123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536 |
- javascript:(function() {
- var d = document
- ,uris = []
- ,i = 0
- ,o
- ,home = (location + '').split('/').splice(0, 3).join('/') + '/';
- function add(uri) {
- return (0 === uri.indexOf(home))
- && (!/[\?&]/.test(uri))
- && uris.push(escape(uri.substr(home.length)));
- };
- function sheet(ss) {
- // we must check the domain with add() before accessing ss.cssRules
- // otherwise a security exception will be thrown
- if (ss.href && add(ss.href) && ss.cssRules) {
- var i = 0, r;
- while (r = ss.cssRules[i++])
- r.styleSheet && sheet(r.styleSheet);
- }
- };
- while (o = d.getElementsByTagName('script')[i++])
- o.src && !(o.type && /vbs/i.test(o.type)) && add(o.src);
- i = 0;
- while (o = d.styleSheets[i++])
- /* http://www.w3.org/TR/DOM-Level-2-Style/stylesheets.html#StyleSheets-DocumentStyle-styleSheets
- document.styleSheet is a list property where [0] accesses the 1st element and
- [outOfRange] returns null. In IE, styleSheets is a function, and also throws an
- exception when you check the out of bounds index. (sigh) */
- sheet(o);
- if (uris.length)
- window.open('%BUILDER_URL%#' + uris.join(','));
- else
- alert('No js/css files found with URLs within "'
- + home.split('/')[2]
- + '".\n(This tool is limited to URLs with the same domain.)');
- })();