en.php 9.4 KB

  1. <?php
  2. return [
  3. 'answers' => ' with answers',
  4. 'answers:addyours' => 'Add Your Answer',
  5. /**
  6. * General stuff
  7. */
  8. 'item:object:answer' => "Answers",
  9. 'item:object:question' => "Questions",
  10. /**
  11. * Menu items
  12. */
  13. 'questions:menu:user_hover:make_expert' => "Make Questions expert",
  14. 'questions:menu:user_hover:make_expert:confirm' => "Are you sure you wish to make this user a Questions expert of %s?",
  15. 'questions:menu:user_hover:remove_expert' => "Remove Questions expert",
  16. 'questions:menu:user_hover:remove_expert:confirm' => "Are you sure you wish to remove this user form the Questions experts of %s?",
  17. 'questions:menu:entity:answer:mark' => "This is correct",
  18. 'questions:menu:entity:answer:unmark' => "No longer correct",
  19. 'questions:menu:filter:todo' => "Todo",
  20. 'questions:menu:filter:todo_group' => "Group Todo",
  21. 'questions:menu:filter:experts' => "Experts",
  22. 'river:create:object:question' => '%s asked question %s',
  23. 'river:create:object:answer' => '%s provided an answered for the question %s',
  24. 'questions' => 'Questions',
  25. 'questions:asked' => 'Asked by %s',
  26. 'questions:answered' => 'Last answered by %s %s',
  27. 'questions:answered:correct' => 'Correct answer provided by %s %s',
  28. 'questions:everyone' => 'All Questions',
  29. 'questions:add' => 'Add a Question',
  30. 'questions:todo' => 'Todo',
  31. 'questions:todo:none' => 'There is nothing Todo, keep up the good work!',
  32. 'questions:owner' => "%s's Questions",
  33. 'questions:none' => "No questions have been submitted yet.",
  34. 'questions:group' => 'Group questions',
  35. 'questions:enable' => 'Enable group questions',
  36. 'questions:edit:question:title' => 'Question',
  37. 'questions:edit:question:description' => "Details",
  38. 'questions:edit:question:container' => "Where should this question be listed",
  39. 'questions:edit:question:container:select' => "Please select a group",
  40. 'questions:edit:question:move_to_discussions' => "Move to discussions",
  41. 'questions:edit:question:move_to_discussions:confirm' => "Are you sure you wish to move this questions to the discussions? This can't be undone!!",
  42. 'questions:object:answer:title' => "Answer to question %s",
  43. /**
  44. * experts page
  45. */
  46. 'questions:experts:title' => "Experts",
  47. 'questions:experts:none' => "No experts have been assigned for %s yet.",
  48. 'questions:experts:description:group' => "Below is a list of the experts for %s. These people will assist in answering questions.",
  49. 'questions:experts:description:site' => "Below is a list of the site experts. These people will assist in answering questions, both on the site and in the groups.",
  50. /**
  51. * notifications
  52. */
  53. 'questions:notifications:create:subject' => "A new question was asked",
  54. 'questions:notifications:create:summary' => "A new question was asked",
  55. 'questions:notifications:create:message' => "Hi %s
  56. The question: %s was asked.
  57. To answer the question go here:
  58. %s",
  59. 'questions:notifications:move:subject' => "A question was moved",
  60. 'questions:notifications:move:summary' => "A question was moved",
  61. 'questions:notifications:move:message' => "Hi %s
  62. The question: %s was moved so you'll have to answer it.
  63. To answer the question go here:
  64. %s",
  65. 'questions:notifications:answer:create:subject' => "An answer was provided on %s",
  66. 'questions:notifications:answer:create:summary' => "An answer was provided on %s",
  67. 'questions:notifications:answer:create:message' => "Hi %s
  68. %s provided an answer to the question '%s'.
  69. %s
  70. To view the answer click here:
  71. %s",
  72. 'questions:notifications:answer:correct:subject' => "An answer was marked as the correct answer on %s",
  73. 'questions:notifications:answer:correct:summary' => "An answer was marked as the correct answer on %s",
  74. 'questions:notifications:answer:correct:message' => "Hi %s
  75. %s marked an answer as the correct answer on the question '%s'.
  76. %s
  77. To view the answer click here:
  78. %s",
  79. 'questions:notifications:answer:comment:subject' => "New comment on an answer",
  80. 'questions:notifications:answer:comment:summary' => "New comment on an answer",
  81. 'questions:notifications:answer:comment:message' => "Hi %s
  82. %s commented on an answer to the question '%s'.
  83. %s
  84. To view the comment click here:
  85. %s",
  86. 'questions:daily:notification:subject' => "Daily questions workload overview",
  87. 'questions:daily:notification:message:more' => "View more",
  88. 'questions:daily:notification:message:overdue' => "The following questions are overdue",
  89. 'questions:daily:notification:message:due' => "The following questions need to be solved today",
  90. 'questions:daily:notification:message:new' => "New questions asked",
  91. /**
  92. * answers
  93. */
  94. 'questions:answer:edit' => "Update answer",
  95. 'questions:answer:checkmark:title' => "%s marked this as the correct answer on %s",
  96. 'questions:search:answer:title' => "Answer",
  97. /**
  98. * plugin settings
  99. */
  100. 'questions:settings:general:title' => "General settings",
  101. 'questions:settings:general:close' => "Close a question when it gets a marked answer",
  102. 'questions:settings:general:close:description' => "When an answer of a question is marked as the correct answer, close the question. This will mean no more answers can be given.",
  103. 'questions:settings:general:solution_time' => "Set a default solution time in days",
  104. 'questions:settings:general:solution_time:description' => "Questions should be answered before this time expires, groups can override this setting with their own time limit. 0 for no limit.",
  105. 'questions:settings:general:solution_time_group' => "Group owners can change the default solution time",
  106. 'questions:settings:general:solution_time_group:description' => "If not allowed, groups will use the default solution time as defined above.",
  107. 'questions:settings:general:limit_to_groups' => "Limit questions to group context only",
  108. 'questions:settings:general:limit_to_groups:description' => "If set to 'yes', questions can no longer be made in the personal context.",
  109. 'questions:settings:experts:title' => "Q&A expert settings",
  110. 'questions:settings:experts:enable' => "Enable expert roles",
  111. 'questions:settings:experts:enable:description' => "Experts have special privilages and can be assigned by site administrators and group owners.",
  112. 'questions:settings:experts:answer' => "Only experts can answer a question",
  113. 'questions:settings:experts:mark' => "Only experts can mark an answer as the correct answer",
  114. 'questions:settings:access:title' => "Access settings",
  115. 'questions:settings:access:personal' => "What will be the access level for personal questions",
  116. 'questions:settings:access:group' => "What will be the access level for group questions",
  117. 'questions:settings:access:options:user' => "User defined",
  118. 'questions:settings:access:options:group' => "Group members",
  119. /**
  120. * group settings
  121. */
  122. 'questions:group_settings:title' => "Questions settings",
  123. 'questions:group_settings:solution_time:description' => "Questions should be answered before this time expires. 0 for no limit.",
  124. 'questions:group_settings:who_can_ask' => "Who can ask questions in this group",
  125. 'questions:group_settings:who_can_ask:members' => "All members",
  126. 'questions:group_settings:who_can_ask:experts' => "Only experts",
  127. 'questions:group_settings:who_can_answer' => "Who can answer questions in this group",
  128. 'questions:group_settings:who_can_answer:experts_only' => "The site administrator has configured that only experts can answer questions.",
  129. 'questions:group_settings:auto_mark_correct' => "When an expert creates an answer, automaticly mark it as the correct answer",
  130. /**
  131. * Widgets
  132. */
  133. 'widget:questions:title' => "Questions",
  134. 'widget:questions:description' => "You can view the status of your questions.",
  135. 'widget:questions:content_type' => "Which questions to show",
  136. /**
  137. * Actions
  138. */
  139. 'questions:action:answer:save:error:container' => "You do not have permission to answer that question!",
  140. 'questions:action:answer:save:error:body' => "A body is required: %s, %s",
  141. 'questions:action:answer:save:error:save' => "There was a problem saving your answer!",
  142. 'questions:action:answer:save:error:question_closed' => "The question you're trying to answer is already closed!",
  143. 'questions:action:answer:toggle_mark:error:not_allowed' => "You're not allowed to mark answers as the correct answer",
  144. 'questions:action:answer:toggle_mark:error:duplicate' => "There already is a correct answer to this question",
  145. 'questions:action:answer:toggle_mark:success:mark' => "The answer is marked as the correct answer",
  146. 'questions:action:answer:toggle_mark:success:unmark' => "The answer is no longer marked as the correct answer",
  147. 'questions:action:question:save:error:container' => "You don't have permission to ask a question here",
  148. 'questions:action:question:save:error:body' => "A title and description are required: %s, %s",
  149. 'questions:action:question:save:error:save' => "There was a problem saving your question!",
  150. 'questions:action:question:save:error:limited_to_groups' => "Questions are limited to group, please select a group",
  151. 'questions:action:question:move_to_discussions:error:move' => "You're not allowed to move questions to discussions",
  152. 'questions:action:question:move_to_discussions:error:topic' => "An error occured while creating the discussion topic, please try again",
  153. 'questions:action:question:move_to_discussions:success' => "The questions was moved to a discussion topic",
  154. 'questions:action:toggle_expert:success:make' => "%s is now a questions expert for %s",
  155. 'questions:action:toggle_expert:success:remove' => "%s is no longer a questions expert for %s",
  156. 'questions:action:group_settings:success' => "The group settings were saved",
  157. ];