@@ -0,0 +1,430 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-"
+PandeMaths - 2020 - by psy (epsylon@riseup.net)
+You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
+with PandeMaths; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51
+Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
+VERSION = "v0.1_beta"
+RELEASE = "25032020"
+SOURCE1 = "https://code.03c8.net/epsylon/pandemaths"
+SOURCE2 = "https://github.com/epsylon/pandemaths"
+CONTACT = "epsylon@riseup.net - (https://03c8.net)"
+pandemic_model_variables_path = "model/pandemia.txt" # pandemia variables file
+extended_model_variables_path = "model/extended.txt" # extended model variables file
+simulation_templates_path = "templates/" # templates files
+reports_path = "reports/" # reports files
+import json, datetime, os, random
+def model_maths():
+ print("[Info] Reviewing Model ...\n")
+ try:
+ print(" "+"-"*5+"\n")
+ f = open(pandemic_model_variables_path, "r")
+ model_variables = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ for v in model_variables:
+ print(" - "+str(v.replace("\n", "")))
+ except:
+ pass
+ try:
+ print("\n "+"-"*5+"\n")
+ f = open(extended_model_variables_path, "r")
+ extended_variables = f.readlines()
+ f.close()
+ for v in extended_variables:
+ print(" - "+str(v.replace("\n", "")))
+ except:
+ pass
+ print("\n "+"-"*5+"\n")
+def simulation():
+ print("[Info] Defining ecosystem ...\n")
+ total_population = input(" + Total population (default: 100000): ")
+ try:
+ total_population = int(total_population)
+ except:
+ total_population = 100000
+ if not total_population:
+ total_population = 100000
+ starting_population = total_population
+ infected_starting = input(" + Infected (at the beginning) population (default: 1): ")
+ try:
+ infected_starting = int(infected_starting)
+ except:
+ infected_starting = 1
+ if not infected_starting or infected_starting < 1:
+ infected_starting = 1
+ infected = infected_starting
+ print("\n "+"-"*5+"\n")
+ print("[Info] Establishing time units ...\n")
+ days = input(" + Number of days (default: 200): ")
+ try:
+ days = int(days)
+ except:
+ days = 200
+ if not days:
+ days = 200
+ daily_rate_interaction = input(" + Daily rate of interaction between individuals (default: 2.50): ")
+ try:
+ daily_rate_interaction = int(daily_rate_interaction)
+ except:
+ daily_rate_interaction = 2.50
+ if not daily_rate_interaction:
+ daily_rate_interaction = 2.50
+ print("\n "+"-"*5+"\n")
+ template = input("+ CHOOSE: (O)pen Simulation or (L)oad template: ").upper()
+ if template == "O": # New Simulation
+ average_rate_duration = None
+ probability_of_contagion = None
+ recovery_rate = None
+ simulation_name = "OPEN"
+ new_simulation(total_population, infected_starting, days, daily_rate_interaction, average_rate_duration, probability_of_contagion, recovery_rate, simulation_name, starting_population)
+ else: # Load template
+ load_template(total_population, infected_starting, days, daily_rate_interaction, starting_population)
+def load_template(total_population, infected_starting, days, daily_rate_interaction, starting_population):
+ print("\n "+"-"*5+"\n")
+ print("[Info] Generating templates ...\n")
+ import glob
+ templates = {}
+ i = 0
+ for file in glob.iglob(simulation_templates_path + '*', recursive=False):
+ if(file.endswith(".txt")):
+ i = i +1
+ f=open(file, 'r')
+ template = f.read().replace('\n',' ')
+ templates[i] = file.replace("templates/",""), template.upper() # add template to main dict
+ f.close()
+ for k,v in templates.items():
+ print (" ["+str(k)+"] - "+str(v[0].replace(".txt","")))
+ print("\n "+"-"*5+"\n")
+ template_set = input("+ CHOOSE: Number of template (ex: 1): ").upper()
+ try:
+ template_set = int(template_set)
+ except:
+ template_set = 1
+ if not template_set or template_set > len(templates) or template_set < 1:
+ template_set = 1
+ for k,v in templates.items():
+ if template_set == k:
+ simulation_name = v[0].replace(".txt","")
+ average_rate_duration = int(v[1].split("DURATION:")[1].split(" ")[0])
+ probability_of_contagion = int(v[1].split("CONTAGION:")[1].split(" ")[0])
+ recovery_rate = int(v[1].split("RECOV:")[1].split(" ")[0])
+ new_simulation(total_population, infected_starting, days, daily_rate_interaction, average_rate_duration, probability_of_contagion, recovery_rate, simulation_name, starting_population)
