#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-" """ PyDog4Apache - 2016/2020 - by psy (epsylon@riseup.net) You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with PyDog4Apache; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA """ import os, traceback, sys, re, gzip, datetime, string, stat from .options import PyDog4ApacheOptions from .update import Updater try: from ipwhois import IPWhois except: print("\n[Warning] - Error importing: ipwhois lib. \n\n On Debian based systems:\n\n $ sudo apt-get install python3-pip && sudo pip3 install ipwhois\n") print("[Source] - Pypi-ipwhois: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/ipwhois/\n") sys.exit(2) DEBUG = 0 class PyDog4Apache(object): def __init__(self): self.visitants = {} # visitants self.visitants_ips = [] # used to not repeat checks def set_options(self, options): self.options = options def create_options(self, args=None): self.optionParser = PyDog4ApacheOptions() self.options = self.optionParser.get_options(args) if not self.options: return False return self.options def banner(self): print('='*75, "\n") print(" ____ ____ _ _ _ _ ") print("| _ \ _ _| _ \ ___ __ _| || | / \ _ __ __ _ ___| |__ ___ ") print("| |_) | | | | | | |/ _ \ / _` | || |_ / _ \ | '_ \ / _` |/ __| '_ \ / _ |") print("| __/| |_| | |_| | (_) | (_| |__ _/ ___ \| |_) | (_| | (__| | | | __/") print("|_| \__, |____/ \___/ \__, | |_|/_/ \_\ .__/ \__,_|\___|_| |_|\___|") print(" |___/ |___/ |_| ") print(self.optionParser.description, "\n") print('='*75) def try_running(self, func, error, args=None): options = self.options args = args or [] try: return func(*args) except Exception as e: print((error, "error")) if DEBUG != 0: traceback.print_exc() def check_root(self): # check root permissions if not os.geteuid()==0: sys.exit("[Info] You need to launch it as root (ex: 'sudo python3 pydog4apache')...\n") def is_readable(self, folder): # check if logs are readable without root permissions try: st = os.stat(folder) root = st.st_uid except: root = None return root def check_access(self, logs): # check if logs required root for folder in logs: root = self.is_readable(folder) if root == None: # wrong folder print("\n[Error] This source: [", folder, "] is not valid... [Passing!]") if root is 0: # root needed check_perms = self.try_running(self.check_root, "\n[Error] Internal error checking root permissions.") def extract_logs(self): # extract logs from folder (ex: 'sources.txt') try: f = open('sources.txt') logs = f.readlines() logs = [ log.replace('\n','') for log in logs ] f.close() if not logs: print("\n[Error] Imposible to retrieve 'sources' from file... [Aborting!]\n") return else: return logs except: if os.path.exists('sources.txt') == True: print('\n[Error] Cannot open:', 'sources.txt', "[Aborting!]\n") sys.exit(2) else: print('\n[Error] Cannot found:', 'sources.txt', "[Aborting!]\n") sys.exit(2) def extract_whois(self, ip): # extract whois description try: if re.match(r'^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}', ip): # only IPs w = IPWhois(ip, timeout=5) # timeout 5 res = w.lookup(retry_count=2) # legacy whois / retries 2 descr = res["nets"][0]['description'] else: descr = None except: descr = None return descr def is_valid_ip(self, ip): # extract visitors IP / perform whois if not re.match(r'^127\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}', ip) or re.match(r'^10\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}', ip) or re.match(r'^192.168\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}', ip) or re.match(r'^172.(1[6-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-1]).[0-9]{1,3}.[0-9]{1,3}', ip) or ip.startswith('localhost'): # non LAN IP if ip not in self.visitants_ips: # create a list with non repeated IPs if ip[0].isdigit(): # parse if IP starts with a number self.visitants_ips.append(ip) ip_found = True return ip_found def check_visitants(self, descr): # check visitors list try: for v in self.keys: v = v.rstrip() if v.lower() in descr.lower(): # visitant found! key = v.lower() return key else: pass except: if os.path.exists('keywords.txt') == True: return else: print('\n[Error] Cannot found:', 'keywords.txt', "[Aborting!]