@@ -0,0 +1,465 @@
+# -*- coding: iso-8859-15 -*-
+This file is part of the cintruder project, http://cintruder.03c8.net
+Copyright (c) 2012/2016 psy <epsylon@riseup.net>
+cintruder is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
+the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
+Software Foundation version 3 of the License.
+cintruder is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
+WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
+FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+with cintruder; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+import os, traceback, hashlib, sys, time, socket, urlparse
+import platform, subprocess, re, webbrowser
+from core.options import CIntruderOptions
+from core.crack import CIntruderCrack
+from core.ocr import CIntruderOCR
+from core.curl import CIntruderCurl
+from core.xml_export import CIntruderXML
+from core.update import Updater
+from urlparse import urlparse
+# set to emit debug messages about errors (0 = off).
+DEBUG = 0
+class cintruder():
+ """
+ CIntruder application class
+ """
+ def __init__(self):
+ self.captcha = ""
+ self.optionOCR = []
+ self.optionCrack = []
+ self.optionParser = None
+ self.optionCurl = None
+ self.options = None
+ self.word_sug = None
+ self.train == 0
+ self.crack == 0
+ self.ignoreproxy = 1
+ self.isurl = 0
+ self.os_sys = platform.system()
+ self._webbrowser = webbrowser
+ def set_options(self, options):
+ """
+ Set cintruder options
+ """
+ self.options = options
+ def create_options(self, args=None):
+ """
+ Create the program options for OptionParser.
+ """
+ self.optionParser = CIntruderOptions()
+ self.options = self.optionParser.get_options(args)
+ if not self.options:
+ return False
+ return self.options
+ def set_webbrowser(self, browser):
+ self._webbrowser = browser
+ def banner(self):
+ print '='*75
+ print ""
+ print " o8%8888, "
+ print " o88%8888888. "
+ print " 8'- -:8888b "
+ print " 8' 8888 "
+ print " d8.-=. ,==-.:888b "
+ print " >8 `~` :`~' d8888 "
+ print " 88 ,88888 "
+ print " 88b. `-~ ':88888 "
+ print " 888b \033[1;31m~==~\033[1;m .:88888 "
+ print " 88888o--:':::8888 "
+ print " `88888| :::' 8888b "
+ print " 8888^^' 8888b "
+ print " d888 ,%888b. "
+ print " d88% %%%8--'-. "
+ print " /88:.__ , _%-' --- - "
+ print " '''::===..-' = --. `\n"
+ print self.optionParser.description, "\n"
+ print '='*75
+ @classmethod
+ def try_running(cls, func, error, args=None):
+ """
+ Try running a function and print some error if it fails and exists with
+ a fatal error.
+ """
+ args = args or []
+ try:
+ return func(*args)
+ except Exception:
+ print(error, "error")
+ if DEBUG:
+ traceback.print_exc()
+ def get_attack_captchas(self):
+ """
+ Get captchas to brute force
+ """
+ captchas = []
+ options = self.options
+ p = self.optionParser
+ if options.train:
+ print('='*75)
+ print(str(p.version))
+ print('='*75)
+ print("Starting to 'train'...")
+ print('='*75)
+ captchas = [options.train]
+ if options.crack:
+ print('='*75)
+ print(str(p.version))
+ print('='*75)
+ print("Starting to 'crack'")
+ print('='*75)
+ captchas = [options.crack]
+ if options.track:
+ print('='*75)
+ print(str(p.version))
+ print('='*75)
+ print("Tracking captchas from url...")
+ print('='*75+"\n")
+ captchas = [options.track]
+ return captchas
+ def train(self, captchas):
+ """
+ Learn mode:
+ + Add words to the brute forcing dictionary
+ """
+ self.train_captcha(captchas)
+ def train_captcha(self, captcha):
+ """
+ Learn mode:
+ 1- Apply OCR to captcha/image and split into unities
+ 2- Human-Recognize that unities like alphanumeric words (gui supported)
+ 3- Move that words into dictionary (gui supported)
+ """
+ options = self.options
+ # step 1: applying OCR techniques
+ if options.name: # with a specific OCR module
+ print "[Info] Using module: [", options.name, "]"
+ try:
+ sys.path.append('mods/%s/'%(options.name))
+ exec("from " + options.name + "_ocr" + " import CIntruderOCR") # import module
+ except Exception:
+ print "\n[Error] '"+ options.name+ "' module not found!\n"
+ return #sys.exit(2)
+ if options.setids: # with a specific colour ID
+ setids = int(options.setids)
+ if setids >= 0 and setids <= 255:
+ self.optionOCR = CIntruderOCR(captcha, options)
+ else:
+ print "\n[Error] You must enter a valid RGB colour ID number (between 0 and 255)\n"
+ return #sys.exit(2)
+ else:
+ self.optionOCR = CIntruderOCR(captcha, options)
+ else: # using general OCR algorithm
+ if options.setids: # with a specific colour ID
+ setids = int(options.setids)
+ if setids >= 0 and setids <= 255:
+ self.optionOCR = CIntruderOCR(captcha, options)
+ else:
+ print "\n[Error] You must enter a valid RGB colour ID number (between 0 and 255)\n"
+ return #sys.exit(2)
+ else:
+ self.optionOCR = CIntruderOCR(captcha, options)
+ def crack(self, captchas):
+ """
+ Crack mode:
+ + Brute force target's captcha against a dictionary
+ """
+ self.crack_captcha(captchas)
+ def crack_captcha(self, captcha):
+ """
+ Crack mode: bruteforcing...