+def new_simulation(total_population, infected_starting, days, daily_rate_interaction, average_rate_duration, probability_of_contagion, recovery_rate, simulation_name, starting_population):
+ print("\n "+"-"*5+"\n")
+ print("[Info] Generating variables ...\n")
+ if average_rate_duration == None:
+ average_rate_duration = input(" + Average duration of illness (default: 12) (days): ")
+ try:
+ if average_rate_duration == 0:
+ pass
+ else:
+ average_rate_duration = int(average_rate_duration)
+ except:
+ average_rate_duration = 12
+ if average_rate_duration < 0 or average_rate_duration > 100:
+ average_rate_duration = 12
+ else:
+ print(" + Average duration of illness: "+str(average_rate_duration)+" days")
+ if probability_of_contagion == None:
+ probability_of_contagion = input(" + Infection rate (default: 14%): ")
+ try:
+ if probability_of_contagion == 0:
+ pass
+ else:
+ probability_of_contagion = int(probability_of_contagion)
+ except:
+ probability_of_contagion = 14
+ if probability_of_contagion < 0 or probability_of_contagion > 100:
+ probability_of_contagion = 14
+ else:
+ print(" + Infection rate: "+str(probability_of_contagion)+"%")
+ if recovery_rate == None:
+ recovery_rate = input(" + Recovery rate (default: 95%): ")
+ try:
+ if recovery_rate == 0:
+ pass
+ else:
+ recovery_rate = int(recovery_rate)
+ except:
+ recovery_rate = 95
+ if recovery_rate < 0 or recovery_rate > 100:
+ recovery_rate = 95
+ else:
+ print(" + Recovery rate: "+str(recovery_rate)+"%")
+ mortality = 100 - recovery_rate
+ print("\n "+"-"*5+"\n")
+ print("[Info] Building parameters ...\n")
+ print(" + Mortality rate: "+str(mortality)+"%")
+ mortality = mortality / 100
+ recovery_rate = recovery_rate / 100
+ probability_of_contagion = probability_of_contagion / 100
+ infected = infected_starting
+ susceptible_starting = int(total_population) - int(infected)
+ susceptible = susceptible_starting # susceptitble at start
+ print(" + Susceptible: "+str(susceptible))
+ recovered = 0 # recovered individuals at start
+ deceased = 0 # deceases individuals at start
+ print(" + Recovered: "+str(recovered))
+ print(" + Deceased: "+str(deceased))
+ print("\n"+"-"*15+"\n")
+ print("[Info] Launching Simulation: [ "+str(simulation_name)+" ] ...\n")
+ total_contagion = 0
+ recoveries = 0
+ current_time = datetime.datetime.now() # current datetime
+ if not os.path.exists(reports_path): # create folder for reports
+ os.makedirs(reports_path)
+ data = {
+ {
+ 'Simulation Name': str(simulation_name),
+ 'Datetime': str(current_time)
+ }
+ ],
+ {
+ 'Total Population': str(total_population),
+ 'Infected (at the beginning)': str(infected_starting),
+ 'Number of days': str(days),
+ 'Daily rate of interaction between individuals': str(daily_rate_interaction),
+ 'Average duration of illness': str(average_rate_duration),
+ 'Infection rate': str(probability_of_contagion),
+ 'Recovery rate': str(recovery_rate),
+ 'Mortality': str(mortality),
+ 'Susceptible': str(susceptible),
+ 'Recovered': str(recovered),
+ 'Deceased': str(deceased)
+ }
+ ],
+ {}
+ ]
+ }
+ entire_population_infected = 0
+ day_started = False
+ for i in range(0, days):
+ if i > 0:
+ status_rate = round(int(infected*100/total_population))
+ if status_rate < 11: # ENDEMIA (-11%)
+ elif status_rate > 10 and status_rate < 30: # EPIDEMIA (>10%<30%)
+ else: # PANDEMIA (>30%)
+ sir = susceptible+infected+recovered # S-I-R model
+ contagion = round(infected*daily_rate_interaction*susceptible/sir*probability_of_contagion) # contagion rounded rate
+ recoveries = round(infected*recovery_rate/average_rate_duration) # recoveries rounded rate
+ deaths = round(infected*mortality/average_rate_duration) # deaths rounded rate
+ susceptible = susceptible - contagion + recoveries - deaths
+ infected = infected+contagion-recoveries-deaths
+ recovered =recovered + recoveries
+ deceased = deceased + deaths
+ total_contagion = total_contagion + contagion
+ total_recovered = recovered
+ total_deceased = total_deceased + deaths
+ total_population = starting_population - deceased
+ total_non_affected = susceptible_starting+infected_starting+0+0-total_contagion
+ day_started = True
+ else: # related to the first day
+ status = "STARTED!"
+ contagion = 0
+ recoveries = 0
+ deaths = 0
+ total_recovered = 0
+ total_deceased = 0
+ deceased = 0
+ susceptible = total_population - infected
+ recovered = 0
+ total_contagion = infected_starting
+ total_non_affected = susceptible
+ if total_population < 0:
+ total_population = 0
+ if total_contagion < total_contagion < 0:
+ total_contagion = 0
+ if contagion > susceptible: # more individuals than susceptible cannot be infected
+ contagion = susceptible
+ if contagion < 1:
+ contagion = 0
+ if total_non_affected < 1: # cannot be negative non affected individuals
+ total_non_affected = 0
+ if recoveries < 1:
+ recoveries = 0
+ if susceptible + infected + recovered + deceased > starting_population:
+ susceptible = int(starting_population - infected - recovered - deceased)
+ deaths = int(recovered + deceased - starting_population)
+ if deaths < 1:
+ deaths = 0
+ if deaths > total_population:
+ deaths = total_population
+ if deaths > infected:
+ deaths = infected
+ infected = 0
+ if susceptible < 1: # cannot be negative susceptible individuals
+ susceptible = 0
+ if susceptible == 0:
+ total_non_affected = 0
+ if day_started == True:
+ if int(contagion + recoveries + deaths) == 0: # infected final resolution phase solved by random results
+ if infected > 0:
+ deaths = random.randrange(infected)
+ if deaths > infected:
+ infected = deaths
+ if infected == 1: # random final against Existentialism!
+ res = random.randrange(2)
+ if res == 1: # survive!
+ recoveries = recoveries + 1
+ else: # die!
+ deaths = deaths + 1
+ infected = infected+contagion-recoveries-deaths
+ recovered = recovered + recoveries
+ total_recovered = total_recovered + recoveries
+ deceased = deceased+deaths
+ if infected > starting_population:
+ infected = starting_population
+ if total_population > 0:
+ if infected > 0:
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['DAY'] = str(i)
+ if total_non_affected > 0:
+ if contagion > 0:
+ print(" -> [DAY: "+str(i)+"]\n Status: ("+str(status)+") -> [Contagion: ("+str(int(contagion))+") | Recoveries: ("+str(int(recoveries))+") | Deaths: ("+str(int(deaths))+")] - [Susceptible: ("+str(int(susceptible))+") | Infected: ("+str(int(infected))+") | Recovered: ("+str(int(recovered))+") | Deceased: ("+str(int(deceased))+")]")
+ else:
+ print(" -> [DAY: "+str(i)+"]\n Status: ("+str(status)+") -> [Contagion: ("+str(int(contagion))+") | Recoveries: ("+str(int(recoveries))+") | Deaths: ("+str(int(deaths))+")] - [Susceptible: ("+str(int(susceptible))+") | Infected: ("+str(int(infected))+") | Recovered: ("+str(int(recovered))+") | Deceased: ("+str(int(deceased))+")]")
+ else:
+ if entire_population_infected == 0:
+ total_contagion = starting_population
+ susceptible = 0
+ status = "ALL INFECTED!"
