qr-codes.txt 904 B

  1. ECOin - Copyright (c) - 2014/2024 - GPLv3 - epsylon@riseup.net (https://03c8.net)
  2. =====================================================
  3. # QR-Codes - ECOlogical P2P Crypto-Currency (ECOin) #
  4. =====================================================
  5. + libqrencode may be used to generate QRCode images for payment requests.
  6. Pass the USE_QRCODE flag to qmake to control this:
  7. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  8. | USE_QRCODE=0 | (the default) No QRCode support - libarcode not required |
  9. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  10. | USE_QRCODE=1 | QRCode support enabled |
  11. +--------------+--------------------------------------------------------------------------+
  12. =====================================================