+ """
+ options = self.options
+ if options.name:
+ print "Loading module:", options.name
+ print "==============="
+ try:
+ sys.path.append('mods/%s/'%(options.name))
+ exec("from " + options.name + "_crack" + " import CIntruderCrack")
+ except Exception:
+ print "\n[Error] '"+ options.name+ "' module not found!\n"
+ return #sys.exit(2)
+ self.optionCrack = CIntruderCrack(captcha)
+ w = self.optionCrack.crack(options)
+ self.word_sug = w
+ else:
+ self.optionCrack = CIntruderCrack(captcha)
+ w = self.optionCrack.crack(options)
+ self.word_sug = w
+ def remote(self, captchas, proxy):
+ """
+ Get remote captchas
+ """
+ l = []
+ if not os.path.exists("inputs/"):
+ os.mkdir("inputs/")
+ for captcha in captchas:
+ c = self.remote_captcha(captcha, proxy)
+ l.append(c)
+ return l
+ def remote_captcha(self, captcha, proxy):
+ """
+ Get remote captcha
+ """
+ if proxy:
+ self.ignoreproxy=0
+ self.optionCurl = CIntruderCurl(captcha, self.ignoreproxy, proxy)
+ buf = self.optionCurl.request()
+ if buf != "exit":
+ m = hashlib.md5()
+ m.update(captcha)
+ c = "%s.gif"%(m.hexdigest())
+ h = "inputs/" + c
+ f = open(h, 'wb')
+ f.write(buf.getvalue())
+ f.close
+ buf.close
+ return h
+ else:
+ return #sys.exit(2)
+ def export(self, captchas):
+ """
+ Export results
+ """
+ if self.options.xml and not (self.options.train):
+ self.optionXML = CIntruderXML(captchas)
+ if self.word_sug == None:
+ print "[Info] XML NOT created!. There are not words to suggest..."
+ else:
+ self.optionXML.print_xml_results(captchas, self.options.xml, self.word_sug)
+ print "[Info] XML created:", self.options.xml, "\n"
+ def track(self, captchas, proxy, num_tracks):
+ """
+ Download captchas from url
+ """
+ for captcha in captchas:
+ self.track_captcha(captcha, proxy, num_tracks)
+ def track_captcha(self, captcha, proxy, num_tracks):
+ """
+ This technique is useful to create a dictionary of 'session based' captchas
+ """
+ options = self.options
+ urlp = urlparse(captcha)
+ self.domain = urlp.hostname
+ if not os.path.exists("inputs/%s"%(self.domain)):
+ os.mkdir("inputs/%s"%(self.domain))
+ if proxy:
+ self.ignoreproxy = 0
+ buf = ""
+ i=0
+ while i < int(num_tracks) and buf != "exit":
+ self.optionCurl = CIntruderCurl(captcha, self.ignoreproxy, proxy)
+ buf = self.optionCurl.request()
+ if options.verbose:
+ print "\n[-]Connection data:"
+ out = self.optionCurl.print_options()
+ print '-'*45
+ if buf != "exit":
+ m = hashlib.md5()
+ m.update("%s%s"%(time.time(), captcha))
+ h = "inputs/%s/%s.gif"%(self.domain, m.hexdigest())
+ f = open(h, 'wb')
+ f.write(buf.getvalue())
+ f.close
+ buf.close
+ print "[Info] Saved:", h
+ print "------------"
+ i=i+1
+ if buf != "exit":
+ print "\n================="
+ print "Tracking Results:"
+ print "================="
+ print "\nNumber of tracked captchas: [", num_tracks, "] \n"
+ def run(self, opts=None):
+ """
+ Run cintruder
+ """
+ if opts:
+ options = self.create_options(opts)
+ self.set_options(options)
+ options = self.options
+ #step -1: run GUI/Web interface
+ if options.web:
+ self.create_web_interface()
+ return
+ #step -1: check/update for latest stable version
+ if options.update:
+ self.banner()
+ try:
+ print("\nTrying to update automatically to the latest stable version\n")
+ Updater()
+ except:
+ print("\nSomething was wrong!. To have working this feature, you should clone CIntruder with:\n")
+ print("$ git clone https://github.com/epsylon/cintruder\n")
+ #step 0: list output results and get captcha targets
+ if options.listmods:
+ print "====================================="
+ print "Listing specific OCR exploit modules:"
+ print "=====================================\n"
+ top = 'mods/'
+ for root, dirs, files in os.walk(top, topdown=False):
+ for name in files:
+ if name == 'DESCRIPTION':
+ if self.os_sys == "Windows": #check for win32 sys
+ subprocess.call("type %s/%s"%(root, name), shell=True)
+ else:
+ subprocess.call("cat %s/%s"%(root, name), shell=True)
+ print "\n[Info] List end...\n"
+ return #sys.exit(2)
+ captchas = self.try_running(self.get_attack_captchas, "\nInternal error getting -captchas-. look at the end of this Traceback.")
