// ECOin - Copyright (c) - 2014/2022 - GPLv3 - epsylon@riseup.net (https://03c8.net) #ifndef ECOIN_VERSION_H #define ECOIN_VERSION_H #include "clientversion.h" #include // // client versioning // static const int CLIENT_VERSION = 1000000 * CLIENT_VERSION_MAJOR + 10000 * CLIENT_VERSION_MINOR + 100 * CLIENT_VERSION_REVISION + 1 * CLIENT_VERSION_BUILD; extern const std::string CLIENT_NAME; extern const std::string CLIENT_BUILD; extern const std::string CLIENT_DATE; // // database format versioning // static const int DATABASE_VERSION = 70507; // // network protocol versioning // static const int PROTOCOL_VERSION = 70009; // earlier versions not supported and are disconnected static const int MIN_PROTO_VERSION = 70007; // nTime field added to CAddress, starting with this version; // if possible, avoid requesting addresses nodes older than this static const int CADDR_TIME_VERSION = 70000; // only request blocks from nodes outside this range of versions static const int NOBLKS_VERSION_START = 1; static const int NOBLKS_VERSION_END = 70006; // BIP 0031, pong message, is enabled for all versions AFTER this one static const int BIP0031_VERSION = 69999; // "mempool" command, enhanced "getdata" behavior starts with this version: static const int MEMPOOL_GD_VERSION = 70000; #define DISPLAY_VERSION_MAJOR 0 #define DISPLAY_VERSION_MINOR 4 #define DISPLAY_VERSION_REVISION 5 #define DISPLAY_VERSION_BUILD 7 #endif