@@ -1,15 +1,33 @@
- + Web: https://browser.03c8.net
+ pArAnoIA - is a toolkit designed to navigate/surf the Internet.
+ + Web: https://browser.03c8.net
- pArAnoIA - is a toolkit designed to navigate/surf the Internet.
+ Current version (v0.1) is an "alpha" development. Main features are:
+ - Auto-Spoofing: User-Agent, Referer, Window(size)...
+ - TOR (proxy support)
+ - DNS (prefetching)
+ - XSS Audit
+ - Cache evasion
+ - HTTPS/SSL strict only
+ - PrivateBrowsing mode (no logs!)
+ - LiveInspector (extra developers tools)
+ - Source Code viewer
+ - Geolocation (domains visited, user IP...)
+ - No-Styles: CSS, images, fonts, etc...
+ - No-Scripts: Javascript, Java, WebGL, WebAudio, etc..
+ - Spelling "hints" to: Wikipedia, NASA, Cambridge Dictionary, OpenStreetmaps, PornHub...
+ - Different "privacy based" search engines: DuckDuckGo, StartPage
+ - DarkWeb search engine supported: Torch!
+ - [...]

#### Installing: