psy 9fb2cceb64 moved from 6 yıl önce
LICENSE 9fb2cceb64 moved from 6 yıl önce
README.txt 9fb2cceb64 moved from 6 yıl önce
manifesto.txt 9fb2cceb64 moved from 6 yıl önce
requirements.txt 9fb2cceb64 moved from 6 yıl önce



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Apache web logs sneaker - by psy


# Project info

Web: []

# Summary

PyDog4Apache is an Apache web logs sneaker.

With this tool you can search for specific keywords (such as: government, police...)
on Whois description of the IPs of your website visitors by -automagically- analyzing
Apache logs provided (you can set folders of logs to manage all your projects).

Also you can generate a report with results or send them to a list of email recipients
like an alert.

# Installing

PyDog4Apache runs on many platforms. It requires Python (2.x.y) and the following libraries:

python-pip - alternative Python package installer

On Debian-based systems (ex: Ubuntu), run:

sudo apt-get install python-pip && sudo pip install ipwhois

Source libs:

* Pypi-ipwhois:

# HowTo

Usage: [options]

--version show program's version number and exit
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u, --update check for latest stable version
-v, --verbose active verbose output

-r FILE generate file output with 'visitants'
-n EMAILS notify via email (,,...)

# Usage


./pydog4apache -v

Generate report file:

./pydog4apache -r my_visitants.txt

Notify results via email to some recipients:

./pydog4apache -n='root@localhost,,'

Combine options:

./pydog4apache -v -r my_visitants.txt -n

Launch it as daemon (notify via email when finish):

./pydog4apache -n &

# Updating

PyDog4Apache implements an option to update the tool to the latest stable version.

This feature can be used only if you have cloned it from GitHub respository.

To check your version you should launch:

./pydog4apache --update

This will update the tool automatically removing all files from old package.

# Timelog

11.04.2016 : v.0.1b
