'groupstopic:notdeleted' => 'Topic not deleted',
  251. 'grouptopic:blank' => 'No topic',
  252. 'grouptopic:notfound' => 'Could not find the topic',
  253. 'grouppost:nopost' => 'Empty post',
  254. 'groups:deletewarning' => "Are you sure you want to delete this group? There is no undo!",
  255. 'groups:invitekilled' => 'The invite has been deleted.',
  256. 'groups:joinrequestkilled' => 'The join request has been deleted.',
  257. 'groups:error:addedtogroup' => "Could not add %s to the group",
  258. 'groups:add:alreadymember' => "%s is already a member of this group",
  259. /**
  260. * ecml
  261. */
  262. 'groups:ecml:discussion' => 'Group Discussions',
  263. 'groups:ecml:groupprofile' => 'Group profiles',
  264. );