\n") return def run(self, opts=None): if opts: options = self.create_options(opts) self.set_options(options) options = self.options self.banner() if options.update: # auto-update tool print("\n[Info] Trying to update automatically to the latest stable version...\n") Updater() sys.exit() print("\n[Info] Sending 'dogs' to sniff 'logs'... [Waiting!]") if self.options.verbose: print("\n"+"="*40+"\n") logs = self.try_running(self.extract_logs, "\nInternal error extracting logs.") access = self.check_access(logs) f = open('keywords.txt') self.keys = f.readlines() f.close() if not self.keys: print("\n[Error] Imposible to retrieve 'visitants' from file... [Aborting!]\n") return for folder in logs: if not folder.endswith('/'): folder = folder + "/" try: listing = os.listdir(folder) for log in listing: if self.options.verbose: print("[Info] Analyzing:", folder+log) if log.endswith('.gz'): # also read on compressed logs with gzip.open(folder+log, 'r') as f: dog_sniff = f.readlines() dog_sniff = [ dog_sniff[0].decode() for sniff in dog_sniff ] else: try: f = open(folder+log) dog_sniff = f.readlines() except: return if dog_sniff: sep = '-' sep2= '[' for record in dog_sniff: ip = record.split(sep, 1)[0] ip = ''.join(ip.split()) ip_found = self.is_valid_ip(ip) if ip_found is True: # extract info if self.options.verbose: print(" |-> IP Found:", ip) date = [record.split(']')[0] for p in record.split('[') if ']' in p] for d in date: date_visit = d.split(sep2, 1)[1] descr = self.extract_whois(ip) if descr is not None: key = self.check_visitants(descr) if key: self.visitants[str(ip)] = "[ " + str(key.upper()) + " ]" + " | " + str(str(descr) + " | " + str(date_visit) + " | " + str(folder+log)) f.close() except: pass print("\n"+"="*40+"\n") if self.options.file: # export results to file namefile = str(self.options.file) self.report = open(namefile, 'w') self.report.write("# Apache web logs sneaker - 2016/2020 - by psy (https://03c8.net)\n") self.report.write("# Project: https://code.03c8.net/epsylon/pydog4apache\n") self.report.write("# Reported at: " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n\n") for key,val in list(self.visitants.items()): print(("{} -> {}".format(key, val))+"\n") if self.options.file: self.report.write("Logs Analyzed:\n\n") for log in listing: self.report.write(" -"+log+"\n") self.report.write("\nResults:\n\n") self.report.write(key + " -> " + val + "\n") if not list(self.visitants.items()): print("[Info] Not any 'keyword' found on your 'visitants'... [Exiting!]\n") if self.options.file: self.report.write("Logs Analyzed:\n\n") for log in listing: self.report.write(" -"+log+"\n") self.report.write("\nResults:\n\n") self.report.write(" -Not any 'keyword' found on your 'visitants'...\n") if self.options.file: # close file containter self.report.close() if self.options.emails: # send results via email print("-"*22+"\n") import smtplib, socket from email.mime.text import MIMEText self.notify = open('tempmail', 'w') self.notify.write("# Apache web logs sneaker - 2016/2020 - by psy (https://03c8.net)\n") self.notify.write("# Project: https://code.03c8.net/epsylon/pydog4apache\n") self.notify.write("# Reported at: " + str(datetime.datetime.now()) + "\n\n") self.notify.write("Logs Analyzed:\n\n") for log in listing: self.notify.write(" -"+log+"\n") self.notify.write("\nResults:\n\n") for key,val in list(self.visitants.items()): self.notify.write(key + " -> " + val + "\n") if not list(self.visitants.items()): self.notify.write("Not any 'keyword' found on your 'visitants'...\n") self.notify.close() self.notify = open('tempmail', 'rb') msg = MIMEText(self.notify.read().decode('utf-8')) self.notify.close() doggy = 'pydog4apache@'+str(socket.gethostname()) herd = self.options.emails herd = herd.split(',') msg['Subject'] = '[pydog4apache] You have interesting visitants...' msg['From'] = doggy msg['To'] = ", ".join(herd) msg.preamble = 'You have a report with visitants...' try: s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost') s.sendmail(doggy, herd, msg.as_string()) s.quit() except: print("[Error] Not any SMTP (email) server running on: '"+str(socket.gethostname())+"'... [Passing!]\n") os.remove('tempmail') # remove temporal email container if __name__ == "__main__": app = PyDog4Apache() options = app.create_options() if options: app.set_options(options) app.run()