SerialScroll_stop-on-hover.js 649 B

  1. /*!*****************************************
  2. Snippet for jQuery.SerialScroll
  3. --Stop the auto-scrolling when hovering--
  4. Note that trigger and stop won't do anything
  5. If the widget wasn't called with 'interval'.
  6. *******************************************/
  7. jQuery(function( $ ){
  8. var intval = 5000;//how often to autoscroll (in milliseconds)
  9. $('#pane').serialScroll({
  10. //...
  11. interval: intval,//auto scroll
  12. //...
  13. });
  14. // You can temove the .stop() to let it finish the active animation
  15. $('#pane').hover(function(){
  16. $(this).stop().trigger('stop');
  17. },function(){
  18. $(this).stop().trigger('start');
  19. });
  20. });