+ print(" -> [DAY: "+str(i)+"] -> [The entire population has been infected! ...]\n Status: ("+str(status)+") -> [Contagion: ("+str(int(contagion))+") | Recoveries: ("+str(int(recoveries))+") | Deaths: ("+str(int(deaths))+")] - [Susceptible: ("+str(int(susceptible))+") | Infected: ("+str(int(infected))+") | Recovered: ("+str(int(recovered))+") | Deceased: ("+str(int(deceased))+")]")
+ entire_population_infected = entire_population_infected + 1
+ else:
+ print(" -> [DAY: "+str(i)+"]\n Status: ("+str(status)+") -> [Contagion: ("+str(int(contagion))+") | Recoveries: ("+str(int(recoveries))+") | Deaths: ("+str(int(deaths))+")] - [Susceptible: ("+str(int(susceptible))+") | Infected: ("+str(int(infected))+") | Recovered: ("+str(int(recovered))+") | Deceased: ("+str(int(deceased))+")]")
+ print(" Total Population: ("+str(int(total_population))+"/"+str(int(starting_population))+") | Total Contagion: ("+str(int(total_contagion))+") | Total Recovered: (" +str(int(total_recovered))+") | Total Deceased: ("+str(int(total_deceased))+") | Total N/A: ("+str(int(total_non_affected))+")\n")
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Status'] = str(status)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Contagion'] = str(int(contagion)) # generate json
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Recoveries'] = str(int(recoveries))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Deaths'] = str(int(deaths))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Susceptible'] = str(int(susceptible))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Infected'] = str(int(infected))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Recovered'] = str(int(recovered))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Deceased'] = str(int(deceased))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Population'] = str(int(total_population))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Contagion'] = str(int(total_contagion))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Recovered'] = str(int(recovered))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Deceased'] = str(int(total_deceased))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total N/A'] = str(int(total_non_affected))
+ with open(reports_path+'PandeMaths-report_'+str(current_time)+'.json', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: # append simulation into json
+ json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=False, indent=4)
+ else: # population has passed the pandemia
+ status = "VACCINED"
+ if entire_population_infected == 0:
+ total_contagion = starting_population
+ print(" -> [DAY: "+str(i)+"] -> [ No more infected! ...]\n Status: ("+str(status)+") -> [Contagion: ("+str(int(contagion))+") | Recoveries: ("+str(int(recoveries))+") | Deaths: ("+str(int(deaths))+")] - [Susceptible: ("+str(int(susceptible))+") | Infected: ("+str(int(infected))+") | Recovered: ("+str(int(recovered))+") | Deceased: ("+str(int(deceased))+")]")
+ print(" Total Population: ("+str(int(total_population))+"/"+str(int(starting_population))+") | Total Contagion: ("+str(int(total_contagion))+") | Total Recovered: (" +str(int(total_recovered))+") | Total Deceased: ("+str(int(total_deceased))+") | Total N/A: ("+str(int(total_non_affected))+")\n")
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['DAY'] = str(i)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Status'] = "[ No more infected! ... ]"
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Contagion'] = str(int(contagion)) # generate json
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Recoveries'] = str(int(recoveries))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Deaths'] = str(int(deaths))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Susceptible'] = str(int(susceptible))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Infected'] = str(int(infected))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Recovered'] = str(int(recovered))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Deceased'] = str(int(deceased))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Population'] = str(int(total_population))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Contagion'] = str(int(total_contagion))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Recovered'] = str(int(recovered))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Deceased'] = str(int(total_deceased))
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total N/A'] = str(int(total_non_affected))
+ with open(reports_path+'PandeMaths-report_'+str(current_time)+'.json', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: # append simulation into json
+ json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=False, indent=4)
+ break
+ else:
+ if total_deceased >= starting_population: # the entire population has died! [game over!]
+ status = "FATAL!"
