en.php 2.1 KB

  1. <?php
  2. return array(
  3. 'admin:views_counter' => "Views Counter",
  4. 'admin:views_counter:stats' => "Stats",
  5. 'admin:views_counter:entities' => "Entity Stats",
  6. 'admin:statistics:views_counter' => "Views counter",
  7. 'views_counter:stats:none' => "There are no views for this entity",
  8. 'views_counter' => 'Views counter',
  9. 'views_counter:add_counter_explanation' => 'If You add manually the function "add_views_counter()" for an entity then the plugin settings will be updated automatically.<br />If You use the view: "views_counter/add" the views_counter plugin will try to add a views counter for the entity full view file based on the elgg patterns for displaying entities',
  10. 'views_counter:admin_page' => 'Views counter admin page',
  11. 'views_counter:add_views_counter' => 'Add views counter to:',
  12. 'views_counter:container_id' => 'Views counter container ID',
  13. 'views_counter:container_id_explanation' => 'Enter a jquery selector. If defined the views number will be displayed inside this container via Javascript. eg. div#container',
  14. 'views_counter:display_views_counter' => 'Display views counter',
  15. 'views_counter:doc' => 'Views counter doc',
  16. 'views_counter:first_view' => 'First view',
  17. 'views_counter:float_direction' => 'Float direction',
  18. 'views_counter:guid' => 'GUID',
  19. 'views_counter:id' => 'ID',
  20. 'views_counter:left' => 'Left',
  21. 'views_counter:name_or_title' => 'Name or Title',
  22. 'views_counter:new_subtype_added' => 'The type "%s" was setted up on settings of views_counter plugin',
  23. 'views_counter:no' => 'No',
  24. 'views_counter:no_float' => 'No float',
  25. 'views_counter:not_loggedin' => 'Not loggedin',
  26. 'views_counter:remove_class' => 'Remove css class: "views_counter"',
  27. 'views_counter:right' => 'Right',
  28. 'views_counter:see_entities' => 'See entities',
  29. 'views_counter:select_type' => 'Select a type: ',
  30. 'views_counter:title_or_name' => 'Title or name',
  31. 'views_counter:user_name' => 'User name',
  32. 'views_counter:views' => 'Views',
  33. 'views_counter:views_by_user' => 'Views<br />by this user',
  34. 'views_counter:views_statistics' => 'Views statistics',
  35. 'views_counter:yes' => 'Yes',
  36. );