True False gtk-yes True False gtk-yes True False gtk-zoom-fit True False gtk-remove https_mode_img True False gtk-yes True False gtk-yes True False gtk-yes logs.img True False 1 gtk-yes True False gtk-fullscreen True False gtk-orientation-landscape True False gtk-properties styles_img True False gtk-yes True False gtk-yes True False gtk-yes True False gtk-yes 1000 600 False True True center-always images/paranoia.jpeg True False vertical True False both 5 True False False Back True gtk-go-back False True True False False Forward True gtk-go-forward False True True False Refresh True gtk-refresh False True True False Stop True gtk-cancel False True True False 10 True True You can use different "hints" when spelling: - !s <term> / search for terms using DuckDuckGo/DuckTOR(search engine) - !start <term> / search for terms using StartPage(search engine) -------- - !w <term> / search for terms using Wikipedia. - !dict <word> / search for words using Cambridge Dictionary. - !map <location> / search for locations using OpenStreetMaps. - !video<title> / search for videos using PeerTube. - !image <title> / search for images using DevianARt. - !nasa <title> / search for images using NASA(images). - !porn <title> / search for adult content using PornHub. - !deep <term> / search for content using Torch(deepweb). [...] gtk-home False True True True False True False False False False True 0 True False start center 5 2 5 5 5 True True True True This option will hide/show panel below... hide_top_panel_img False True 0 True True True This option will hide/show all panels... fullscreen_img False True 1 True True True This option will set/unset fullscreen... max_screen_img False True 2 True True True This option will enable/disable a view of the 'Source Code' from the current website... source_code_img False True 3 False True 1 True False center center 5 5 5 5 top True False center 5 5 5 5 True True False end 5 5 Mode: 0 0 True False end 5 5 Javascript: 2 0 True False end 5 5 Flash / Java: 2 1 navigation_mode_button True True True There are two different skins: 'Explorer' and 'Inspector'. - 'Explorer'; It is by default. This is the normal user navigation mode. - 'Inspector'; This mode needs to be activated. To do it, just "right click" on a website and go to: "Inspect Element". This will enable/disable some extra developers tools... 5 navigation_mode_img 1 0 True True True This option will enable/disable navigation logging services. Logs are removed on every reset of the tool. Also will set the option BowsingPrivate at HTTP headers of the requests... 5 logs_img 5 0 True False end 5 5 TOR: 0 1 tor_mode_img True False This option will show if TOR (Network Circuit) is currently working. It cannot be switched because is just a flag... 5 gtk-no 1 1 True False end 5 5 HTTPS(strict): 0 3 https_mode_button True True True This option will force the browser to use only HTTPS [SSL/TLS] requests... 5 https_mode_img True 1 3 True False end 5 5 DNS(prefetching): 0 2 dns_button True True True This option will force the browser to use DNS-prefetching requests... 5 dns_img 1 2 True False end 5 5 Browsing(private): 4 0 True False end 5 5 WebAudio: 2 2 True False end 5 5 WebGL: 2 3 True False end 5 5 Styles/Fonts: 4 1 True False end 5 5 Cache: 4 2 True False end 5 5 XSS(audit): 4 3 True True True This option will enable/disable Javascript... 5 5 javascript_img 3 0 True True True This option will enable/disable Java & Flash... 5 5 java_img 3 1 True True True This option will enable/disable WebAudio... 5 5 webaudio_img 3 2 webgl_button True True True This option will enable/disable WebGL/WebVideo... 5 5 webgl_img 3 3 xss_button True True True This option will enable/disable XSS audit services... 5 xss_img 5 3 cache_button True True True This option will enable/disable Cache services... 5 cache_img 5 2 styles_button True True True This option will enable/disable Styles services... 5 styles_img 5 1 False False 5 0 True False center center 5 20 True True False end MAC: 0 0 True False end IP(internal): 0 1 True False This is your current MAC address... end 1 0 True False This is your current private IP (used for LAN)... end center 1 1 True False end IP(external): 0 2 True False This is your current (spoofed) HTTP Referer value. It could change sometimes to evade/bypass some stuff. It is directly related with the "Intruder" Navigation mode. start - 3 1 True False end Referer: 2 1 True False end User-Agent: 2 0 True False end Window(size): 2 2 True False The WIndow(size) is the size of your window.... ;-) Some scripts (and agencies) can obtain a lot of info about you, for example, using the size of your monitor, the resolution of your screen, the size/model of your TV, etc... Then, they try to use this tracked data to review if you are always using same technologies trying to locate (even) a conductual pattern. We use this feature to set a different Window size for each request which is defined by the 'length' of you HTTP User-Agent used by this screen/happening (that also changes on each request)... A nice hack, isn't it? ;-) start 1024x768 3 2 True False This is your current (spoofed) HTTP User-Agent value. It will randomnly change on each request to hidden your original identity. Also will generate a different size for your Window(size)... double-hack!! ;-) start 1 pArAnoIA Browser (/.01%002019++/ 3 0 True False True False This is your current public IP (used for the Internet)... end False True 0 True False This is the current location of your public IP (geo-political)... 5 [localhost] False True 1 1 2 False False 2 False False 2 True False center center 5 10 2 top True False end Domain(info): False True 0 True False This is the name of the current visited domain... end localhost False True 1 True False False True 2 True False This is the country code of the current visited domain... False True 3 True False False True 4 True False This is the location of the current visited domain... end [localhost] False True 5 True False False True 6 True False This is the latitude of the current visited domain... False True 7 True False False True 8 True False This is the longitude of the current visited domain... False True 9 False False 3 True False True True vertical True True False True True 300 True False True vertical True True True in True logs_text_view True True True True logs_view_buffer url False True 0 False True 0 True True True True True True True True 1 True True 0 True False True True vertical True True False vertical logs_text_view True True True True source_code_view_buffer url False True 0 True True True True in 300 True False True 1 False True 0 True True 1 False True 4