build-win32.txt 1.2 KB

  1. ECOin - Copyright (c) - 2014/2024 - GPLv3 - (
  2. =============================
  3. # SOURCES for ECOin (Win32) #
  4. =============================
  5. ------------------------------
  6. (0.) Clone the github tree to get the source code:
  7. + Official:
  8. git clone
  9. + Mirror:
  10. git clone
  11. ------------------------------
  12. =============================
  13. # Qt4 GUI for ECOin (Win32) #
  14. =============================
  15. (1.) Download the 'QT Windows SDK'_ and install it. You don't need the Symbian stuff, just the desktop Qt.
  16. (2.) Download and extract the 'dependencies archive'_ [#]_, or compile openssl, boost and dbcxx yourself.
  17. (3.) Copy the contents of the folder "deps" to "X:\\QtSDK\\mingw", replace X:\\ with the location where you installed the Qt SDK.
  18. (4.) Open the .pro file in QT creator (with Desktop kit) and build as normal (ctrl-B)
  19. An executable named 'ecoin-qt.exe' will be built.
  20. =============================
  21. For a list of command-line options:
  22. ecoind.exe --help
  23. To start the ECOin daemon:
  24. ecoind.exe -daemon
  25. For ECOin-QT Wallet
  26. ecoin-qt.exe
  27. =============================