+ contagion = 0
+ recoveries = 0
+ deaths = 0
+ susceptible = 0
+ total_population = 0
+ total_non_affected = 0
+ print(" -> [DAY: "+str(i)+"] -> [The entire population has died!...]\n Status: ("+str(status)+") -> [Contagion: ("+str(int(contagion))+") | Recoveries: ("+str(int(recoveries))+") | Deaths: ("+str(int(deaths))+")] - [Susceptible: ("+str(int(susceptible))+") | Infected: ("+str(int(infected))+") | Recovered: ("+str(int(recovered))+") | Deceased: ("+str(int(deceased))+")]")
+ print(" Total Population: ("+str(int(total_population))+"/"+str(int(starting_population))+") | Total Contagion: ("+str(int(total_contagion))+") | Total Recovered: (" +str(int(total_recovered))+") | Total Deceased: ("+str(int(total_deceased))+") | Total N/A: ("+str(int(total_non_affected))+")\n")
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['DAY'] = str(i)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Status'] = "FATAL! [ The entire population has died! ... ]"
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Contagion'] = str(contagion)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Recoveries'] = str(recoveries)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Deaths'] = str(deaths)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Susceptible'] = str(susceptible)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Infected'] = str(infected)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Recovered'] = str(recovered)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Deceased'] = str(deceased)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Population'] = str(total_population)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Contagion'] = str(total_contagion)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Recovered'] = str(total_recovered)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Deceased'] = str(total_contagion)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total N/A'] = str(total_non_affected)
+ with open(reports_path+'PandeMaths-report_'+str(current_time)+'.json', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: # append simulation into json
+ json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=False, indent=4)
+ break
+ status = "FINISHED!"
+ if infected == 0:
+ deaths = 0
+ recoveries = 0
+ contagion = 0
+ print(" -> [DAY: "+str(i)+"] -> [ SIMULATION END! ... ]\n Status: ("+str(status)+") -> [Contagion: ("+str(int(contagion))+") | Recoveries: ("+str(int(recoveries))+") | Deaths: ("+str(int(deaths))+")] - [Susceptible: ("+str(int(susceptible))+") | Infected: ("+str(int(infected))+") | Recovered: ("+str(int(recovered))+") | Deceased: ("+str(int(deceased))+")]")
+ print(" Total Population: ("+str(int(total_population))+"/"+str(int(starting_population))+") | Total Contagion: ("+str(int(total_contagion))+") | Total Recovered: (" +str(int(total_recovered))+") | Total Deceased: ("+str(int(total_deceased))+") | Total N/A: ("+str(int(total_non_affected))+")\n")
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['DAY'] = str(i)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Status'] = str(status)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Contagion'] = str(contagion)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Recoveries'] = str(recoveries)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Deaths'] = str(deaths)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Susceptible'] = str(susceptible)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Infected'] = str(infected)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Recovered'] = str(recovered)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Deceased'] = str(deceased)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Population'] = str(total_population)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Contagion'] = str(total_contagion)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Recovered'] = str(total_recovered)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total Deceased'] = str(total_contagion)
+ data['SIMULATION'][0]['Total N/A'] = str(total_non_affected)
+ with open(reports_path+'PandeMaths-report_'+str(current_time)+'.json', 'a', encoding='utf-8') as f: # append simulation into json
+ json.dump(data, f, ensure_ascii=False, sort_keys=False, indent=4)
+ print("="*50 + "\n")
+ print ("[Info] Report [SAVED!] at: "+str(reports_path+'PandeMaths-report_'+str(current_time)+'.json')+"\n")
+def print_banner():
+ print("\n"+"="*50)
+ print(" ____ _ __ __ _ _ ")
+ print("| _ \ __ _ _ __ __| | ___| \/ | __ _| |_| |__ ___ ")
+ print("| |_) / _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ |\/| |/ _` | __| '_ \/ __|-2020")
+ print("| __/ (_| | | | | (_| | __/ | | | (_| | |_| | | \__ /")
+ print("|_| \__,_|_| |_|\__,_|\___|_| |_|\__,_|\__|_| |_|___/-by psy")
+ print('\n"Pandemics Extensible Mathematical Model"')
+ print("\n"+"-"*15+"\n")
+ print(" * VERSION: ")
+ print(" + "+VERSION+" - (rev:"+RELEASE+")")
+ print("\n * SOURCES:")
+ print(" + "+SOURCE1)
+ print(" + "+SOURCE2)
+ print("\n * CONTACT: ")
+ print(" + "+CONTACT+"\n")
+ print("-"*15+"\n")
+ print("="*50)
+# sub_init #
+print_banner() # show banner
+option = input("\n+ CHOOSE: (M)odel or (S)imulation: ").upper()
+if option == "S": # simulation
+ simulation()
+else: # model
+ model_maths()
+print ("="*50+"\n")