en.php 5.2 KB

  1. <?php
  2. $english = array(
  3. /**
  4. * Menu items and titles
  5. */
  6. 'poll' => "Poll",
  7. 'polls:add' => "New Poll",
  8. 'polls' => "Polls",
  9. 'polls:votes' => "votes",
  10. 'polls:user' => "%s's poll",
  11. 'polls:group_polls' => "Group polls",
  12. 'polls:group_polls:listing:title' => "%s's polls",
  13. 'polls:user:friends' => "%s's friends' poll",
  14. 'polls:your' => "Your polls",
  15. 'polls:not_me' => "%s's polls",
  16. 'polls:posttitle' => "%s's polls: %s",
  17. 'polls:friends' => "Friends' polls",
  18. 'polls:not_me_friends' => "%s's friend's polls",
  19. 'polls:yourfriends' => "Your friends' latest polls",
  20. 'polls:everyone' => "All site polls",
  21. 'polls:read' => "Read poll",
  22. 'polls:addpost' => "Create a poll",
  23. 'polls:editpost' => "Edit a poll: %s",
  24. 'polls:edit' => "Edit a poll",
  25. 'polls:text' => "Poll text",
  26. 'polls:strapline' => "%s",
  27. 'item:object:poll' => 'Polls',
  28. 'item:object:poll_choice' => "Poll choices",
  29. 'polls:question' => "Poll question",
  30. 'polls:responses' => "Response choices (10 max)",
  31. 'polls:results' => "[+] Show the results",
  32. 'polls:show_results' => "Show results",
  33. 'polls:show_poll' => "Show poll",
  34. 'polls:add_choice' => "Add response choice",
  35. 'polls:delete_choice' => "Delete this choice",
  36. 'polls:settings:group:title' => "Group polls",
  37. 'polls:settings:group_polls_default' => "yes, on by default",
  38. 'polls:settings:group_polls_not_default' => "yes, off by default",
  39. 'polls:settings:no' => "no",
  40. 'polls:settings:group_profile_display:title' => "If group polls are activated, where should polls content be displayed in group profiles?",
  41. 'polls:settings:group_profile_display_option:left' => "left",
  42. 'polls:settings:group_profile_display_option:right' => "right",
  43. 'polls:settings:group_profile_display_option:none' => "none",
  44. 'polls:settings:group_access:title' => "If group polls are activated, who gets to create polls?",
  45. 'polls:settings:group_access:admins' => "group owners and admins only",
  46. 'polls:settings:group_access:members' => "any group member",
  47. 'polls:settings:front_page:title' => "Admins can set a front page poll (requires theme support)",
  48. 'polls:none' => "No polls found.",
  49. 'polls:permission_error' => "You do not have permission to edit this poll.",
  50. 'polls:vote' => "Vote",
  51. 'polls:login' => "Please login if you would like to vote in this poll.",
  52. 'group:polls:empty' => "No polls",
  53. 'polls:settings:site_access:title' => "Who can create site-wide polls?",
  54. 'polls:settings:site_access:admins' => "Admins only",
  55. 'polls:settings:site_access:all' => "Any logged-in user",
  56. 'polls:can_not_create' => "You do not have permission to create polls.",
  57. 'polls:front_page_label' => "Place this poll on the front page.",
  58. /**
  59. * poll widget
  60. **/
  61. 'polls:latest_widget_title' => "Latest community polls",
  62. 'polls:latest_widget_description' => "Displays the most recent polls.",
  63. 'polls:my_widget_title' => "My polls",
  64. 'polls:my_widget_description' => "This widget will display your polls.",
  65. 'polls:widget:label:displaynum' => "How many polls you want to display?",
  66. 'polls:individual' => "Latest poll",
  67. 'poll_individual_group:widget:description' => "Display the latest poll for this group.",
  68. 'poll_individual:widget:description' => "Display your latest poll",
  69. 'polls:widget:no_polls' => "There are no polls for %s yet.",
  70. 'polls:widget:nonefound' => "No polls found.",
  71. 'polls:widget:think' => "Let %s know what you think!",
  72. 'polls:enable_polls' => "Enable polls",
  73. 'polls:group_identifier' => "(in %s)",
  74. 'polls:noun_response' => "response",
  75. 'polls:noun_responses' => "responses",
  76. 'polls:settings:yes' => "yes",
  77. 'polls:settings:no' => "no",
  78. // notifications
  79. 'polls:notify:summary' => 'New poll called %s',
  80. 'polls:notification' =>
  81. '
  82. %s created a poll.
  83. %s
  84. View and vote on the new poll:
  85. %s
  86. ',
  87. /**
  88. * poll river
  89. **/
  90. 'polls:settings:create_in_river:title' => "Show poll creation in activity river",
  91. 'polls:settings:vote_in_river:title' => "Show poll voting in activity river",
  92. 'polls:settings:send_notification:title' => "Send notification when poll is created",
  93. 'river:create:object:poll' => '%s created a poll %s',
  94. 'river:vote:object:poll' => '%s voted on the poll %s',
  95. 'river:comment:object:poll' => '%s commented on the poll %s',
  96. /**
  97. * Status messages
  98. */
  99. 'polls:added' => "Your poll was created.",
  100. 'polls:edited' => "Your poll was saved.",
  101. 'polls:responded' => "Thank you for responding, your vote was recorded.",
  102. 'polls:deleted' => "Your poll was successfully deleted.",
  103. 'polls:totalvotes' => "Total number of votes: ",
  104. 'polls:voted' => "Your vote has been cast for this poll. Thank you for voting on this poll.",
  105. /**
  106. * Error messages
  107. */
  108. 'polls:save:failure' => "Your poll could not be saved. Please try again.",
  109. 'polls:blank' => "Sorry: you need to fill in both the question and responses before you can make a poll.",
  110. 'polls:novote' => "Sorry: you need to choose an option to vote in this poll.",
  111. 'polls:notfound' => "Sorry: we could not find the specified poll.",
  112. 'polls:nonefound' => "No polls were found from %s",
  113. 'polls:notdeleted' => "Sorry: we could not delete this poll."
  114. );
  115. add_translation("en",$english);
  116. ?>