---------- pArAnoIA - is a toolkit designed to navigate/surf the Internet. + Web: https://browser.03c8.net ![pArAnoIA](https://browser.03c8.net/paranoia/paranoia-welcome_small.png "pArAnoIA Welcome") Main features are: - AutoSpoofing: User-Agent, Referer, Window(size)... - TOR (proxy support) - DNS (prefetching) - XSS Audit - Cache evasion - HTTPS/SSL strict only - PrivateBrowsing mode (no logs!) - LiveInspector (extra developers tools) - Source Code viewer - Geolocation (domains visited, user IP...) - NoStyles: CSS, images, fonts, etc... - NoScripts: Javascript, Java, WebGL, WebAudio, etc.. - Spelling "hints" to: Wikipedia, NASA, Cambridge Dictionary, OpenStreetmaps, PornHub... - Different "privacy based" search engines supported: DuckDuckGo, StartPage - DarkWeb search engine supported: Torch! - [...] Current version (v0.2) is on "beta" development. ![pArAnoIA](https://browser.03c8.net/paranoia/paranoia-main_small.png "pArAnoIA Main") ---------- #### Installing: pArAnoIA runs on many platforms. It requires Python (3.x) and the following libraries: python3-gi - Python 3 bindings for gobject-introspection libraries python3-geoip - Python3 bindings for the GeoIP IP-to-country resolver library python3-requests - elegant and simple HTTP library for Python3, built for human beings libgirepository1.0-dev - Library for handling GObject introspection data (development files) You can automatically get all required libraries using (as root): sudo python setup.py install For manual installation, on Debian-based systems (ex: Ubuntu), run: sudo apt-get install python3-gi python3-geoip python3-requests libgirepository1.0-dev On other systems such as: Kali, Ubuntu, ArchLinux, ParrotSec, Fedora, etc... also run: pip3 install requests pip3 install PyGObject pip3 install pygeoip ---------- #### License: pArAnoIA is released under the GPLv3. You can find the full license text in the [LICENSE](./docs/LICENSE) file. ---------- #### Screenshots (current version!): ![pArAnoIA](https://browser.03c8.net/paranoia/paranoia1_small.png "pArAnoIA Example1") ![pArAnoIA](https://browser.03c8.net/paranoia/paranoia2_small.png "pArAnoIA Example2") ![pArAnoIA](https://browser.03c8.net/paranoia/paranoia3_small.png "pArAnoIA Example3")