1. GPG Support for elgg
  2. ------------------------
  3. 1. sudo apt-get install libgpgme11-dev make php5-dev php-pear # (Debian)
  4. 2. sudo pecl install gnupg
  5. 3. Write this line in php.ini:
  6. 4. Place the plugin under elgg/mod/elggpg
  7. NOTES:
  8. ------------------------
  9. The plugin will manage its keys in a folder called "gpg" under the data folder
  10. for the site.
  11. The plugin goes along very well with firegpg. We recommend it so the user can
  12. decrypt data on his browser easier.
  13. TODO:
  14. ------------------------
  15. - Investigate more ways to make gpg easier to use inside, or together with elgg.
  16. - Investigate how to safely have a privety key for the site which can't be easily
  17. compromised.
  18. - Make groups where only people with a key can enter.
  19. - Allow entering into a site only when you have a given trust of other users (not really a goal).
  20. ---