+ captchas = self.sanitize_captchas(captchas)
+ captchas2track = captchas
+ if self.isurl == 1 and (options.train or options.crack):
+ if options.proxy:
+ captchas = self.remote(captchas, options.proxy)
+ else:
+ captchas = self.remote(captchas, "")
+ if options.verbose:
+ print "[-] Connection data:"
+ out = self.optionCurl.print_options()
+ print '-'*45
+ #step 0: track
+ if options.track:
+ if options.s_num:
+ num_tracks = int(options.s_num) # tracking number defined by user
+ else:
+ num_tracks = int(5) # default track connections
+ if options.proxy:
+ self.try_running(self.track, "\nInternal problems tracking: ", (captchas2track, options.proxy, num_tracks))
+ else:
+ self.try_running(self.track, "\nInternal problems tracking: ", (captchas2track, "", num_tracks))
+ #step 1: train
+ if options.train:
+ try:
+ if len(captchas) == 1:
+ for captcha in captchas:
+ if captcha is None:
+ print "\n[Error] Applying OCR algorithm... Is that captcha supported?\n"
+ else:
+ print "Target:", options.train
+ print "=======\n"
+ self.try_running(self.train, "\nInternal problems training: ", (captchas))
+ else:
+ for captcha in captchas:
+ if len(captchas) > 1 and captcha is None:
+ pass
+ else:
+ print "Target: ", options.train
+ self.try_running(self.train, "\nInternal problems training: ", (captchas))
+ except:
+ print "\n[Error] Something wrong getting captcha. Aborting...\n"
+ if options.xml:
+ print "[Info] You don't need export to XML on this mode... File not generated!\n"
+ #step 2: crack
+ if options.crack:
+ if len(captchas) == 1:
+ for captcha in captchas:
+ if captcha is None:
+ print "\n[Error] Trying to bruteforce... Is that captcha supported?\n"
+ else:
+ print "Target: ", options.crack
+ print "======="
+ self.try_running(self.crack, "\nInternal problems cracking: ", (captchas))
+ else:
+ for captcha in captchas:
+ if len(captchas) > 1 and captcha is None:
+ pass
+ else:
+ print "Target: ", options.crack
+ print "======="
+ self.try_running(self.crack, "\nInternal problems cracking: ", (captchas))
+ if options.command:
+ print "[Info] Executing tool connector... \n"
+ if self.word_sug is not None:
+ print "[Info] This is the word suggested by CIntruder: [", self.word_sug, "] \n"
+ else:
+ print "[Error] CIntruder hasn't any word to suggest... Handlering tool process aborted! ;(\n"
+ sys.exit(2)
+ if "CINT" in options.command: # check parameter CINT on command (*)
+ # change cintruder suggested word for the users captchas input form parameter
+ # and execute handlered tool with it.
+ if self.word_sug is not None:
+ cmd = options.command.replace("CINT", self.word_sug)
+ subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
+ else:
+ cmd = options.command
+ subprocess.call(cmd, shell=True)
+ else:
+ print "[Error] Captcha's parameter flag: 'CINT' is not present on:", options.command, "\n"
+ #step 3: export
+ if options.xml:
+ self.try_running(self.export, "\nInternal problems exporting: ", (captchas))
+ def sanitize_captchas(self, captchas):
+ """
+ Sanitize correct input of source target(s)
+ """
+ options = self.options
+ all_captchas = set()
+ for captcha in captchas:
+ # captcha from url
+ if "http://" in captcha or "https://" in captcha:
+ all_captchas.add(captcha)
+ self.isurl = 1
+ elif self.isurl == 0: # captcha from file
+ (root, ext) = os.path.splitext(captcha)
+ if ext != '.gif' and ext != '.jpg' and ext != '.jpeg' and ext != '.png': #by the moment
+ captcha = None
+ all_captchas.add(captcha)
+ else:
+ all_captchas.add(captcha)
+ self.isurl = 0
+ return all_captchas
+ def create_web_interface(self):
+ from webgui import ClientThread
+ host = ''
+ port = 9999
+ try:
+ webbrowser.open('', new=1)
+ tcpsock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
+ tcpsock.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1)
+ tcpsock.bind((host,port))
+ while True:
+ tcpsock.listen(4)
+ (clientsock, (ip, port)) = tcpsock.accept()
+ newthread = ClientThread(ip, port, clientsock)
+ newthread.start()
+ except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit):
+ sys.exit()
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ app = cintruder()
+ options = app.create_options()
+ if options:
+ app.set_options(options)
+ app.run()